League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

29 Jan


Originally posted by ssyndr4

As another person who moved from OW as a gm, I can’t believe it took me as long as it did to start league (spring 2020). The learning experience was far more difficult than any other game and thus that much more rewarding, and to actually have patches like every 2 weeks and frequent new champs just bewildered me. Thank you and your team(s) for your hard work <3

Better late than never. Welcome to League. :)


We won’t always get everything right 100% of the time, but we do care deeply and are willing to admit when something isn’t working as intended.

Messages like this help our teams re-up from a motivational perspective, thank you for taking the time to write it.


Originally posted by TheJoke3r

They were playing devil's advocate, they didn't really think it was a good trade.

Exactly this. We all knew the game was over for Astralis. So i tried to give them some "wins" on technicality. But honestly they are a very difficult team to cast. I want to have a philosophy of always talking up the players, but man its difficult with them. Which is why i try to play a Coping role instead


Originally posted by Raynar7

You might not like it, but his reasoning made sense.

XL would probably take those two inhibs after taking soul anyway - and maybe end the game right there. The problem is AST being completely non-responsive when it came to defending the last one or nexus for that matter….

I didn't mean for the point to be too serious either. The game was clearly over for AST, and i just tried to give them some "wins" on technicality since at this point, lets be real, that's the only wins Astralis are getting


Originally posted by NeoCortexOG

But then there is the question of why does Karma have to roam ? Being its a lane focused pick ?

What you said is "enchanters doesn't always have the best roaming setup. Right now there is not the best setup for your lanes either if you are BDS, obviously Ryze with his Flash, E, get the root down with the W"

I assumed the roaming part ends at "enchanters doesnt always have the best roaming setup". Since after that you speak about the lane setups for BDS, you said "either", which tells me you moved on from the "roaming" part to the "lane setup" one.

All in all i struggle to understand the thought process here is what im saying. Ryze - Xin is one of the best setups in the current meta in terms of midlane (Viktor / Corki / LB (unless paired with a Lee i suppose)) are far worse than Ryze setup anyways. And Jayce needs no setup since he plays for lane too.

So i still dont make sense of it as a bullet point tbh. Not from a mid setup perspective, not from a...

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Well Karma does roam and gets a flash in mid lane later against the Viktor, so i do believe my point still stands.

The "either" part and wording is definetly on me, and i never meant to call out Ryze Xin as a bad duo, because youre right about it. But i stand on the Karma part. You don't need to have a 2v2, With Ezreal Vs Jinx. Supports will move on the map when there's down time in lane, as we saw. But i will be more concise on these matters in the future, as its not my intention of giving wrong info. So thank you for the feedback ^


Originally posted by Geosaurusrex

Drakos' collar, noo disoster.



Wow. I love this. I might make it my meeting background and replace the Cosmic Skarner splash.


Originally posted by NeoCortexOG

Guldborg said that Ryze - Xin dont have good gank setup ? Immediately saw the cc chain top side lmao. He has 0 clue of what he is talking about lol

Happy to give it a watch back. But i remember it as me talking about Karma roam setup, with Ryze being the only one with Setup. But eitherway i will make sure the miss understanding does not happen in the future


Originally posted by Galkura

It makes you wonder though - how many people might have been caught by this and never gotten it resolved because it didn’t blow up here on Reddit and Twitter?

Like, I’m glad they fixed it, but these companies really need to stop with this automated shit.

If you ever see anyone having a similar issue please send them to [email protected] and we’ll get them to the right place. We try to watch for this kind of stuff but the internet is big.


Originally posted by Carpet-Heavy

the more I think about it, Bwipo views the game in literally the exact opposite manner as Alphari.

As in, “well”?

28 Jan


FWIW Akali's total P+Q+E damage at a high level is ~900. That's maybe high, but requires the dance around using the passive and landing the E skillshot + taking it in. Of course she has more Q+P gameplay from there, but I'm just writing out the initial numbers.

By comparison Syndra (the only other champion I spot-checked here) has 700 total damage on her non-ultimate kit. As soon as Syndra hits more than one target with a single ability, though, her total P+Q+W+E damage is higher.

As far as base damages vs ratios, Akali's P and Q are both in the ~325 range for AP to double damage. This is pretty standard across AP champions. E is ~445, which is a bit heavy but not extremely so. Syndra's AP to double is 323, 328, 441 for Q/W/E. Higher means worse AP ratios and thus a tendency to build tank.

So I don't think the tank Akali problem is a function of tuning only. She has similar damage and scaling to a traditional mage. If anything, this feels more to me like she...

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Originally posted by R_Corr

You're approximating WR as a binomial distribution of p=0.5 and using 2 standard deviations? That's a pretty sweet way of doing it.

Yeah I think that's a solid way of approaching that sort of data.

One thing I'd also like to do as well is additive smoothing for lower-quality data but I'm not sure what numbers to use for that.

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Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Oh yeah could I ask who is going to work on the voted VGU, if you already have a team in mind

We dont yet no, it wont start for a little bit

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Originally posted by Zoli_Ben

What about KindleJack? Where does he go after the new support? He really has been kicking with Fiddle and Mundo recently

Yeah I love working with Kindlejack. He's not currently working on a new champ as he was helping with a lot of Pre Season stuff, he will be starting a new Champion very soon though


i know why this happens...but i thought I fixed it...

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Originally posted by Zarathielis

Is lonewingy currently working on a new champ or a rework? I usually really love her work, so I am curious

She is currently working on a new Champ, but its a ways off


Originally posted by OldBenX

Critical Role references? In my LEC?

Critter for life :D


Originally posted by TrundleTop1

bell canada in ontario (this is east coast near new york) has the same issue its 100% because I asked 10 people in game who used bell and all of them are lagging, it says the ping is 20 but im deadass playing on like 150+ my character glides and damage doesnt register until a second later please help please its so unplayable

Bell Canada was a different problem. It should have been mitigated late last night and stats for Bell are OK this evening. It is a big Internet. Lots of things break. Lots of things move around.