League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

12 Jun


Originally posted by amasimar

... But only Q is in the reflection!

This guy gets it


Originally posted by Calcain

I'm hoping Amaz and hafu got invited too.

They did!


Originally posted by AnimalIHaveBecome

Let's do a LOL MMO next please, thanks haha. The Runeterra map would be insane to play through.

Dude.. I know..


Originally posted by Quzzy

What do you mean by more limited?

Our pools of champs are slightly smaller


The reason why it's like that is because you're looking at his reflection in a mirror.

11 Jun


I always saw your posts, and when I picked up Mordekaiser as my project, I thought of you and looked forward to the day we could finally answer "when."

...then I forgot to follow-up when we announced, but I'm glad your time has finally come. I hope you enjoy it :)


I've seen some people saying "it's just a meme" and OP mentioned "group think" and I could see how memes or the mores of the western communities give the perception of "katana man bad", but I think that players fundamentally engage with League (and other games) differently across the globe.

Another high n survey that we recently ran didn't focus on champions, but rather on core gameplay perceptions that I would have expected would be more universal than champion preferences. We asked a sort of "Goldilocks" question about damage in League of Legends: is damage too low, just right, or too high (the actual question was more specific; also on a 5-point scale).

Taking a look at the results, we saw pretty substantial differences in the perc...

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    /u/Jatt on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Probably an important thing to reiterate -- the 6th rank of abilities aren't available until lvl 16.

When looking through data, Udyr reaches lvl 16 in ~ 33% of his games, lvl 17 in ~19% of this games, and lvl 18 in ~10% of his games. So looking at the changes through that lense: in 66% of games Udyr will have a 10% AD ratio nerf at all ranks on Tiger, and a 10-25 damage buff on R, with no other changes to his kit.

In 33% of games, he will be able to add one additional rank into one of his abilities abilities, and in 10% of games Udyr will be able to have 3 abilities at rank 6.

Hoping to remove the uselessness Udyr feels when he's got 5 points in 3 abilities at lvl 15 and feels like he's wasting skill points into a stance he should never use. Probably a lot less WR% power in those last 3 points since they are spent so rarely, and often spent after the game is already decided.

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Zoli_Ben

Could I ask what is EndlessPillows will be up for next after Morde?

Probably a new champ, but he is going to take a small vacation after Morde ships

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Ould I ask if you found a project for Newmilky yet

yes she is working a new Champion with Jag and Jellybug


Originally posted by Riot_nicolo

That’s the only reason we are launching the mode. Needed an excuse to release Pengu and other Little Legends to the game.

Its actually a tamagotchi digital pet game in disguise??? With autobattler on the side >:D


Originally posted by SapMagic

We're planning to have hotkeys.

Best News I Heard all Day! >:D


Originally posted by 97012

space dragon good

Fortnite bad