I mean, i build that because the other part of the team were all AD, Akali was the only AP user on that team, so if im not mistaken, from now on, I should build only to counter Akali? I have to focus everything, throw all armor and just focus on trying to counter an AP champ with 2 items? how is that even balanced to begin with? bare in mind she wasnt even that fed to begin with.
No wonder people are just using Mages as supports, "tanks" arent even that good if you have to either a) counter most of the team, or b) Counter one champ in special that can 1 shot everyone with 2 tank/AP items
Picking Galio support into a composition where you have to itemise primarily armor is an uphill battle. If not being played vs a primarily magic damage team, Galio loses a significant amount of his tankiness; he has no innate tankiness compared to most melee champions if not against magic damage, with his only really defensive addition being the active portion of his W. Galio support is mostly picked for its disruption and anti-dive capability, as well as being good against magic damage heavy compositions; it's not picked for its tankiness, because as I've discussed, Galio on his own is not very tanky even when building tank items when he is at a level deficit.
There aren't many items that give resistances of both types for a reason - It is intended that if you heavliy itemise toward armor, that you will be weak against magic damage champions. The way to view this is that because you've itemised full armor, your team should focus down the Akali because that's what will deal...
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