Originally posted by Omnilatent
This is such a weird nerf to me.
I just checked changes between 100 AP, 300 AP and 500 AP from lvl 9 on (so maxed Q): it's a difference of -15, -5 and +5 damage - how is this significant? Is it aimed at earlier laning waveclear, especially at lvl 6?
To be fair I took arbitrary AP values but as far as I can tell this changes basically nothing?
Not on balance team, here's my read:
-10% attack speed on E is significant. You rank this one last. You're losing half the passive value of E which gives you a lot of wave control in the early game from level 2 or 3 onwards. Since you max E last, this is also a significant reduction in attack speed throughout the entire game.
The base damage nerf is TBD, but it might affect TF's ability to Q the wave twice with little AP. You'd need 400 AP to break even at level 9. With 3x demat on the caster minions and two Qs, right now you just about oneshot the backline without a red card as long as you are on-curve with AP. This might change that, but I don't know. If it does, that's a pretty big nerf because it means you need to spend more time actually hitting minions and less time running around the map, which makes you more vulnerable. Keep in mind that a minus 6% damage nerf (-15 at 100) is still a strong nerf.
It's entirely possible that these changes don...
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