League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

05 Apr


Originally posted by I_AM_A_MOTH_AMA


You might have to read more. Not "A rioter thinks" but "Riot has data on what different regions prefer." Feel free to disagree but not to misrepresent.

I'm personally not crazy about how similar they all look but that's a separate question entirely from why they look the way they do.

I'll be sharing some data on this today :)


Originally posted by I_AM_A_MOTH_AMA

Blaustoise Twitter thread.

TLDR Chinese like this thing.

I'll share some more thoughts on this today

04 Apr


Viper would have had Penta kills in this montage


Originally posted by aSexyPotato

you improved a lot btw, fantastic job overall

Thank you so much! Next time I will obliterate him alone :)


He's actually at around 48% in our data, but I agree he's too weak right now and am pushing for a buff for him. The point of the changes were to make it possible for us to actually buff him, which in my mind were a success because he's actually in a state where we CAN.

I never expected the balance to be perfect immediately after the changes, in fact I was surprised at how much we gained from them by themselves, but he's shifted down a bit over time.

Imo often people are too quick to conflate a champion literally just being underpowered with having some severe design problem. If we can get him a 2-3% buff he's going to feel a lot better, and hopefully not be at 100% pro presence again.

Edit just to add, before the changes he was sitting at around 44%, but was unbuffable because of his pro presence.


Originally posted by snx8

I think drakos did the lyrics so mad props to him!! And from the rapping to the production.. Holy crap how long did this all take!! So much for for 4 amazing minutes!

Drakos does a lot of the writing and creation, I try to help out with the ideation, a couple of lines and I help with flow once we have a solid structure. I was actually really happy to be involved more so with the writing and creation! Hopefully as I gain more experience, I can help Drakos out more :D


Originally posted by Jridajane

http://prntscr.com/n7m1lv Yeah. I get no offers.

Feel free to put in PS ticket if you think you're seeing this in error! They can confirm for you. :)


Can you post a screenshot of your offers please? Note that if you do not own the champion it'll bundle it together for you.


Originally posted by Matcas98

Vedius is the type of dude who ints as jungle but gets carried and types in all chat "better jungle wins better luck next time :^)"



Easy clap tbh. We haven't even reached our final form.

03 Apr

02 Apr


You should be getting them around Wednesday evening of this week. Thanks for coming by our event!


Oh hai Tanner! Not much going on in my neck of the woods, just working, being a dad, doin the usual.

Congrats on your Mustang GT - that's a sweet ride.

01 Apr


D for Dlash F for Famage


