League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

23 Sep


Originally posted by KctheKnight

"Every day I touch code, I try to make the spaghetti a little more like linguini, because as we thicken these noodles, it'll eventually be like a lasagna." 10/10 meme my good sir, gonna flame you for linguine spelling though ;).

To start, the information I feel that is lackluster/needed is clarifying why things are done in certain fashions. To expand I also dislike the approach Riot has to most things. (I am entitled to thinking this and anyone is entitled to disagree.) Instead of biting the bullet and admitting to mistakes it always seems to come out as excuses. Besides my disdain of current business tactics/f2p model strategy, the things I want information on are the cycles of what and why things are being prioritized and worked on, a developer blog that isn't meant to be a giant visual spectacle, with more pictures and flare than actual information (like most of the crap I see hashed out)... just a blog post of sorts would do. I have been one of the bigg...

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I'm sad that I don't know pasta well enough to spell it after being at Riot for a while... Also, of course you're entitled to think whatever you like, and it's fine if we end up disagreeing or agreeing in the end.

Some of the reasoning behind a beta format was to avoid forcing all players to upgrade to the new experience all at once and give us the ability to test things out. There are definitely a lot of new fancy animations, and I'm fine with or without them. I can see how it can be frustrating for it to be fairly flashy. As for the other client concerns, we do still have people working on the client and fixing those bugs / concerns, but we don't have as many people completely dedicated to it as we did before.

If these animations bother you, you can modify the low spec mode in the client settings. I have a feeling you're referencing the engineering blog and being interested in seeing more posts about prioritization, but if not, you can see a little bit more about ...

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22 Sep


Originally posted by alice077reformedv2

im tired of italian. can u guys make hummus or something

Would you like any peppers or anything?


Originally posted by Faeleon

Not OP, but thanks to you and the rest of the staff taking time to answer frustration and other questions. :)

We all know there is a huge laundry list of things to do and you guys are doing a good job of killing the memes one at a time!

Of course! Thank you for playing League and helping to give us memes to kill! :)


Originally posted by KctheKnight

The issues I have with Riot and the way they go about things is the backwards guise of transparency. They always jump on the fact they give insight and information on small and normally irrelevant changes with an attempt to be genuine on all fronts of sharing information. Riot is not a small indie company anymore, we shouldn't back down on being upset when there are small or large issues with the game that could easily be at least talked about in a timely solution based discussion to address them, just because they made progress on other fronts doesn't make my point invalid. They can't fall back to the sort of excuses they could have used 4 years ago. I feel like the lack of information then making excuses about why there is a lack of information is generally why I get frustrated with Riot overall. Anyway, I think there is a disconnect with what Riot thinks players want and what they actually want, You think you do, but you don't Always enters my head when I read a Riot po...

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Hey KctheKnight,

I'm sorry you feel that way. I don't think anyone here is trying to say you shouldn't be upset or that your points aren't valid. There are things that upset me about League too. What things would you like more information on?

For what it's worth, I've worked on the new client and seen enough of the old client code to tell you that the visuals aren't the only thing that's changed. I was damn near scared to death of touching anything in the old client because of how legacy and interweaved everything was. With the new client, I've already made several changes without breaking the world, which is huge. The rewrite was a big win in helping us unlock the ability to do things like missions, clubs, etc, even though parts of those can be frustrating as well.

Every day I touch code, I try to make the spaghetti a little more like linguini, because as we thicken these noodles, it'll eventually be like a lasagna. I don't know if that's appetizing or no...

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Originally posted by sukazu

Thing is there are death recaps out there (think LSI) which are fairly good enough and miles ahead of riot's one, while also being made by a way smaller group, with no contact with the game.

Going from there, if you don't know how these type of things work in a compagny such as Riot, how would you not think that they are insanely lazy ?
You're not adressing that at all, the common guy can't understand why Riot can't do something in 5 years than an external group can do really fast.

It was the same thing with replay, people genuily can't understand why a big compagny can take years to do things than external devs can do
Once again the argument that was given was the issue being able to watch previous patches replay. While opgg replaygg etc couldn't aswell, once again, LSI was able to do that.


Not to say the least, but your paragraphe on runes is insanely dishonest, death Recap was broken for way more time than the dev team started...

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'ello sukazu,

I just finished typing up a response to froyork, and I can understand where you're coming from and your frustration. It's difficult to take everything into perspective when just reading a response online.

I'm sorry that you feel that the runes reforged team working on runes for a year and not fixing death recap beforehand is just a joke or placating statement, but beforehand, they were likely a part of the team that was working to rebuild the legacy League Client, a project which has recently really fleshed out to being closer to matching our expectations. Deprecating the legacy AIR client was a huge win for us as it's unlocked significant potential for us to do things in the client that we've never been able to do before. The technology is finally here!

Talking about the runes team isn't an excuse, it's an attempt to try and explain how things like this work at a place like Riot. There are things that are very important to the core of the ga...

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19 Sep


Originally posted by [deleted]

I could do this for sure when I get home later. Thanks so much for the reply!!

Gonna be a few hours for me to reply since I'm in China; make sure you submit a support ticket as well with those logs attached!

13 Sep


Originally posted by lolyoda

Yea I wish there was a game where you can like walk around the world outside of the gwent game. /s

Would be kind of cool if they added some combat, kind of like they brought the cards to life.

11 Sep


Originally posted by Negative_Neo

Oh man make her play VII or X, the story so amazing, or well you can skip VII and wait for the remake.

Also you are making me want to play XIV, maybe I should download it and try getting into it.

PERSONALLY I think VII has some hardcore nostalgia glasses and is a real mess.

BUT maybe she'll choose that one next :)

10 Sep


Originally posted by barcodetilter

In my experience people still usually just honor the best player

that explains why I get so many honors

06 Sep


Originally posted by EpicKraze

Check out the ROX vs. SKT series during Worlds 2016. It is the most high-level and intense series I have ever seen.

I'd agree here -- great venue, huge crowd, lots of tension and massive moments



05 Sep


Originally posted by CarpenterBee

Same here. It was kinda dissapointing watching them throw their leads and lose live in the stadium, but I knew both teams were fantastic and going to worlds. So while it sucks to lose to TSM in a BO5, IMT still put up a great challenge for TSM, and worlds is where their skill really matters.

First time in the big lights can be tough, but they really gave us a fun series to watch. I think with more high-pressure time they'll get better.

I was losing my mind in game four tho.


I think more than a role, it's easier to find a style of champ you like. Just play a bunch in free rotation in bot games or normals until you start to feel a vibe.

It took me a while to figure out I really like diving initiators, and then to realize the best place to play them is from the jungle (and I also hate being in a lane).

But mostly it's about putting games on champs until you click somewhere.


Originally posted by Dongsquad420BlazeIt

Shit happens. You responded immediately which is better than we can say for Ben Brode.

in his defense we don't have to write a whole rap


Originally posted by RedShirtKing

Seriously. Worlds cannot get here soon enough. So many good storylines. Will EU bounce back from their failures at Rift Rivals? Can TSM finally escape the group stage? Could Longzhu finally take out the SKT dynasty when it matters most? And, my favorite, how good is Gambit, and how awesome is it that we finally get to watch Diamondprox and Edward again on the World stage?

This is going to be epic.

I'm so hype to see how far IMT goes

04 Sep


Originally posted by savemeplzs

thanks Tummers your rad too

no u


Originally posted by MegaCharizardY72

Meme stuffs


Pls spare me

Sorry Cactopus is busy right now, so too bad you're stuck with me here's a meme

iS htIs hOw u mMme


Originally posted by [deleted]


I was yelling a lot. A LOT.

I think my heart stopped a few times before it finally broke.