League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

17 Jan


Originally posted by timamcd

We love you guys too. <3

<3 <3!


Originally posted by Naerlyn


I've seen it twice before your post - OP, I need you to tell me this: did the Teemo against you have the Omega Squad thing?

In all three occurrences of the bug, there was a Teemo. In the previous two, he had that skin. And Teemo was the only champion in common in the first two games.

Also, completely irrelevant note, was that a Zoe with Press the Attack there?

Oooh, this is super interesting... and odd, haha. Thanks for this note! Definitely a good start on tracking this bug down. :)

11 Jan


Originally posted by Riot-aBhorsen

It belongs to whoever is willing to make a proper Yorkshire brew in it!

Yorkshire brew



Originally posted by Riot-aBhorsen

Thank you, that is very refreshing and nice to read!

Dear Scott, it seems you promised your mug (green with white dots) to several Rioters in the Berlin office. This leads to confusion and arguments over it. Could you please clarify to me who inherited your mug?

On a serious note, it was always a pleasure to work with you and I wish you all the best!

EDIT: We both know it is my mug now, right?! RIGHT?!

03 Jan


Originally posted by spyrothefox

“It felt less like a Jhin and more like a person playing Jhin.”

Why is this neccessarily only a good thing? It can also be seen as diminishing the actual in-game fantasy of a champion, something which Riot takes very seriously. Why make Urgot so scary, with his quotes, meatgrinder and all that stuff, if he can just show a cute kitten after executing you which kinda ruins his power fantasy completely? Sure, as a player you sorta become desensitized to all the different champions personalities, but emotes are just adding to the problem. I don't want to sound too hateful, in fact I also use the thumbs up emote, but just becase it is really versatile, emotionally neutral (I mean it isn't a character) and it's easy to imagine how the champion you play would express his/her approval when you flash this emote. I would like to see more emotes of this kind.

Hey Spyro,

That's an interesting point, and immersion is something that comes up with lots of the cosmetic content, like skins, in League. With Emotes, as the researcher I was actually excited about how these might get people to treat each other more as... people. After observing a lab, the Player Behavior team actually recommended having the automatic beginning of game Emote to serve that purpose of humanizing the other players in the game by showing their chosen flair right when it starts.

The Emote team is working on bringing new Emotes to League, and more 'neutral' or 'scary' ones are always a possibility.

31 Dec


Originally posted by dogofhavic

Im probably gonna get that GG symbol tattooed on my outer bicep. Super minimal and nice looking.

Wow! Let me know if you need a HD version of the logo, can probably find one for you when I'm back in the office.


Originally posted by [deleted]



29 Dec


Originally posted by timestamp_bot

Jump to 01:57 @ 2017: The Playlist | League of Legends

Channel Name: League of Legends, Video Popularity: 98.74%, Video Length: [02:05], Jump 5 secs earlier for context @01:52

Downvote me to delete malformed comments. Source Code | Suggestions


Originally posted by astormintodesert

The whole section from 1:22 to 1:30

Does anyone know where theyre from - The cosplay lux (normal) interview, the band, the sneaky/chipotle - havent seen those videos before.

We tried to use 2017 league videos from all over the world, so we ended up with some footage I suspect a lot of people haven't seen before.

Lux is from a video made by our Russian office, where they have a series focusing on the local voice actors for champions.


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Originally posted by Razetony

What was the one with the frozen champs and crying Galio?

27 Dec


Originally posted by Tummers


w t f

26 Dec


Originally posted by furnarius_rufus

Why LATAM didn't want names like Tokata/Takata/Tekata?

hmm...I checked the doc, and there's no note about why. IT COULD BE ANYTHING

edit: rgdzz3 got us covered

25 Dec


Originally posted by ChemtrailEUNE

Sion's and Kled's ultimates

I very often listen to music while playing and I dislike the game sounds trashing the music, so I turn it down. During these games, I got caught by a Sion more than by anything else...

Other than a few situations like that, I don't really experience any issues. It definitely doesn't affect my games too much, otherwise I wouldn't do it. A truly deaf person might have a different perspective (although /u/ArtsmeiH claims it's fine for him), but for me who plays a lot without sounds, it's fine mostly.

(replying to a higher comment thread for vis) Merry Christmas to you too, /u/BUNKYRAY and /u/ChemtrailEUNE! :D

Audio coordinator here. Thanks for bringing this up! This is something we've been ruminating on for a bit of time (a few Rioters have brought this up before to the audio team and sound designers have discussed it as well - pinging /u/rioteno and ...

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Originally posted by BurnieTheBrony

Supports rage last, but they rage the hardest.

this is the realest thing i've ever read.

21 Dec


Originally posted by FrankTheBoxMonster

The "dying poros" part of the post will be completely overlooked because of URF mode, but I still wanted to share this unused poro death animation that would have been used when they run into fountain turret. This animation got replaced with the "jump up and run away" animation. I don't know how the "crispy-black" charring plan mentioned in the article fits into either of these animations.

gif of animation

gif of animation

he was just playing...r-r-right?


Originally posted by HiImSoRandom

Why is lethal tempo disabled in ARURF?

I get ult hat, but having crazy attack speed at times is the type of thing that can make URF fun, it's not like everything oneshots you anyway

I'll try to dig for a video of why (will have to be after winter break though).

If I can find a video, you'll understand why we turned it off lol. :P


Originally posted by Yenick

Alright my man we can jam a little. In another post you say you're not interested in balancing urf. But as a veteran who has played every version of urf hardcore, I see the little changes here and there like no more stacking BTs on zed/ezreal (original version), or brand can't permastun you at level 1 anymore (recent version).

So, be honest, are you indeed balancing it then? If so, why not run normal urf and balance it some more so there's not insanely OP champs?

The line we draw is usually "bugged or broken".

Bugged examples are usually perma-stuns like you mention. EG: Zilean and Brand. It's unacceptable for a champ make you literally unable to play the game.

Broken is basically Sona. We will exhaust every other avenue before resorting to "switching off a champion". In the case of Sona in URF over the years, we've tried everything from blanket hitting "shields and heals" holistically to actually reaching directly inside Sona's script and just dividing everything by 2. No joke. We did that. She still sat a full 10% above 2nd place with a mid 70's winrate.

We don't want to reach inside individual champs and fork SR for the sake of "balancing URF". As many players mentioned, that's part of the fun. But permastuns are lame and URF Sona is a cosmic deity sent to bring ruination on all our computers. She must die for the greater good.


Originally posted by Blanchild

But isn't your sample size too small to make inferential claims on the effect of normal URF? How many times was it available? 2? It has never really been tested properly. For example, maybe data would be different if URF came back monthly instead of building up hype for years and then have one big burst of 2 weeks that makes people go all in on LoL. Or it would be different if URF was a permanent mode for which you have to earn tokens to play it by playing normal/ranked games.

I had that exact same "binge" hypothesis many years ago, and we tried running URF twice quickly back-to-back in succession when RGM first launched. We saw an even worse effect on the second run than the first. There's always a possibility that "it just needed more time to normalise, it wasn't enough!", but we felt there were better design alternatives than an existential game of chicken. :/


Originally posted by lemongrazz11

Do you think these statistics might be skewed though?

A lot of my friends come back for break and that’s THE ONLY time they play league - and generally during those breaks/holidays is when urf comes out, which would mean the player rates decrease because the holidays are over not because of URF?

We considered the possible "URF tourist" effect too.

We use "net churn" to measure, which includes revivals, and are looking holistically at hours played as well, which regularly sees a drop after we run vanilla URF.