League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

03 Jun


Originally posted by Mazrim_reddit

Their pick rates are very high though still - implying they are still being picked into games they should not be as a strategic choice.

If left for a few months people might stop blinding ad assassins every game and only pick them when a team comp supports it, increasing their win rates.

There is nothing that currently proves pickrate and win-rate are correlated/negatively correlated outside of immediately following reworks/reshapes. By this same logic, Zed (8% pickrate and 48% winrate) is MUCH MUCH worse than Veigar (8% pickrate and 53% winrate) in the same meta.


You have to use the data somewhat responsibly at least:

Mid: https://lolalytics.com/lol/tierlist/?lane=middle&tier=all

The very first AD assassin (if you count him) is pyke at 49 flat. All the rest of them are below.

Jungle: https://lolalytics.com/lol/tierlist/?lane=jungle&tier=all

The very first AD assassin is Nocturne at 50.7 (if you count him), Kayn (if you count him) at 50.4, with everyone else below 50.

This doesn't mean they are TRAGIC by any means, but does not imply they are powerful. And ...

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Originally posted by swan-sie

Just seeing a lot of buffs to damage numbers immediately after the durability update worries me a bit. Do you know if there will be another quick gameplay thoughts discussing how the patch landed, and where RIOT is aiming to direct the game next?

there will be, yes


We're specifically trying not to do this.

I'd love to hear things from players around what things specifically you're worried about going back to the old state? (And what things in the new state feel weak/strong?)

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by ithrowstacksonegirls

Is there any chance for a female darkin in the future or atleast A DARKIN?!

Their is always a chance


Originally posted by stonerbobo

I get that "ggez" is not exactly clever but it is funny to me. Most often I type that when we lose hard, which makes it even funnier (to me at least).

funny is subjective and you might think it's a dumb lame joke but it's certainly not a personal attack. Riot shouldn't be policing what's funny, only what's toxic.

Hey that’s the great thing about reports. It’s not Riot policing it. It’s actual players reporting people who are assholes and riot goes “ah they get reported frequently, let’s see what they’ve been up to.”

So… you’re still wrong! Nice!


Originally posted by Xhalo

Inb4 they are hired and we see the same post in 5 years



Originally posted by OBLIVIATER

They're likely asleep, hopefully they'll wake up soon and get back to you. Always glad to see a company actually take interest in heartfelt feedback. Very encouraging

This was literally me back in the Everquest days - writing up big posts


Originally posted by FruitfulRogue

Buddy you might wanna see this, other Tryn you could DM them lol

I did DM them - haven’t heard back!


Incredible post. Any interest in a job? We should talk :)


Originally posted by CricketNo3253

This is comical coming from the most toxic person at riot. Listening to your pathetic trash talk to EU every international event is neither clever nor funny. The fact that you even think of yourself as comedic talent, is pure irony.




Originally posted by CricketNo3253

More like you guys at Riot have taken it away from everyone. Post a meme like ggez at the end of the game? Boom enjoy the report. Hilarious how it's okay for pros to trash talk and meme, but you best not do it in game!

Ggez to strangers after winning a solo queue game is not clever or funny trash talk. It’s just being an asshole. The fact that you don’t get that is… well, crickets is an accurate description of your comedic talent.

02 Jun


Originally posted by Caenen_

Can you upload the replay file (it's in Documents/League of Legends/Replays) somewhere and link it to me? I would like to get a closer look at the conditions that were present before the bug happened.

^ What he said


Originally posted by ElectronicChoice390

The only annoying part is it feels like everyone in the community has, in an attempt to be more welcoming to trash talk, actually taken all the fun out of trash talk. Players SHOULD get ribbed when their trash talk backfires. Now if feels like anytime someone pokes fun at a player for doing poorly after trash talking they get flooded with a bunch of "trash talking is good for the scene, stop trying to make players not want to do it" type comments. If Jojo says he's gonna shit on EU and then loses 4 times to G2 he SHOULD get made fun of. There needs to be some kind of stakes or else it's completely meaningless. This is also why not everyone is cut out to trash talk and you need to have somewhat of a thick skin to do it. Obviously no one should escalate it to the level of personal attacks or anything like that, but right now it just feels like every response to trash talk is some meta analysis on the merits of trash talking e.g."Well he may have been wrong but I like when people tras...

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Now if feels like anytime someone pokes fun at a player for doing poorly after trash talking they get flooded with a bunch of "trash talking is good for the scene, stop trying to make players not want to do it" type comments

I think what you're seeing is people trying to guard against something else you said:

Obviously no one should escalate it to the level of personal attacks or anything like that

No one should do that, but it still happens anyway. I think people are jumping in quick to counteract that behavior. Otherwise the cycle repeats itself: Players talk smack, lose, get absolutely destroyed on social media (as opposed to 'get clowned on for a bit') and then decide it's not worth it. It seems like the community is actually trying to find a balance to preserve a fun thing, and I can appreciate that.

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Originally posted by Zarathielis

Is there any chance for a female assassin in the future or in general another ap assassin?

I dont see why not

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by bz6

Didn’t ask the question, but I’d love an answer to that 👌🏽

So a couple years ago we looked at the overall diversity of our roster, and one of the things it showed was that we had like 60% male champs and 40% female champs, or something close to that. We feel long-term it's probably better to have something like 50/50 male and female champs, so we have been adding a bit more female champs then male champs on average, for the last few year. This is something we will likely continue until we are closer to 50/50 on the roster.