League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

01 Sep


Originally posted by Zenqaaii

There used to be an ultimate entry animation, it wouldn't start running directly, can it come back?

And undo the jump height and speed please.

It actually adds a ton of extra cost to do new animations etc


Originally posted by AgresywnyDelfin

That means - if I use all abilities on 0 stacks on e.g. minions, and then leap from the Bush/ult I get 4 stacks because the leap gave me a bonus stack, right?



Originally posted by Several_Intention523

oh cool , I think it would be nice to add an icon or some sort of visual to indicate that

he can get a stack when he jumps

Yeah that's the plan


Originally posted by France2801

Hello Phlox,

Passive: Good changes. But please look at bonetooth necklace too (buff or changes -> changes would be better) and change the leap speed + animation to the old one back.

W: Does empowered W also give resistances or just the normal W? But mixing old and new W is an interesting and good change.

E: Still fine.

R: Camo -> Invis and we are good.

Q animation with Items is a cool addition.

Thank you!

I'm personally not the biggest fan of current bonetooth but I want to test this stuff first to see how it feels. I'd also be curious if Rengar players all want a changed bonetooth or if people like this one


Originally posted by OldConny

Thank you so much! THANK you for that E and Ironspike sync. Im 1mln D2 peak Rengar player to get my point of view.

U clearly do feel Rengar and our prayers.

I think Fero stacks reverting/adjusting (OTPs will love it) + adding additional 2s of fall off time + givin us cleanse again may be it, but what about buffs (red) that are not reseting ferocity time? Can you please elaborate if we can get this or it would be too much?

Next thing is what about old Leap speed/high? Can u please just tell us if ure atleast thinkin of it? In this season, after all these years... there are many, many more dashy and flashy champs compared to our slow af leap speed.

About that R - thank you so much. It still means that we cant use anything like Twitch can but its 1s, right?

And last thing - can u tell us if u can try to change anything with our ult? Anything? Take us back to "!" to all, or atleast showing us all the nearby opponents? Or atleast MS after jump? an...

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There are lots of stuff I'd like to explore. qol and bugfixes and all of that so I'm definitely glad to hear these suggestions from you all


Originally posted by Dopamxne

Hey Phlox ! Really great changes, they all contribute to making rengar less punishing while keeping him challenging and rewarding. I would mess with lethality scaling on emp W heal, so that bruiser rengar can't abuse it to some absurd extent, but we can give more power to assassin rengar.

You fixed a lot of things already, and I can already see some cool combos that use ult to get the last stack we need for a rotation, thank you for that.

Definitely want to allow him to build lethality and bruiser and even crit and be happy. Right now tuning is up in the air as we make sure the pattern is good


Originally posted by PsychoCatPro

Will the jump thing have timer? Like you have 6 sec before the effect disapear?

No limit, just once every time you hit 0. So if you decay to 0 or cast an emp spell your next leap gets a ferocity, even if you already have ferocity


Originally posted by Several_Intention523

Is this the old passive or I'm missing something

Instead of only getting a stack when you leap at 0 stacks, you get a stack once per bar even if you leap at 3 stacks or whatever. A bit weird to explain


Originally posted by GrumpyShisa

I don't understand the new W...

Is healing (like before) or bonus health?

Exactly like live W with grey health

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Originally posted by raphelmadeira

Hey Reav3, how are you? Tell me we'll have a new support champion still in 2021. Rell's gameplay is super meh, this year nothing caught my attention yet besides Mundo's rework. Thanks!

I will have answers to that in the roadmap Im working on right now. You will have to wait until that comes out :P


Please give me feedback for the Rengar changes on PBE!

These changes don't have a set ship date and will not ship before worlds patch.

Current List:

Unseen Predator (P):

  • [REVERTED]: Max Stacks: 3 >>> 4
  • [MODIFIED]: Whenever Rengar reaches 0 ferocity his next leap generates 1 ferocity
  • Ferocity Falloff Time: 8 >>> 10
  • Empowered Cast MS Duration: 1.5s >>> 3s
  • Empowered Cast MS: 30/40/50% >>> 20/25/30%
  • Bonetooth Forgiveness Timer: 1.5s >>> 3s

Battle Roar (W):

  • Deals 50-220 (+80% AP) magic damage, restores 50% of the damage taken in the last 1.5s as Health, and additionally cleanses Rengar of all crowd control.

Bola Strike (E):

  • [NEW]: No cast time when leaping
  • [NEW]: Reveals enemies for 2 seconds

Thrill of the Hunt (R):

  • Camo Windup Delay 2s >...
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Originally posted by Spideraxe30

I also saw you mentioned in another comment that you guys learned a lot from the SoL event, could I ask if that has impacted faith in lore events or visual novels, since I still enjoyed them as a concept

I dont think the format of visual novels is out the door or anything, especially since we have built out the tech for them even for with RoTS. That being said, I think it would be good to experiment with other ways to tell stories in events as well. I also don't think lore events are off the table, though I think LoLMoba was probably not the correct format to tell a story as massive and global as the Ruination storyline was. I think stuff like Spirit Blossom, which was smaller and more contained (Basically told the story of Yone and Yasuo finally meeting) is still very much something achievable in a event. This is assuming we can find something like SB again, that we can also make highly resonant skins for. I'm still excited about that, but I'm also excited about trying out a In-Client meta-game experience (like Spirit Bonds or Rise of the Sentinels) in a Alt Universe as well, since it's something we haven't tried yet.

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Originally posted by Dm_Me_TwistedFateR34

Can you show TF's position on graph? I'm curious

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Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Could I ask what projects Maxw3ll and Twin Enso are working on now

Maxw3ll is working on a Champion with RiotEarp and SkiptomyLuo that won't release for along time (still in early discovery) TwinEnso is currently helping out SRT with some preseason stuff, but he will come back soon and start work on a new champ with LoneWingy and JohnODyin which would also be a ways off.


Originally posted by cdillon42

i also understand where you are coming from but coming from halo 3 days, bungie had a website for match history that was awesome (sometimes buggy) but it worked well, so to me using the excuse that you guys are a game developer just irks me. lasted i checked (a year or so ago for some nostalgia :'( ), the match history is still up.

the thing i don't like about 3rd party developers is that they need revenue from somewhere and that revenue comes from ads. some of those ads are pesky and intrusive.

also, thank you for the reply

Now you're speaking my language. Grew up with Halo. I also loved their website. Heat maps. Medal counts. Bungie really did a great job and set the bar super high. When I look back on that whole product it feels like an outlier. There weren't a lot of web experiences that Bungie provided apart from that. I'm assuming they decided this was an important core player experience that they wanted to provide and specifically wanted to make it available everywhere and not just in game.

When I look at our match history, at least the web part doesn't feel like a core part of the experience and we have other methods which we're using to make this data available out of game. Even today what 10 years later? I think the Bungie website is still the gold standard for web match history. I think there are some community websites that are close if not on par with Bungie. At least right now creating a great web match history experience isn't a priority for Riot. Bungie did a lot of things right...

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Originally posted by Darkened_Auras

Hey Reav3, last I heard Rek'sai was in the top left, the niche category. Is she still up there?


She has been in a better place ever since we did the mini-rework on her, but she still isn't quite in the successful niche box. Still pretty good overall for a creature champ that doesn't even talk at all

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Originally posted by Amy_Amell_4

Any chance you could show Jhin's position on the graph? It's okay if not. :) I'm just really-really curious since I wouldn't be playing League if not for him.

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Originally posted by NeitherDistribution0

And hopefully excludes ARAM or rotating game modes, correct?

ARAM, yes. Depends on the the gamemode. It includes every mode players can CHOOSE their champion. So if its a gamemode where you can choose like Nexus Blitz, for example, they do show up here.