League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

30 Sep


Originally posted by umbrofer

óximo passo é tentar 22.2.

So... It's like I told you now I'm using a RTX 3060TI (nvidia) and the same problem continues

Sorry. Missed that bit.

So, after you have played a game where you've experienced that slow down, can you send me the .RPD file found in "Riot Games\League of Legends\Logs"? You can DM me a link to it if you like. The RPD file will give me detailed information about the performance of your last game.


Originally posted by umbrofer

3060TI e

Adrenalin 22.5.1.
But, currently have an RTX 3060 TI drive 517.48 and the same problem persists.
I'm sure this problem is CPU related.
It's just on League

Can you try the 22.9.2 drivers? AMD have been having issues with DX11 for a few driver versions. Even Epic has been recommending downgrading to 22.2.2 to fix issues in Fortnite (see here: https://www.epicgames.com/help/en-US/epic-games-store-c5719341124379/launcher-support-c5719357217435/rolling-back-amd-drivers-a6845503685403).

If 22.9.2 doesn't work, then the next step is to try 22.2.2

Let me know how you go.

29 Sep


Originally posted by umbrofer

Server: BR

- Type of Bug: In-Game bug

- Description: The FPS droppes hard during the game, and after some minutes it's impossible to play. I've submitted a support ticket about it and have done all possible procedures you can imagine, but it's bugged. (not fixed since 12.11 patch :))))

- Steps to reproduce: start a game, wait 5-9mins

- Expected result: I do not lag at any point in game

- Observed result: I lag in game

- Reproduction rate: 10/10

- System specs: RTX 3060TI Ryzen 5 2600, 16GB RAM

Unfortunately, the bug is still on and it's been many update patchs since the first complain about it and Riot haven't fixed it yet.

I did an update. I had an RX 480, now an RTX 3060TI and still the same problem :p Ty riot games.

Hey umbrofer. What's the driver version for your GPU? There have been some reports of DX11 performance issues with some AMD drivers.


Originally posted by Snufflebox

It was my first year of watching Worlds, but from what I understand, their champion pool in general was very unorthodox, making them very weird to play against for the bigger teams.

Likkrit with his Taric and Kira's Anivia in particular, with PvPStejos going demon mode on Nidalee in multiple games.

Also, Likkrit did play Brand in one game, against G2.

Ah, thanks for the correction.




Originally posted by ManEggs

And something I always love to point out is that at one point in that group, ANX were 4-1, with their last remaining game against the 0-5 G2, while ROX were 3-2, their last game being against the 3-2 CLG who had beaten them previously.

ANX had to stay on stage, playing ROX and G2 back to back. With that game against ROX going 50 minutes, they were no doubt gassed. If they had beaten the 0-5 G2, they would have taken first with no tiebreaker.

A wildcard topping the group 5-1... now that would have been legendary.

And that was with their support player not playing his core champion pool. That year, his most-played picks were Zyra and Brand but didn’t play them at Worlds.

Then the quarterfinals onward was basically defined by Zyra support and her counter in Ashe-MF.





Originally posted by TrAseraan

Its probably just put there cuz players kept building it on fighters just like how is ashe listed on the support list now even tho how garbage ashe support it.

It's there because it's an important piece of the Fighter item space. It's not an accident.


Originally posted by J-Colio

Shred vs pen? I think everything is pen now, yes? There's only pen and lethality.

Black Cleaver, various champion spells


Originally posted by kanated

Wit's End was an issue of being TOO good first item

It's basically the same story for all the items on that list.

Riot has never said they nerfed legendary items because "OMG how dare you not build a Mythic first". It's such a ridiculous thing to even suggest. Especially in a thread about BotRK, which has been built first by several champs ever since Mythics came out.

Everytime there's a comment in this sub saying some variation of "Riot said/did X, but now they're doing the opposite" it's always either misleading or flat out bullshit.

Riot has never said they nerfed legendary items

Just to be clear, this does represent a shift in our approach to Mythic items. (I don't remember offhand everything we've ever said about them, but internally it's a thing we've been changing recently)


Originally posted by claptrap23

No word on the FPS drops again? Lol

Hey Everyone. I'm a senior engineer at Riot and I specialise in performance issues.

Lets see if we can't get this fixed once and for all.

Most of the reports I've seen seem to be AMD related (some are Intel, but they may be different issues). The data I've seen from bad games looks to be independent of the game mode (happens in TFT and League) and isn't affecting just one portion of the game loop. This indicates that it's probably not due to Riot code.

Searching around even Fortnite seemed to be experiencing issues with a couple of drivers and Epic recommended rolling back to version 22.2.2 (https://www.amd.com/en/support/kb/release-notes/rn-rad-win-22-2-2) (This was from 22.5.1 and 22.6.1).

So, if you are experiencing the issue where the game s...

Read more

Hm interesting. I think I fixed another bug 7 years ago that seems to have created this one lol 🙃

28 Sep


Originally posted by IamLevels

Why is Riot trying to make Udyr top a thing. R is already so frustrating to play again for almost all melee tops as it takes up the whole width of lane with just 1 point and chases after you so he can zone you off the first few waves with just a single spell, why are they making it even better at clearing minions?

We are reverting some of the nerf from last patch as Udyr top lost 4% winrate. We intend to support it at a ~50% winrate, as we agree that around 52% is where it becomes higher frustration.


Originally posted by SocialistScissors

Mortal Reminder

Pulled from the patch


Like, seriously. Can you just buff the bad items riot.

Likely will re-address Mortal in a future patch with larger changes, we concluded that just buffing the stats was not satisfactory for an item of this shape.

27 Sep


Originally posted by Gaarando

Pretty mediocre list imo. He himself says the Smeb play wasn't that good it was moreso it made no sense for G2 to group up there when they see a Kennen right next to them.

Perkz his play was cleanup, as soon as Faker died in a stupid way that was gg.

The Vayne play from Uzi was good for that time, it wasn't perfect but yeah it was really long time ago.

The Faker shockwave wasn't anything special, Wolf his engage however was. This set up that shockwave. Don't want to give Faker credit for something his team mate should get.

And the Ashe arrow I hated. Duke legit knows it's coming and decides to stop recall to move 1 inch and then uses TP. Like seriously just move a bit and then TP, it doesn't change anything.

We've had a lot of plays happen during Worlds that were just good individual play that didn't require the opponent to make huge misplays. The Wolf play in this list is one of them.

I sort of felt the same, but apparently these were the plays selected by the community! Haha

26 Sep


I would love to hear what you thought about the list but also how I presented my thoughts. I'm not usually in this type of content space and genuinely wanna hear if some things were better than others!!



25 Sep


Because I played before Diana came out I can't say the actual answer of Diana for all 3. The first champ in thought I'd main...I think was Amumu? Or Garen. It was a long time ago.

24 Sep


Originally posted by TheTruexy


wtf 2 shen?