Damn 100 Garens is a lot. I guess its quiet noisy in your datacenters.
Lots of whirring, its like a URF one for all with both sides picking Garen
Really interesting concept. I think that is one of the main differences when everything is scaled up like crazy. However you still need to worry about corrupt data spreading over multiple systems - right?
Not really, I mean theres obviously a risk, but its pretty low given that most data is pushed too servers, and the only thing that comes back goes through well formed APIs. I dont know that we've had an incident like you describe.
Sounds interesting. Can you tell something about the management hirarchy you guys are running? Classig team with teamleads or something different?
Teams are mostly self organizing, but my part of the world we have a Dev Manager hat that takes care of trying to keep us working on a sustain...
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