League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

08 Feb


Originally posted by 11millionfor3wins

Hey August I will love you forever if you veto champs with ability resets from now on

Got it, every champ from now on will have a windwall that they 100% for sure cannot reset


Originally posted by NocaNoha

He also designed the Fix on Mondays <3

Well deserved role
Especially with all the champs he worked on and the input he regularly gives on twitch streams, a true powerhouse

I never mentioned which monday


Originally posted by daveythedumb

5 hit passive coming

13* hit passive


Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Do you think the increased pen vs recently shielded targets might make it read like it is an anti shield item, at a glance I’m not sure if the payoff for the mechanic is really there

Yeah the mechanic as presented is not really pulling its weight and needs probably more power budget to be put into it


The goal for this item was that it wasn't explicitly meant to be an anti-shield item. It's a pen/burst item first for its core users & just has a nice sweetner if people have shields. The Serpents Fang design actually causes us a bunch of problems long term, in that shields are used by champion designers to create defensive moments for champions & when that doesn't function properly due to systemic tools like Serpents Fang, then it can cause issues for champ design.

Originally posted by Headlessoberyn

Who's the rioter getting destroyed by qiyana in their soloq matches?

aren't we all getting destroyed by solo queue qiyanas


Originally posted by pawlos36

Amumu 3rd Q incoming!

We can only double the current amount he has so 4, actually

Originally posted by AwsomeMice

Any context on the Xayah buff? Didn't really feel like she was struggling like Varus is rn. Hoping it's a buff related to shifting power into Crit from Lethality.

Varus cannot be buffed because he's alrdy decent in proplay, and usually op there before being any good for other players

Originally posted by MonstrousYi

I would remove or nerf the crit from the Q, never been fan of the one shot build anyway and in my opinion on-hit is just better in higher MMR than crit because of all the Zhonya's and Stopwatch in the game so maybe balance him around that. I really hope you don't screw him up in Plat+ MMR.

Edit: Thank you for giving some context

crits a somewhat fake lever, since the crit build goes rageblade second and the lethality build goes crit second. AS tie in is more likely target (CD Refund on attack) if we act on the Q specifically

Originally posted by MonstrousYi

His win rate looks the same to me like it did few patches ago so what changed? I haven't played the game in a while but i can only assume Death Dance and Bork changes boosted him enough to make it to the nerf list? Otherwise you have to look at other champions like Vayne and Riven that deserve more attention than Yi. Curious to know what you plan to nerf, the E?

not that much has changed recently, but the gist is his lethality build is dumpstering low elo, giving him a persistently high ban rate (and winrate) there. will try to fix that, esp since we don't particularly love duskblade Yi resetting and invising through a teamfight anyways.

Its very likely Yi's nerf will be punted a patch



07 Feb

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Could you possibly grab Ahri and Zeri’s breadth and depth from this patch and last, I was curious to see how they landed

06 Feb


Truly sorry for your loss. Thanks for sharing your story.


Originally posted by MCrossS

Demonic Embrace gives AP = 0.02 bonus HP. Akali had at least 900 bHP.

oh true i didn't include the passive


Originally posted by MCrossS

You mean around 80 AP, not 60.

DE only gives 60AP and I wasn't including runes


Originally posted by butthurt-fanboy

No flame but here in reddit we just type "git gud". No point explaining things to somebody who wants to disagree

It's very easy to confuse how things are with how things ought to be :p


Originally posted by mustangcody

Hey Riot Dan, why are you arguing with these people? They just want to validate their feelings by ranting on Reddit and hope people agree with them.

I wouldn't really characterise what I am doing as arguing, I just like talking about League.