League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

28 Jan


Originally posted by Fatblard

I have an ongoing case with Verizon Executive relations about problems with ping spikes/jitter for about 2 weeks now and the same issues as described in this post. https://imgur.com/a/FZzT4rG https://imgur.com/a/4pAtZXd These are logs for 6 and 24 hours a week and a half ago. This sort of jitter is abnormal correct RiotKorensky? It seems alter.net and Verizon-gni.net are both owned by Verizon

Yes - hop 1 there is bad. You will probably hear them tell stories about how ICMP is de-prioritized but this looks like congestion or over-subscription on your access segment / last mile, assuming that the first hop you are seeing here is the PON ONU. They should be inspecting counters on your OLT for errors as part of triage here to make sure there's nothing specific to your drop that may be the cause.


Originally posted by Corkey

A couple of things I would like to add would be the lighting effect for his ultimate on the Battlecast skin. See here for an example of where you can see the light from the laser reflect on the metal.

The second would be to add a little more "depth" to his W, like in his Infernal skin. Example of Infernal, and example of default / Battlecast.

Yup, the lighting effect on Battlecast was re-added! It'll be there in 12.4. :)

27 Jan


Originally posted by throwaway_05122018

It's incredible that the EU broadcast had so much good will built up over the last couple of years and, between this and almost f**king things up with Caedrel, they've gone out of their way to squander it. I'm somebody who has always watched the official stream, and I've never been less interested in doing so.

Edit: And also not letting Ender cast Valorant and be on LEC, which appears to be an LEC specific decision. Treat your on-air talent better. They make the product good.

The VALORANT decision was LEC-specific and didn't just affect me, it related to all on-air talent on the show. Sjokz and I would have both loved to work EMEA VCT


Originally posted by [deleted]


llow LCK at all? Look at the discussion around T1/Faker during both playoffs last year, lol. Faker was ge

Where does NFT come from??? I have only ever made fun of them and said don't send us anymore NFT sh*t. Wut?


Originally posted by IHadThatUsername

I don't know why but I can't take the "serious announcer voice" Vedius seriously lmao (is it Announcius?).

Either way, hype matchup, and you just love to see Wunder throwing shade at Jankos.

I gave them a normal version then they said be serious and more hype :(


Originally posted by MrButternuss

Before the Update, the Battlecast Velkoz ultimate used to give him a red glowing effect on his model, as if his tentacles started glowing from the heat.

This is now gone, and it really detracts from the power/heat the ult used to portay.

Comparison: https://prnt.sc/26k8v0x

Woudl be really neat to add that one back in ;:D

Thanks a lot for the screenshot! I'm working on this right now. :)


Originally posted by DragonfruitNo4853

How come Battlecast Vel'Koz no longer has a glowing effect on his model when he ults?

Working on it!


While it makes sense in theory I doubt it’ll see bipartisan support.


Originally posted by tnmw


Can confirm the stats for Verizon were not good but this was not the same problem. Looks like it was possibly an outage of some sort as the packet loss went through the roof. Going to be keeping an eye on it through evening peak again tonight to see what we can do. I'll try and wrangle some contacts at Verizon as well to see if we can find a better long term solution to this as well.


Awesome spreadsheet - really nicely crafted!


Originally posted by Flinsbon

I've said it once, I'll say it a thousand times:

If Riot needs to hotfix a champion or completely remove a part of the game because it's too weak or too strong, there is a serious problem going on behind the scenes. The exact nature of the issues, I don't know. The testing team could be dropping the ball, there could be poor communication between the testing and balance teams, the balance team could be ignoring the testers, I really don't know, but something at Riot isn't running smoothly.

Chemtech drake and now Zeri. Glaring issues like these need to be sorted out before release, or you don't go through with the release. The balance team and the testers need to be on the same page, and they are clearly not.

Part of making a game that stays engaging for as long as League has is taking risks. We're not going to know the exact perfect outcomes of everything we make. For every change the seems harmless and ends up broken, there's another change that seems broken and ends up harmless. Remember when people said plants would ruin the game? They turned out great. Remember when people said Senna would be unbalancable with team stealth? She may have balance problems, but the stealth isn't really one of them.

The hurricane thing on Zeri was intended. I thought it'd be a cool interaction. Part of her interest as a champion is all the weird things her Q can do when combined with the item system. We already do something similar with hurricane and Jinx rockets (people also said that would be broken, but it ended up fine). Turned out we underestimated just how strong Zeri's hurricane really was compared to Jinx's and had to remove it, but I'm glad we didn't preemptively shut it down without k...

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26 Jan


Hi - there was a lot more demand than anticipated for this content, and there was a small window of time where the store was getting slammed. We'll be granting affected folks with the orbs and tokens they missed out on.


Originally posted by SwiftAndFoxy

  1. Contact LS (with work email of course)

  2. Ask for coaching session

  3. It dawns on him that "COACHING A REAL RIOTER IN S12??" would generate millions of views

  4. Win-win situation for both

i actually did contact LS at one point back when he used Skype but we never really did anything

frankly i wouldnt want my inadequacy broadcast to his audience

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Originally posted by Zoli_Ben

Hey Reav3 any update on the blog? Is it still for this week?

Not this week. I think its next week though I'm not 100% sure on that