League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

24 Jun


Originally posted by SummonerKai

As always Riot delivers on an amazing skin trailer & the music department kills it too. While I won't be buying the skins cause I hate em (cait is bae though) - I said "wtf no way" so loud at the lucian and garen skins at the end that my friends were like "dude you ok?"


Really wish I was good at graphic design or video editing working with Riot would be a dream job.

Never too late to learn!


Originally posted by MemoryStay

Hey will there be pool party skin line this year?

Currently we’re not planning on any pool party champs for this year. Is there a particular champion you’re looking yo see in it?


Originally posted by CABoomerSooner

Can you confirm anything about previous prestige skins being available?

Selfish question, I’m just sitting here with 3 of 4 Prestige K/DA skins, missing Akali due to finals but with 100 tokens in my inventory.

This is a contentious topic. We are still figuring out if / how we'd bring back Event Prestige skins outside of the current ultra rare loot drop. Open to suggestions!


Originally posted by CoUsT

Hey, seems like you are mission/shop/event thingy Rioter, so I'll ask - any plans to put in "Your Shop" anything for people who unlocked all skins? Even Hextech offers or icons/wards will be appreciated, so we can get something too and you will be able to potentially increase your sales.

Your Shop is literally useless for me and instead of bringing excitement, it brings me "Eh, again?" feeling :(

We've talked about adding accessories to the mix, but it's not likely to happen for awhile.

23 Jun


Originally posted by Boow_

How much for the pass?

1650 RP


Originally posted by sikisatajlanda

am i gonna be allowed to buy key fragments????????



Originally posted by Sedirex_KR

Milestone 1: Score 40 Points  (Win = 5 Points, Loss = 2 Points) - 5 Prestige Points

Milestone 2: Score 80 Points - 5 Prestige Points

Milestone 3: Score 120 Points - 5 Prestige Points

Milestone 4: Score 160 Points - 5 Prestige Points

Milestone 5: Score 200 Points- 5 Prestige Points

Kinda confused by the wording here. Last event every PP mission was 40 points and they unlocked consecutively. If you actually have to get 40 + 80 + 120 + 160 + 200 (600 points, or 120 wins) that's batshit insane. Also why is there no price listed for the pass?

All missions are unlocked from the start, so you'll be making progress towards all of them simultaneously. We did this so you can see all of them laid out, and it should help keep your progress going if your missions are taking a bit longer to process (when they were chained, you could potentially miss out on some progress).

We are making some optimizations to missions (y'all play a LOT of League) to make chaining a thing again, but if you prefer it this way, let me know!


Originally posted by CaptainClumsy04

So is there no way to get 100 Prestige Points for 2,200 tokens this event?

Can confirm it exists.


Originally posted by can4rycry

So no "Your Shop" thingy? :(

It's coming! Should activate June 28th.


Originally posted by Elteras

As in like, specifically more than usual, or in the sense that every skin is a passion project and you guys are happy with how these turned out?

It’s true that every set of skins we work on are the product of passion and creativity. It’s also true that we’re excited at how these turned out. We’re hoping that players really like and support both Arcade and Demacia Vice so we can go bigger and better next time around.


Originally posted by Soneresc


Inb4 meme about Riot only making Lux skins.


Originally posted by AnataBakka

do you mean set or universe?

i suppose set, and if so, when are you guys going to create the arcade universe? one that includes arcade:battle bosses, arcade:heroes and supposing Demacia Vice?

Demacia Vice is a separate thematic from Arcade. We just decided to bundle them into the same event because they’re both colorful, playful, and fun.


Originally posted by goobydoobie

Please tell me you have a Noxian Vice Draven in the pipe line.

Seriously, Draven oozes the sleaziness and a Vice themed skin would be perfect.

Can’t confirm anything as of yet. Assuming these have a strong reception you can bet that we’ll be happy to hear suggestions. :)


Originally posted by toyako34

Massive props to you guys for this. It's a great idea and I can't wait to see how you've executed it. I will defo be getting the lucian one.

Thanks for your support. :)


Originally posted by Th3cz

Avid Garen player here, got all his skins. Will definitely be picking it up. Where do I best send feedback when i've gotten to play it for a bit?

Feel free to post here on Reddit once the skins come out. Sure there will be a thread on release.


Originally posted by Moonboy65

are Garen and Lucian inside the Arcade universe as a sub-universe?

Demacia Vice is it’s own skin universe. We just paired it with Arcade for our summer event this year.


Originally posted by bubbleharmony

Not gonna lie this was terrible timing with Shadowbringers release this Friday. There's absolutely no way in hell anyone I know'll be anywhere near League for weeks.

Hope you enjoy the expansion and looking forward to seeing you back after. :)


Originally posted by MidChampsWhere

Assuming that you work for skin team, why don't you guys make skins which are more eastern or enchanting type like Butterfly Princess or Mermaid Queen or Flower Kingdom etc
These themes are so crazy here and would work on Ahri, Lux, Kaisa, Janna etc
You guys seem so focused on "mature" and "dark" skins mainly which is so narrow minded of western people

Also, when you will update Ahri tail animations ? After SG, i am sure tons of Ahri players find every other skin unplayable.
Maybe you release her at 10th anniversary and also an ultimate skin and return her SG announcer pack. Like why are you all so mean. Let us have SG Ahri Voice pack

While we are a western game development studio we do try to balance between the tastes of eastern and western players alike. There are some skins in the works that hopefully hit on some of the desired aesthetics you mention.


Originally posted by SoDamnToxic

Officially my favorite skin line...

We hope it lives up to your expectations. :)


Originally posted by reminderer

question about the pass, how will it work with the tft pass? and tft in general?

The TFT Team is looking to release, validate that players enjoy the mode, but also validate that it is stable at scale.

Because there’s some amount of uncertainty, we didn’t want to tie the pass to TFT. (Would feel bad if you bought the pass wanting to get tokens via TFT and then something went awry.)

We’re definitely going to examine options for TFT + Event Passes in the future. Just won’t be integrated for its first run around the block.

This doesn’t mean that there aren’t rewards in the current Event Pass that work in both SR and TFT. The event exclusive KO and Game Over emotes will likely be spammed in a TFT game coming to you soon.