lec casters suck
Could you could give more context as to why? Any feedback is always welcome.
lec casters suck
Could you could give more context as to why? Any feedback is always welcome.
It's flat.
How about this?
- 2 Prestige Summoner Icons (one Gold, one Void Purple)
- 250BE
- Random Emote
You're probably thinking to yourself: 'This is absurd - we don't have the budget for that it'd kill the company!' to which I have three words: Ahri Lux Kai'Sa
I'll be in touch, but let's just say the future of skin development looks golden in my book.
son it’s gonna take AT LEAST three Ahri and Lux skins to pay for that
To /u/RiotDrakos How did you end up as PBP Shoutcaster and how long did it take you to be where you are standing now? Was it a difficult road?
Also, how is it possible you didn't cast MSI finals? You got the best voice and the way you hype is just perfect. YOU BETTER CAST WORLDS FINALS, not some NA plebs.
To /u/Ovedius Was it tough to "get in Deficio's shoes"? How hard did you have to improve or maybe it was easy to be probably the best colour caster?
To /u/RiotQuickshot Why do you consider stepping down as caster? In my opinion you are doing great job as PBP caster and honestly, you and Sjokz are the face of LEC.
Lots of love to entire LEC crew, you are doing a fantastic job!
How did you end up as PBP Shoutcaster and how long did it take you to be where you are standing now? Was it a difficult road?
Also, how is it possible you didn't cast MSI finals? You got the best voice and the way you hype is just perfect. YOU BETTER CAST WORLDS FINALS, not some NA plebs.
Originally I wanted to be a color caster, I’ve always had a love for deep strategy and it felt like color casting let me scratch that itch. But as time went on, and I surrounded myself with more and more color casters, eventually someone had to PbP. I tried it and enjoyed it immensely. When it came time to apply for Riot I actually went through a massive crisis of faith as I was offered opportunities as either a color or a PBP. In the end I chose PBP and while I’ve since been a host and analyst on the desk, I’d say my strongest role is still clearly PBP.
Getting into esports and casting was quite easy at first but progressively got harder. I sta...
Read moreWhy is europe going to win worlds?
For Quickshot: What is the actual job of an on-air talent manager? What tasks do you take on?
For Ender: I find your fashion style quite different from that of the others and I like it. Did you come up with that yourself or was it suggested by someone else?
For Drakos / Medic / Quickshot: How can you train to get the words out quickly without stumbling and still sound natural and easy to listen to?
For Laure: Being an interviewer, I assume you talk to players a lot off camera - how hard or easy was it to develop a relationship to everyone so that they and you feel comfortable during interviews on camera?
I've definitely been pushing my style in a more casual direction. We decided to make a shift away from suits and ties all the time as a team, but I really wanted to push for a more unique look and if I'm being honest, I dont really like suits. Bomber jackets for life
What elo are you guys? Do you think your play in your own games has improved as a result of the analysis you’ve done while casting games?
I've never been better than high gold, currently Silver 2. I'm not very good at the game and definitely don't see the intracacies that my colour casters do, but yes learning the game, how champions feel and watching pro players teaches me the theory, I just suck at putting it into practise.
More a technical question but would it be possible to get the champion stat box (the one you get when a champion is selected) on the bottom left back. It is currently hidden behind the lew layout.
The new layout is great but I miss being able to see how much AD or stack of an effect a champ has. The NA LCS still has it for example
/u/Barshnip Any chance you can help?
To all the casters: What was the most insane game/series that you casted in your career?
G2/FNC from last split that ended with the Rekkles backdoor. That was nuts
- The on-air team,
Was there ever a moment in your career that you thought ‘Damn, I’ve made it!’. If so, was there any one event that sparked this feeling or was it a gradual build up? P.s. LEC has been amazing to watch this year so thank you!
Quickshot sliding into my DMs and asking me if I wanted to come to EU :)
To /u/Endercasts I'm curious how you have found this split. What have you learnt(Casting fiestas,writing segments), did it live up to expectations, any surprises? etc
You're obviously still new and going through the backlash from the viewers that all new caster go through but we usually don't get a perspective on until they've been accepted by the viewers. You obviously have a lot of talent and have been improving over the split. Good luck man!
The newest thing for me has been writing a lot more comedic segments, specifically stuff like LEC Update. I really enjoy that sort of writing so I've been really happy to see the positive comments on those types of segments. Looking forward, I want to start writing a lot more stuff like that!
To all the amazing casters of the LEC, I'll be coming to the LEC finals in Athens next week, is there a chance I'll get to see you guys? Talk to you a bit and maybe get an autograph and a selfie or two?? You've done such an incredible job ever since the rebranding ( and before that of course) and you're making Europe proud, I've never been more proud of being a European! Cheers!!
There will be photo ops sessions, but it's not 100% guaranteed that we will get to see everyone. Generally speaking at the end of each show day there is a chance that the teams / casters will come out and take photos. If however it's a 5 game series, that sometimes cuts the casters out, as we have to prepare for the Sunday show and get some rest. On Sundays if we have 5 games, then the venue restrictions mean we have to leave pretty quickly and break down the stage and tech.
Short answer is yes, there is a chance, but long form, don't build up expectations that this is the ONLY thing that will make the weekend enjoyable! With some luck and timing you can say hi!
This goes out to all the casters (PBP and Colour):
- What is your all time favourite casting moment/single line someone else made in League history?
ps: Love all of you and your work. Thanks to you guys, the LEC is usually the highlight of my week!
Joe Miller - FLASH BANANA, YES, I have always said those bananas are TOTALLY overpowered.
To the casters: Who would be your dream guest to have on the broadcast?
Trevor Noah.
Why is Quickshot not listed as PBP caster?
My official work title is listed above, I have two roles. On broadcast I am a PBP, but I also manage the team, responsible for hiring, development off air and a few other responsibilities not directly related to the show!
It's also a fact that no matter what it ends up being, this reddit will cry half the frontpage full.
Riot could legit gift everyone every skin in the game and people would say: "I didn't want that Teemo skin, f**k you Riot".
you’re absolutely right
that’s why we think the best way forward is to just disappoint everyone equally
thanks for the response! Deficio is an icon tho, I look forward to her getting better and better
And he got equal if not more flame than Laure did when he started. Always remember that, always remember that professionals work on all aspects of their craft, including accent.
To Frosk and Quickshot: Both of you are very vivid casters and gesticulate a lot even though it is not possible for a stream viewer to see that during the match. Had I not visited LEC studio, I would have never discover that.
Why do you do all that extra moves? Does that help you expressing yourselves or is it just emotions taking control out of you?
For me, it's just an expression of the feelings that I have, and that it feels natural. I gesticulate a LOT, like A LOT A LOT. I always move, wave my hands, talk with my body and it just carries through when I'm on air. I haven't done any formal presentation training at a school or anything, so I don't really know if it's good or bad, but it works for me, it feels natural and I kinda like it :P
I have loved this season more than anything. Lots of great little segments like between two Iverns and your web series, like the cooking interviews. There has just been plentiful of well made tidbits that helps us learn more about the players and give us a good laugh!
Without revealing too much, how many new and exciting segments are you working on? Both for play offs but also for next season?
And do more bets on Euphoria!
Right now we are knee deep in prep for Athens, RQ and Worlds. I can say with confidence that 2020 plans are on the horizon, but not yet FULLY activated. The Berlin team tends to go into planning mode around October / November and defining what our goals and strategies are for the next season. It's going to be a hard bar to beat, but you can be guaranteed that we will try!
Lets get a deal add 1 RP on 100 BE and we gucci
okay 😳wow😳 listen here we are trying to run a 💵business💵 here
however you caught me in a 😊good mood😊, so thanks to 👌Your Feedback👌 we will be adding 👍1 free RP👍
never ask anything of us again 😤