League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

24 Aug


Originally posted by zekeismydaddy

I can assure you there's a HUGE amount of work that go into the unique Eternals. Ideation, scripting, balance, working out the progression time, testing and localisation.

This only tells how pathetic of a company Riot truly became IF you really had to work that hard just to create a simple KDA tracker. Don't even act like there's something really standing out in those missions, most of them are KDA, only one mission slightly changes, if you have the dignity to call them a change though. But yeah coming up with "/allchat ?" must've been really hard. L M f**king A O

I was referring to the unique ones for each champion, not the kill based ones.


Originally posted by [deleted]


I can assure you there's a HUGE amount of work that go into the unique Eternals. Ideation, scripting, balance, working out the progression time, testing and localisation.

You can obviously still have the opinion that Eternals are not worth the price (as is a right every consumer has about every luxury product), but it's just incorrect that a system like this is not complicated to implement.

I mean, there'll be over 420 uniques if there's 3 for each champion in the game. That's an insane amount of work.


Well in this particular case you can play, it's just in the second set. But in general if you try to lock in 1 minute after lock in is closed then you can't play for the day.


Originally posted by CptnZolofTV

You can only sub one person correct? I have a different bot lane for Sunday than Saturday. Should I just make a new team Sunday?

Yeah just make a new team. Subs aren't really a thing any more because the tournaments are all single day. It doesn't span the whole weekend like previously.


Originally posted by OmegaExorcist

Thank you, is there an official list anywhere? Would be appreciated

So it's in the client but unfortunately you can't see it once you join a team. Essentially the whole thing starts at 9 EST for tier 4. A new tier starts ever 30 minutes.


Originally posted by OmegaExorcist

Ah, tier 2 as of now (3 of 5 have joined us)

Yep. That's it then. Tier 2 would start at 10 EST


Originally posted by OmegaExorcist

Yeah my confusion is that it says lock starts at 10pm est but 6 pm PST to EST should be 9 PM est. Yet it says lock starts at 10 so I'm confused

What tier are you? They have different times when lock in begins


Yep. You can make a whole new team Sunday if you want.


Originally posted by OmegaExorcist

Hey so the clash post on the site says 6 or 8 PST but client says like 10 for me? Is the lock in time decided by the tier or am I missing something. I am EST btw. Thanks in advance!

Yeah the post is PST so the client is showing your local time.

    /u/AzuBK on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by TheeOmegaPi

Yes, I am referring to that statement, but I think maybe some clarity on the intentions of the changes might add to the impact of relying on the players being happy. Something along the lines of:

We were considering changes to Teemo's kit that would make him more fun/accessible/unique/[insert goal here], which meant that we needed players to be on board with our ideas in this case. In the end, it seemed like we couldn’t make a change to meet our goals for Teemo without being deeply divisive—and we weren’t comfortable shipping something unless the majority of his playbase was on board with the changes.

The addition of the first sentence (that I bolded) emphasizes the goal of the rework, the importance of player feedback at meeting that particular goal, and allows for the final sentence to use player feedback & happiness as the metrics for the success of those changes. Does that make sense?

Sure, makes sense.


Originally posted by [deleted]


Same amount of matches for everyobe


Yeah. It ends for all teams at the same time.


You can create/join a team right up until the end of the tournament for each day so as long as the whole team is locked in before 9:00 PST you should be able to play!


You can invite people right up until the end of the tournament. The cutoff is when the tournament is done for the night which is 9:30 PST.


There is still time! As long as they are ranked before Sunday at 8:00 PST they should be able to play at least one day.


Originally posted by LoyaltyLlama

Im seeing you a lot in these clash threads. Thanks for taking your time to answer our last minute panic induced clash questions hehe

No problem! I just want everyone to play!


No need to get tickets this time around. Just sign up and play.

23 Aug

    /u/AzuBK on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by TheeOmegaPi

Basically, my question was if there was a better way to phrase the statement to begin with, given that there were other serious considerations to be made along with the community reaction.

If you're referring to this statement:

We tried a few variations of the changes, but in the end, it seemed like we couldn’t make a change without being deeply divisive—and we weren’t comfortable shipping something unless the majority of his playbase was on board.

Then no, I think it was phrased accurately. This set of changes was meant to make Teemo players happier (to my understanding), and it didn't seem to be doing that, so we weren't comfortable shipping them.


Originally posted by Graves_Cigar_

Small chance but do you know DawnBringer or Denimvest?

I know DawnBringer!


As long as you finish placements before Sunday at 8 PST you should be able to play at least one day of Clash.