League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

06 Feb


Originally posted by Nerfshatterdive

I mean, i build that because the other part of the team were all AD, Akali was the only AP user on that team, so if im not mistaken, from now on, I should build only to counter Akali? I have to focus everything, throw all armor and just focus on trying to counter an AP champ with 2 items? how is that even balanced to begin with? bare in mind she wasnt even that fed to begin with.

No wonder people are just using Mages as supports, "tanks" arent even that good if you have to either a) counter most of the team, or b) Counter one champ in special that can 1 shot everyone with 2 tank/AP items

Picking Galio support into a composition where you have to itemise primarily armor is an uphill battle. If not being played vs a primarily magic damage team, Galio loses a significant amount of his tankiness; he has no innate tankiness compared to most melee champions if not against magic damage, with his only really defensive addition being the active portion of his W. Galio support is mostly picked for its disruption and anti-dive capability, as well as being good against magic damage heavy compositions; it's not picked for its tankiness, because as I've discussed, Galio on his own is not very tanky even when building tank items when he is at a level deficit.

There aren't many items that give resistances of both types for a reason - It is intended that if you heavliy itemise toward armor, that you will be weak against magic damage champions. The way to view this is that because you've itemised full armor, your team should focus down the Akali because that's what will deal...

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Originally posted by Pretend_Yam6590

I like how you didn't read the part where I said it was bad for playing against an akali in isolation. Isolation means by itself, so if you were playing against just an akali in your game (which you obviously weren't, it would be bad. I know that reading is hard and you're probably slobbering all over your keyboard, but I'd try to learn to read a little bit more.

Also tanks are very strong when they actually build tanky. If every nautilus and leona started to build ever frost instead of a tank support item and then building only armor and complaining about the akali on the enemy team, then we'd have some serious issues.

When you play galio support with ever frost instead of locket like it's intended, you are essentially playing a mid lane galio, except now, your galio doesn't deal damage, isn't positioned in the mid lane so it can easily ult to both sides, and it isn't tanky. Well played.

I know that reading is hard and you're probably slobbering all over your keyboard,

there is no need for personal insults.


Originally posted by memeoi


who dis


Originally posted by Nerfshatterdive

Lets see, Akali and myself were almost same level (maybe 1 level lower), my items were, Support item, dead mans plate, thornmail, everfrost, her items were embrace, riftmaker, mejail. I had around 2,9k HP, she had around 2,7k hp.

How with 4 items that gives more HP than hers, she is tankier and deals more damage?

How with 4 items that gives more HP than hers, she is tankier and deals more damage?

The only way that Akali is really tanky is due to her base magic resistance, which is higher than average by 5 points. It's more that Galio is not very tanky for the class of champion he is; His base health is 62 higher and he gains 7 more hp per level. He also has 1 more armor point than normal. However, this is compared to Akali. Compared to a pure tank support, like Leona, his base armor is 23 points lower, and his MR growth is slightly lower.

Akali also built two of the highest health AP items in the game which do not bring any resistances. This means that while your health pools are similar, you have far more effective health than she does.

She deals more damage simply because the gold that you itemised toward armor resistance, she itemised toward AP. Mejais is also one of the most slot and gold efficient items in the game b...

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Originally posted by IttoEnjoyer

Imagine justifying it. It's just broken

Disclaimer: not involved in gameplay balance.

Levels are a significant portion of innate champion tankiness. Akalis health growth is only slightly lower than Galio's. If you're 3 or 4 levels below Akali, she's going to have 400 more health than you.

Akali's current popular build involves her building a tank mythic item, as well as an AP bruiser item (chemtank into demonic embrace). These are some of the highest health items in the game, but it's only around 60 AP.

Without commenting on the state of Akali's balance (I am not on the balance team, and I haven't played as Akali recently), I would wager the reason why OP felt so squishy is largely down to the fact that:

  • Galio support will have much less health than an Akali thanks to the level disrepancy
  • Galios entire mitigation is his W. The passive component scales of HP, making it not so great if you're low level, and otherwise you only have the active component to mitigate dama...
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05 Feb


Originally posted by williamis3

I just played as Irelia in an ARAM vs you as Leblanc. I hate you.

rekt lol

Originally posted by Quitchy

That celebration bit was awesome. Thanks production!

Thank you! Our stats team came with the pitch, and I worked with our awesome video editor to make it. Great occasion to celebrate an amazing player and career.

Originally posted by ahritina

Also true, 9-0 until they lost to Fnatic which was followed up by their poor round 2 performance, iirc they ended up 11-7.

Yes, I remember that too.

Originally posted by ahritina

Yeah G2 were 9-0 before they lost to Origen in the 2nd day of Week 5.

IIRC, MSF also went 9-0 in Summer 2018. So, RGE would tie for 2nd best start in LEC history, IF they win today


Originally posted by parnellyxlol

Weeknd and KingCobra were former Challenger although I think they’re generally in masters these days since they don’t play on live much

We also had H4xDefender who I think now works as an assistant coach at TL. There are quite a lot of high diamond players in Riot in NA as well. Here in EU the bulk of players are around silver-gold, but we also don't have a balance team here.

04 Feb


Originally posted by deadpoolicide

Was it more than you bargained for yet?

I've been dying to tell you everything you want to hear.

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by FruitfulRogue

What about the Concept Artist? You always forget to mention the concept artist :c

The question before was jut asking about the designers. The artist on the jungler is Bravo Ray and the artist on the bot laner is Sojyoo (Who was also the artist on Zeri)


Originally posted by aranoid_pandroid

Love that Panic! reference lmao that's a great song

It was an addition from our incredible new comms strategist!


Originally posted by georgehewitt

This is it. I'm sure there is some good counter strats that could really bait and damage picking this.

From my experience hard 1v1 champs who refuse to group are the answer. They will always be ahead of another solo because of uncontested gold and xp and they’re built to 1v1. The map pressure must be answered but isn’t answered easily and there are fewer viable options to answer. Is your mid supportive? Is your bot divable? Did you pick a tank jungler? Guess you lose.

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Horror_Manner_1249

Can you share the designers working on the Void Jungler, and the Non-Traditional bot laner?

EndlessPillows is the designer on the Jungler and Squad5 is the designer on the bot laner

03 Feb


Originally posted by JA_JA_SCHNITZEL

I hope this show can be a lot more than just rewind back to cool stuff although we're gonna do that too!

That's fair + makes sense that 100T's first title is worth highlighting. I'm definitely glad Replay Files is willing to branch out if that means more episodes in general since this content is so high quality. Each one is a great watch. Thanks for the content!

A lot of love and care (and planning) goes into every episode.

We've defs got a high bar to clear each time, but it's well worth it in the end.


Originally posted by Snow_Regalia

People constantly talk about how LEC has an identity, a flair, a unique thing that makes them THEM. This is it for the LCS. THIS is what we've wanted the content to be for so many years, and I'm ecstatic that the content team understands that and is continuing to do it.



Lots of cool ideas in here. I'd be interested however in serving classes that are under represented in jungle. Zyra jungle! Mage junglers are cool (when they aren't Morgana at 53%)


Originally posted by katsuatis

I don't care, I play to get better, wins or loses don't bother me, my rank doesn't matter

God gamer mentality