League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

22 Aug


Originally posted by Shocky_2

I hope you guys send some artwork like you did with T1, but with this quote watermarked across it.

"Fix your f**king game Blaustoise" -Yassuo 2019



Depends on how many games you win/play and how long those games are. You are guaranteed 2 games so I would say at least 2 hours. It could go as long a 4 hours, but there is no set stop time.


Originally posted by HeyItsChase

I have a question. Hopefully here is a good spot for an answer.

One buddy is diamond one buddy is bronze can they play together?

You can! Be aware though that the matchmaking will heavy favor the Diamond player (it's not an average) so your bronze buddy will be out of their element.


Originally posted by Zytoxine

Hopefully TFT rewards are exclusive to TFT game modes. I really don't want to feel compelled to play something to get a skin in a completely different game mode. X(

That's our thinking too - rewards should recognize accomplishments for a context you wanted to play in anyway, not leave you feeling forced to play something you're not interested in so you can use them elsewhere.




Originally posted by Nevran

It make me laugh so much when I see many people write the "Their midgame is terrible" because they heard Duke sayit and some analyst also say it but they wouldn't know how to explain it.

I am not saying it isn't true, but jesus do people quickly adopt the narrative they read when nobody was saying that before and just said "They are so slow lol XD".

Edit: Just a quick reminder as I think I didn't properly explain myself. I am not saying that claiming "Splyce mid game is weak" is wrong, I am just kinda pointing out that everyone labelled Splyce differently before and it wasn't until the casters, promotional content (podcast, promo) and coach explained they had mid games issues that suddenly people repeat the same thing. My problem is that people don't even get why they have theses issues but they repeat the narratives, which mean the moment Splyce will properly resolves theses issues, we will get the "SPLYCE MID GAME" meme for weeks despite it no longer being true. T...

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To be fair, throught the majority of the split we on the broadcast have highlighted a lot of their mid game mistakes, mainly stemming initially from players not really knowing what to do and getting caught out, developing later in the split to skipping or missing steps in terms of their set ups. I think it's understandable that viewers are aware that Splyce have mid game issues, it's just that the issues have changed/evolved/whatever word you want to use throughout the split.


Originally posted by FrankTheBoxMonster

Would you be fine with the idea of the community being able to recreate and maintain these game modes on their own if Riot is unwilling to (ignoring the immense technical effort on Riot's part required to support that possibility within League)?

Unfortunately I think that'd require us giving much deeper access to our code than would be safe. I have no doubt there are a lot of great community devs who would be willing to partner with us on the work, but the risk of even something comparatively "benign" like scripters getting more insight into our systems would be massive, to say nothing of the worst case scenarios that could end up causing real-life harm to folks.


Originally posted by Cruxxor

Tbh, I don't actually know any person below ~30yo, who never smoked weed. Back when I was a teenager, weed was as common as beers at parties, even people who aren't fans of smoking, usually tried it couple of times. I would be really surprised if Vedius never did.

I have never in my life done any drugs or smoked. I drank while at uni but I also don't drink alcohol. So there you go, surprise.


Originally posted by LadyFaceless

Thanks for the answer. I do understand it for normal RGM which included all champs, but that is with gamemodes which only have a limited amount of champs like Dark Star, Invasion, Extraction or OVERCHARGED? How much work does these modes require?

Re: OP's other point about events feeling like battle passes with nothing else to do... a lot of Rioters agree, and we've been having discussions about how to fix this for the future. Things won't stay 'battle pass or bust' forever.

It is funny to see that kind of answer then we all know two more pass events are on the horizon. Everything this year has felt mostly like low-effort expect of TFT and even thaz brings the same problem - greedy monetization.

For the examples you cited, the unique systems in each mode create their own set of work in terms of champion interactions, and they'd potentially require more work than other modes in terms of underlying systems changes since I *believe* (not an engineer or QA) work done to make systems changes function for always-on modes isn't "inherited" to the same extent as modes that are closer to our always-on modes. For example, I'd immediately believe someone if they told me the damage system changes we made to update Death Recap broke the monsters in our PvE modes.

Re: battle passes, to make sure I'm not confusing anyone, we're not looking to remove battle passes (though we do want to improve them). The feedback we want to tackle is that recent events have felt like they were too much about the pass—or only about the pass—compared to older events. We want to add more things into our events to make them more engaging and exciting.


Originally posted by doughboy011

I'm just sad that they can't be bothered to have a rotating game mode. Or hell, even allow private matches to play the extra game modes. Just doesn't make sense to me.

Edit: /u/RiotAether Gave an answer to my comment! Be nice guys!

Suuuuuuuper late to the party, but hopefully this is still useful to folks.

First, one misconception I want to clear up: having a mode available only in customs doesn't reduce the work needed to make it available. The main work involved in bringing a mode back is making sure it still works with everything we've put in the game since its last run, including everything from champs, VGUs, functional changes to abilities, items, runes, skins, underlying code changes like how damage is recorded or how textures are loaded into game or how game results are recorded in match history, etc. Even if we were willing to let rotating game modes be crazy buggy for the sake of only turning them on for customs (we aren't btw), some bugs are bad enough that they can crash entire game servers, meaning hundreds of matches would crash—not just customs—so even then we wouldn't be able to avoid that preventative QA work if we want to bring a mode back for custom lobbies.

Re: OP's other po...

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Originally posted by Ilyak1986

PhillyBrew? Are you from Philadelphia, out of interest?

Yes sir


You should look into Slime Rancher


Originally posted by Banterscc

I havent played in clash since beta when there was a bo4, bo8, and bo16. Is this not a thing anymore?

Yep, it's just one 8-team bracket now


The year was 2012. I was a senior in college. I'd recently made some new friends, and one of them introduced me to the game.
I played my first game as Teemo. It lasted 72 minutes.




21 Aug


Originally posted by Banterscc

so we'll only play 4 games max? Or on sunday night will the rounds go later?

Sunday should be basically the same. If you win the bracket you will have played 3 games.


yeah it depends on the length of the games but 4 hours would be about the maximum it could go.


The times are the same on Sunday.


Originally posted by [deleted]


Wow I really loved how you didn't just keep it to league analyst, you expanded your insult to include literally anything. I could be analysing a sandwich and you want people to know that my analysis would not be trustworthy. Making sure I really get the message. I respect that.


Originally posted by MarquisOfThorns

Quick question Vedius. I don't know if you touch on this later in the episode, but when you said Origen might not get to the gauntlet, I really tried to see the math behind it, but I can't see a scenario where OG will be behind in points with four other teams besides the summer split winner.

So is there something I missed?

No, I was just incorrect. I confirmed with my stats team today that because of how the playoff matches are set up, Origen have locked a spot in gauntlet. They still have a shot at worlds!


Felt like we had some good discussions this episode. Want to thank again the two for the invite. I'm looking forward to playoffs!