League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

03 Dec


Badass. Well done!


Worth mentioning that we will be paying close attention to the Debonair Event data. If we need to adjust or tune our mission requirements as a result of this change for future events, we'll absolutely be doing so. It's previously been very challenging to accurately tune the "Play X games" missions to be fair for the majority of our League players when we have to compare real, hard-fought PVP games with TFT AFK games.

We do not want to make passes harder to complete. We do want players feeling free to play whatever mode they like to make progress in our Events.

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by erchiche

hello, I would like to know (if it is not a bother) when you propose to do a rework do you have a stipulated release date from the beginning? , or do they only release it when you decide they are done?

When we decide they are done

02 Dec


Do you mind passing a link to the game? opgg and any identifying features from the game would be helpful


Originally posted by Namulith94

Honestly my only issue with it is how much it hoses brush-based champs, but I know that’s being looked at so hopefully it all works out well.

Rengar has changes in internal testing. No guarantee that changes will ship if it ends up very degenerate, but they're trying.

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by PeanutPotPlant

Fair enough. Are there plans for a champion roadmap soon? We’ve gone a while without a new information regarding champ releases.

Very soon yes. We will be doing another video form Champion roadmap at Season start


Originally posted by AmWhaleIRL

Here's a completely Subjective Question: Do you think games are on Average more or less fun with the Chem Zones, for you personally, and for the average player (so below diamond)? We're all talking about strategy, winrates, etc, but where does this change land on the FUN Scale? Cause at the end of the day, if a BIG Gameplay Change ISN'T making the game MORE fun on average for the majority of players, than should it be considered a successful and/or good change still? I don't have stats, cause it's all subjective, but from what I've seen over the years across Reddit, Twitter, YouTube, In-Game, etc, it really doesn't seem like most players enjoy playing against Invisibility. That's obviously anecdotal, but I've been playing since Jinx was released, so not a short time span to judge by any means.

I find the chemfog to be far more interesting than any of the old terrain modifications. I have to use my brain again when figuring out where to ward effectively.

I don’t know how other players feel. I think for those who like novel experiences they’ll enjoy it like I do.

In general dissatisfied players are the more vocal ones, so it’s hard to actually gauge that from Reddit posts, for example.

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Woah that is wild, also thanks for throwing in Ekko as well, forgot about him. Is it atypical for non gameplay impacting changes to swing popularity that much

Hmm, Legendary skins will sometimes boost a Champions playrate for a bit. Also big events like Spirit Blossom which rewarded you for using the champions had a huge impact on champion playrate, but generally no, not like this.

01 Dec

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Could you possibly grab Viktor, Jayce, Caitlyn, Jinx and Vi's breadth and depth, I was curious if Arcane impacted their popularity

Its pretty wild


    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by God_Emperor69

You are sitting on a potential goldmine with how popular arcane is rn, and your reasoning is... clarity? With all due respect, that whole silhouette argument was thrown out the window years ago with all the skins we have these days. Hell, I have to rely on sound cues to even make out certain abilities due to how unclear the VFX is on certain skins.

The reasoning wasn't clarity alone. It was that to solve clarity and giving him a source of power to fight with we would risk betraying who he was on the show, just to force him to fit into LoLMoba. Once again, not saying we will never bring Silco to LoL, just that we currently don't have any plans to do it.


Originally posted by JoshQuest1

Seeing this argument makes me curious if league is solved internally.

And are there busted builds/strategies (edit: That Riot is aware of) that aren't patched out only because no one knows about/uses them.

Could the analytics team (if you reduced/increased their mechanics to skilled level (which is a large swing between plat and grandmaster, but it's riots tiers for balance.)) win 70% of games in elite play?

The game analysis team is all D1-GM afaik.

I don’t think they’re doing a bunch of “what-if” analysis. So I don’t think they’re trying to crunch through data for the next big break. But they absolutely know things that players don’t seem to have caught onto.

For example, Glacial Augment is superior to Aftershock on tank supports, yet has 1/3 the pick rate on that cohort. So that’s freelo for anyone paying attention. I’d argue it should stay OP until players catch on, but Riot is preemptively nerfing it in 11.24.

As another, Dragon Soul is somewhat overrated in the esports scene. I remember several casts throughout the year where respected analysts called Ocean Soul a “free/guaranteed win” and then the team lost because it’s not.

By mid-late 2021 we finally saw pro teams ubiquitously give up the first few drakes for advantages elsewhere. But that adaptation was maybe a full year late since we’re a full two years into elemental drakes now.

So t...

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Originally posted by KMTKiller

I haven't gotten the arena skin yet

copy pasta response from another similar comment:

Sorry to hear that! If you finished the Search for Evidence mission (which include the steps that unlock the rewards across games) then you should have gotten the map skin. Try our Player Support page and if you're still stuck, submit a ticket (button at bottom of page).


Originally posted by Chinox4

nope i still havent gotten anything, i was exited for the tft map but sadly nothing :( i didnt get the ward skin either... basically only got the rewards from the first part not the second one

Sorry to hear that! If you finished the Search for Evidence mission (which include the steps that unlock the rewards across games) then you should have gotten the map skin. Try our Player Support page and if you're still stuck, submit a ticket (button at bottom of page).


Originally posted by FairlyOddParent734

Make his remount consistent. It feels ridiculous that sometimes you instantly hop back on your mount, but other times you die with full courage.

Nobody else really has this issue. Gnar transforms when he uses an ability, Viego goes invulnerable when he clicks on the soul.

It's only Kled who it feels like in fights you just roll a dice if you manage to get a remount or not. It also makes him feel way stronger early rather than late; which makes this nerf feel way worse since Gargoyle shield will be reduced, which means you have less breathing room when trying to remount in a close fight.

Yo thanks for this, I doubled the tickrate that the remount check is on. Kled should jump on Skaarl more consistently when he hits 100. Any other major earflicks you know of?