League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

25 Jun


Originally posted by Ruuzart

I really like Quickshot and Dagda as a casting duo, we need more of them!


24 Jun


Originally posted by lifeinpaddyspub

Something I think gets a little overlooked on Shadowflame is the 200 health it gives. To your point about Rumble liking Void Staff more, a lot of high elo Rumble mains seem to skip it unless there is an absolutely egregious amount of MR. Most Rumbles are running Rocketbelt into Shadowflame, that’s 450 bonus health on two pen items which is kind of nuts on the durability patch. It’s also why the Everfrost + Shadowflame combo can feel so strong on the mages who run it, you become legitimately hard to kill (Taliyah, Vex, some Viktors were doing it).

+1 your post, also target selection matters a lot as well. Rumble/most AP champions in mid game should not be looking to kill Frontline in teamfights with Void Staff and instead look to kill backline with Shadowflame.


Originally posted by NeitherAlexNorAlice

Yeah, the remake sucked, cast was hilarious, and we had crazy pause shenanigans, but don't let that distract you from how Vedius solo killed PoE in 2014 with a red buff prank.

Based. I wish the VOD still existed.


Originally posted by Sonder332

Anything more specific? More concrete or substantial? I agree with your take on Sej, but this feels like 20/20 hindsight, especially when you aren't exactly forthcoming with predictions of your own. Senna's worst lane partners are other marksman? With all due respect Phreak, anyone could have told you that. What else you got?

I’ve specifically been playing Senna/Renata with Yasuo and Olaf and both have felt very, very fun. Extremely snowbally when ahead. Not that bad to play from behind.


Originally posted by inntake

First time I've seen a man with a suit and sandals... it definitely does not work. Love you Quickshot



Glad we got that bugfix in to help out Shadowflame. Great post!


Originally posted by Glock_in_my_Honda

Quickshot could make drying paint interesting



I definitely went off the cuff for that one. Didn't have a plan beyond "give me a mic" the rest just happened hahahhaha


Originally posted by Masalar

Unfortunately the Emporium is tied to monetization and the past few years have burned away pretty much any and all goodwill players have in that area. Just look at the thread about KenAdamsNSA moving to something new. It paints a pretty clear picture of how players feel about this area, and it's not positive. There are also a lot of sentiment as to how...honest (or more accurately dishonest) players feel he has been.

So it's not just what people think about Riot, it's what they think about the monetization area of Riot. And those thoughts are very, very negative. So I appreciate that you're taking time to comment here, but you have a very uphill battle ahead of you.

Make a post. If players feel this way give them a voice, but that wasn't the message I got from the original post. I could be wrong though.


First let me caveat this by saying I'm a Software Engineer at Riot Games, but I don't work directly on League and I don't have the context to know exactly why "the Emporium is built, tested, and shipped in a... not so great way that takes astronomically more work than any reasonable person would fathom." Quote taken from this post.

That being said, I feel like this objectives of this post are unclear. Let me explain. First by addressing the original point and then by following up with what I think the objectives are and some commentary on that.

It's not possible for the blue essence emporium to need so much work...

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Personal favorite moment is when Guru takes the microphone from Kien in the post game interview.

The ending is also just so good!

23 Jun