League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

14 Feb


Originally posted by [deleted]

I’ve been looking for 5 minutes man. Why you gotta do me like that

He actually was hiding. But the pop out at the end didn't work so we cut Phreak :(

13 Feb

12 Feb


Originally posted by 1-3-dioxetane

It's probably actually Jatt's Dog

Yep. It is Jatt's dog Kubo!


Holy crap, these are beautiful! <3 <3

11 Feb

10 Feb


Hey, long-time observer here :)

Learning to observe can be a bit overwhelming at first, but extremely fun after you get used to it.

I'll just answer the questions the best I can here.

  1. If you enter settings in spectator mode, you will find all the keybinds that are needed for observing. You want to specifically go for "Drag Scroll Lock" seen near the bottom in this picture. https://gyazo.com/29c8351f4f06739add988b5050cba6ab It will center your mouse (hidden) in the camera and make the camera move much smoother around. As well you will want to use the "Select blue/red player"-keybinds to move around the map with out having to click the minimap.

  2. ...
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VODs for most regions including LPL can be found here:


I'm not seeing this. Are you still experiencing this issue?


Originally posted by gingerking247

I should rephrase myself because your right. It is user friendly but I used to click on games and see who people played and what not, was able to check rosters on easier. Maybe I’m just dumb, which is a real possibility lol, but I haven’t found ways to look at team rosters and stuff like that. If there is, help a brother out haha

Sorry about that. You're right, those pages are missing. Ultimately they weren't getting a ton of traffic on the old site and were not prioritized for the new site because of that. They may return at some point but no plans currently. While we don't have those pages any more we're working hard to push updates/improvements to the new site that we hope will make up for it.

09 Feb

08 Feb