If you know the reference the helm is as well to an old great skin artist who left a long while back, that is also a great plus. Ironstylus was such a good skin artist for the tools he had at the time.
Here I go diggin in the Forum Archive again :D
If you know the reference the helm is as well to an old great skin artist who left a long while back, that is also a great plus. Ironstylus was such a good skin artist for the tools he had at the time.
Here I go diggin in the Forum Archive again :D
This episode was an EXPERIENCE. Let me know what you thought!
I do not know. It’s been a couple years since Zileas and I last spoke but he was at Riot then.
Zileas is. Not sure about Volibar...
You’re missing an S homie, right now you’re just talking about asses :P
you're a life saver. thanks.
This interview was honest, I don’t see why he’d get flamed considering people have been flaming him regardless
Sometimes I feel like people assess an interview being good or not on whether they agree with the interview subject's perspective. I've always considered an interview good if it teaches me something about the subject that I didn't know. I think it's interesting that Jensen believes he never had the team to win before, but now he does. Makes Saturday all the more interesting to me.
I really like both this and Zven's interview. Interesting perspectives from two players who are very accomplished, but still chasing that elusive LCS title. Honesty.
In terms of design direction & data proof, how far from viability is his top + support?
Are you looking to help both roles out? or one more than the other?
Top and support are pretty close, with support being very slightly better. Jungle is like, 5-9% winrate lower depending on elo.
out of curiosity, would you claim that xmithie at his peak was better than meteos at his peak?
Hmm... this is a tough one. I think Xmithie's MSI run was really great, and even the 2013 Summer Split, I think a lot of people forget he was regarded as the best Lee Sin player, and plenty of people suggested Xmithie would be a better international player than Meteos because he was more aggressive. So if Meteos' peak was 2013-2014, then Xmithie already wasn't that far behind. But probably I'd still take Meteos -- he'd be in the conversation for sure if he'd played for longer and more consistently on a team in the last couple of years.
maybe people just have different parameters for what GOAT means
I think for many it means their fav player right now
Ah. of course.
Well this is a shitstorm of comments
honestly i didn't think xmithie would really be this contentious lol. GOAT means consistently performing at a high level over a long period of time. he's been to worlds with 4 different teams in a role that, without fail, gets flamed more than any other in both pro play and in solo queue.
as for impact, i think that's more debateable, but it feels pretty fair to say he's at least in the conversation. maybe people just have different parameters for what GOAT means tho!
Honestly I could just put “TSM” here like three times and have nothing else and someone out there would still read it and be like, “Yes.”
@ me coward.
@-iSeraphim TSM TSM TSM
I like ovilee more the greatest weeb to ever exist
Woah hang on a second..
"We're going to shock the whole world!" - Caps
In game - The team just sits by the fountain and doesn't move at all.
Game 5, 35th Minute -> G2 sitting inactive at Fountain for two minutes after taking 1 Inhibitor -> FNC pauses -> Refs investigate why G2 can't move -> Caps smiling "We're going to shock the whole world!" -> Game resumed -> FNC confused -> Jankos presses R -> Pentakill -> Minions finish the Nexus. #scriptleak
Hi Rednamed!
Sorry to hear about your problem! If you bought a Collector's ticket (the one that costs 4,90€ extra), this is a physical badge-like ticket that should have been sent to you via post. Sounds to me like it got lost somewhere on the way to you, which is frustrating!
Please follow this link: https://help.ticketmaster.nl/hc/en-us/articles/360006581113-How-can-I-contact-Ticketmaster- On the very bottom you find phone-numbers or contact form for "Urgent question". I hope they can help you!
If time does not allow, please print your order confirmation and brin...
Read more:O
Dear Riot,
That Nautilus buff does nothing for his jungling. He is a jungler, not a support except in niche situations. Stop trying to put him back in the support role.
Everyone Who Misses Jungle Nautilus
Naut jungle is so far from viable compared to his other roles that we don't think it would be responsible to try to buff it into viability without some much larger mechanics overhauls. So really it would be a matter of trying to put him back into the jungle role if we wanted to.
LMFAO this shit is actually unbelievable. "She may be above 53% in the major regions but in Vietnam Bronze-Silver shes actually sitting at only 51% winrate so the champ is fine btw"
Vietnam is a major reason. It has more players than NA.
I did enjoy them in general.
Thanks ObliviLeon. Cool name. I like them too, but I think we pushed a little too hard Sunday. We’ll get it right.
Ok Faker jeez.
first letter of each sentence