League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

03 Sep


Originally posted by Darknevoir

All that team would've had to have done was unearth their dusty forum posts from when they were teenagers and then tweet them. No additional work required.

I mean, you're not wrong...

02 Sep

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by FruitfulRogue

Yay :) I'm excited. Samira was so long ago now.

KindleJack also did the Mundo VGU

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Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Are you able to share if you guys had to change her story, to accommodate her delay, since I recall you mentioning that she was originally supposed to be a beat in the ruined king campaign

Yeah, we tweaked her color story and bio a bit to account for her coming after the Ruination rather then before.

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by RenegadeExiled

so, are you going to make the skin obtainable again? I passed on it because I couldn't stand how it looked, but now it's an alright skin. pretty shitty if we cant get it without rolling Shards now, just because the original design was bad

yes, it should be in the store to buy in a patch or 2 I believe


Originally posted by Tioman42

This bug happened only 2 times so far. The first time 8 days ago, when I reported the bug, and after 28 games, yesterday it happened again. I don't know if this is related, but one of my friends had a bad internet connection, and kept disconnecting. After the game ended (we surrendered, but I don't think it matters) we saw the "don't wait for statistics" message. We disbanded the lobby and we created a new one. We could not start the queue because an error message kept popping up when the leader of the group pressed "find match". We all experienced this bug once, so we simply decided not to play anymore for the rest of the evening.
Unfortunately I don't remember the error message (also I have the client in italian). I was kinda upset because we couldn't play anymore.

Even if i have no proof, I think this bug affects all 10 people involved in the game.

I hope this message will be helpful! <3

Really appreciate the details! It definitely gives me a few leads :)

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Nevran

Real talk, I think the thing that made unbound thresh feel off is just the splash art. Young face and the spectral ABS made him feel very off, add to that the model of thresh being very old and not allowing for a clean skin on LoL compared to wildrift and it made it feel underwhelming.

I feel that they should tweek his splash art again, I know people love to pretend pilosity is something dear to their heart but making him looking older/rougher would be perfect to make him less "Spectral spirit blossom" like.

Your in luck, we are tweaking the splash. Here is a preview


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Originally posted by AobaSona

Have you seen what people have been talking about when it comes to VUs? It has become a more recurrent topic as time goes on. Champions like Ahri, Lux, Caitlyn, Janna, Lulu, Leona, etc who have fine gameplay and aren't on the VGU list have been showing their age for a while now and it really sucks that it doesn't seem like they'll ever get updated.

I remember that Riot used to have a team for VUs/VGUs separate from the champions team. Maybe something like that should come back since the champions team has shifted from being half-focused on VGUs and half new champions to prioritizing new champions a lot.

Yes, it's something we discuss a lot internally, and as our outsourcing pipeline gets more and more robust it's something we are interested in pursuing again. Can't make any promises, but it's a topic we have been talking about A LOT lately.

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Originally posted by Pitoufreeces

Is her shadow always visible? I like the game more without shadows, will it stay or will she be β€žnakedβ€œ if I turn of shadows?

It's a big part of her ability clarity so it can never be turned off

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by IBurntMyToastToday

Who saw the most increase in play with the reworks? I know I came back because of the Fiddle rework (10/10 on that one and would love to see the graph if it shows data going back to pre-rework too)

Im not sure who the MOST was, but ones that had huge jumps were Akali, Irelia, Mordekaiser & Urgot


This post is too positive for Vex. She'd hate it >:((


Originally posted by Arcanineleader

Do you have to actually LEAP to get the stack or does a normal auto (the way it is on live servers) still do it?

Normal AA should work as well

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Originally posted by RaisukiSM

If it wasn't a hassle, could you please show the Talon graph. I've tried looking for his name but can't find it.

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Originally posted by FruitfulRogue

What's Kindlejack working on? :( I heard he was meant to be working in Askhan but couldn't. So what's he doing now?

I really love his designs but it feels like we barely get one a year. Vs Lonewingy who makes like 4.

Kindlejack is working with Squad5 and griddlebones on the next support champion. Will have a section on that champion in the Roadmap later this month

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Originally posted by RoarkeST

on the topic of reworks, can we expect another VGU poll next year for a rework either at the end of 2022 or sometime during 2023? also, are there currently only two VGUs planned for next year?

yes I plan on doing a 2023 VGU poll around 2022 Season Start like this year

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by bz6


Boss how is the champions team looking? Has it gotten smaller, stayed the same, or increased in size relative to previous years?

Still about the same

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Originally posted by Spideraxe30

/u/Reav3 are you able to share more now about Vex's delay, was it mostly because of Shadow's rendering since it looks really expressive

yes, her shadow tech was what caused the delay. The insights article will go into a lot more detail on the shadow tech and what it took to make