League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

22 Mar


Originally posted by Penelopisk

So when do we cut the domination tree?

If you're thinking eyeball collection is nerfed I suggest you read the changes again. You gain double the adaptive per stack and need to gain half as many stacks total. Assists give you the same value as kills (with their value being overall raised since it used to be 1/20 for an assist and 1/10 for a kill - now they are both 1/10).


To clarify on Eyeball Collection, you still get a stack on assist - takedowns are both kills and assists. Now you gain the same amount for killing or assisting, and the max amount needed is reduced.

Edit: I can see now that it looks like it reads that Zombie Ward and Ghost Poro stack infinitely - that's not the case, both of them only stack up to 10 just like Eyeball Collection. The total Adaptive you gain from each of them is the exact same.


Originally posted by [deleted]


The current format was supposed to fit the semi finals in one day, but thanks for your feedback. We're definitely revisiting it for future splits.

Btw. we will have a pre show at 16:30 CET. Don't miss out! <3

And for the Berliners, we still have some tickets up for grabs. Come by the studio and say hi.


Originally posted by wronglyzorro

I have a copy but unfortunately don't get to play it enough

The sentiment almost every boardgame player shares. One of the only things I miss from my super small startup days was that my boss had a massive collection of games (3-500) and we would play boardgames at lunch every day.

Yeah the amount of cardboard on shelves is truly sad. I'm only a couple of hours into Gloomhaven and I have Mage Knight expansions to mess with, and Spirit Island just got here and and and

21 Mar


Originally posted by StrifeStark

how do you ask question on this or that ? do you have to ask them on twitter or dm them ?

If you got something, dm me.


Originally posted by jokekiller94

Apparently it has similar quality of $200-300 board games but at $75 iirc

I am a HUGE board game nerd and it's so cool to see MvM ranked so high at BGG. I have a copy but unfortunately don't get to play it enough; it's a great co-op game!

Am I allowed to say that? Is that shilling?

20 Mar


Originally posted by Roseking

Let me rephrase. I would rather not think TSM as a character who dies.

But now we are discussing a joke too much.

I am delighted that something I wrote would evolve into an anime argument.

I think Asoriel's take is really interesting, actually!


Originally posted by vfactor95

That makes sense, I guess I just made the connection to salt because of the whole being salty meme in league (and gaming in general I guess).

you'd be correct, my friend

19 Mar


Originally posted by mma_spider

If there is one skin I'd never have expected for Ivern, it's that.

Length is super valuable in today's NBA.

18 Mar

16 Mar


By the way Premier Tour Quarterfinals will be streamed tomorrow (Sunday) from 12pm CET. Tune in, it's going to be fun! Channel is twitch.tv/riotgamesde

Semifinals and Finals will be in the LEC Studios next weekend - this is the first time a regional league will use the studios.

15 Mar


Originally posted by L-E-iT

If you don't mind me asking, have you ever experienced a game server pod on k8s being migrated from one node to another? Is that something you allow? If you don't but you have tested it, how has that impacted the game in your tests?

Thanks again for the answers :)

A game stays to the same server it started on no matter what. Even then I don't have much more than personal application "for fun" experience with k8s (as i'm an infrastructure fellow that works on stuff beneath that layer), so I'm not sure what has been tested or not, nor the results.

14 Mar


My only ask is that to please use the correct versioning for the patch (9.5) as using 9.05 would wreck havoc on our build systems and my eye twitches seeing it displayed this way.

Source: I work on the Build and Deploy team.

Other than that, keep up the great work :)

13 Mar


Originally posted by mazrim_lol

I did get the thanks for applying but we are not looking at you at this time response, I don't want to sound too entitled as I know you get a lot of candidates but it seemed very short and wondered if something big like not being based in Ireland was a straight up decline etc

I would say, respond back and ask for feed back and recommendations on what you could improve or change.