I like to call this the Novalas effect.
I like to call this the Novalas effect.
Is there a bug report thread? Cause I wanted to know if the combining with a unit from the community draft pool and not actually combining for a few rounds is know.
It's known!
Hey guys here is EU Rising: Origen, hope you enjoy!
Yeah sorry for coming off as a dick. It's just that the one game I was going to win was crashed, so I came to your comment to vent.
But here's a legitimate question: Did no playtesters test the surrender option? When I thought about it, I thought no one would've because it'd go against the idea of testing the game itself, so no one ever surrendered. So the gamebreaking bug went unnoticed.
And once that bug was fixed, I played for several more hours straightx so ultimately a success.
We did. There were numerous things leading to crashes, the surrender one was the smallest of them. There were others as well. We discover new things when we test at scale even though we ran a large internal test.
Not sure if it has been reported too, but if you kill a unit while the round is over and you're taking damage to your poro (happened to me with brand ult bouncing) the game calculates damage again and you take it twice.
That particular brand had morello, not sure if the item triggered or was something else.
Yep, it's known, thank you!
If this is really the reason the game keeps crashing for everyone, than it's really not worth playing right now unfortunately. I've finished ONE game, the other 4 or 5 have been disconnects. If simply surrendering crashes the entire game for everyone, then why even bother playing if every game is gonna end that way? Honestly, probably should disable TFT or PBE entirely until it's fixed. You physically cannot finish a game right now.
We have fixed the crashes now.
That Karma nerf is the most whack f**king thing I've seen in a long time. Instead of reverting the movement speed duration buff they gave her which pushed her over the edge, instead they're nerfing her shield duration by almost half.
Jesus christ, just why? Why hit something that wasn't a problem instead of reverting the thing you just made problematic?
Yeah this was meant to just be a revert of the MS duration buff from last patch. Should be fixed for tomorrow
If this is really the reason the game keeps crashing for everyone, than it's really not worth playing right now unfortunately. I've finished ONE game, the other 4 or 5 have been disconnects. If simply surrendering crashes the entire game for everyone, then why even bother playing if every game is gonna end that way? Honestly, probably should disable TFT or PBE entirely until it's fixed. You physically cannot finish a game right now.
We're working to fix any crashes ASAP!
Can't report bugs so I'll post a massive one here;
If you use the surrender button in the menu you crash the entire lobby.
Thanks for the report, we're checking it out!
Turns out Vander is pretty good at League of Legends.
You have Chromas and other skins, you can mod skins to add a crown or new weapon model. This seems like a lazy response.
Whatever criticism you want to put to the TFT team, I can tell you that lazy could not be further from the truth. I have personally never seen such a passionate and dedicated bunch of developers in the last 12 years of game dev.
Watching them work is inspiring.
I made the decision to not put wolf in.
While the League champion Kindred is 2 halves of a whole, the Lamb in TFT does nothing that involves wolf (she ults and shoots arrows). He would have created a ton of extra VFX noise without any gameplay benefit.
Fight clarity is something we've been working hard to improve in TFT and it took precedence over preserving League lore. Likewise, you'll notice Lulu is missing her buddy Pix.
Long term, if we have more time to polish spells that don't have immediate gameplay needs, would likely look to put wolf into Kindred's ult (he could fly around the edge of the circle).
What happened to the stats for the free stream on lolesports now? Did you guys have a change of heart?
Nope! Stats are still there, we just had some system-wide outages this past weekend :( We made several improvements this week that should restore full service for this upcoming weekend.
Wouldn't 1000 pieces with pure RNG make the game really crazy to play?
I didn't mean we'd have 1000 pieces in the game haha. I meant when we are deciding what sets to do, how many pieces, if we only looked at champions we'd have 140 options. When we look at champions plus skins we have SO many more.
Have you guys considered a banner system for the upgraded units? Almost similar to how our ranked armor works but as some kind of hovering icon/base for the champion.
We've looked at a bunch of things. I do not know exactly what you mean by banner system.