League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

01 Sep

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by KitabuNagato

Hey Reav3, good to see you back again. Hope you didn't get harassed because of the sentinels event

Thanks, it was rough. Had to avoid reddit for a month or so. Back now. Don't get me wrong, their was a lot of constructive feedback from passionate players, and their is a lot we learned that we can apply to future events (hoping to put out a blog at some point going over what we learned from SoL Event) but a lot of it was just toxic and hateful. For my own mental health I had to take a small break from social media.

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Coritylol

When can we expect another champion roadmap?

Working on one right now that should come out sometime at the end of this month

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by YandereYasuo

Interesting to see Yasuo and Lux being really close for the #1 spot. Has Yasuo ever been dethroned for being the most popular champ?

Yes. Kai'Sa was more popular then him for a few months at one point

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by YandereYasuo

Who is the top-right thin yellow line, being the most popular release?



Originally posted by cdillon42

so in reality this means, "why should we pay people to do this, when the community will do this for us for free" RIOT Games.

I can definitely understand this perspective, but I definitely don't share this point of view for a couple reasons.

  1. There are areas that Riot is uniquely positioned to solve. Player Behavior systems are one example. We've seen community developers create products in this space and we generally discourage it. Replays were originally a community endeavor but they weren't positioned to create a quality product (a lot of the community solutions were hacky). Players asked for this repeatedly and Riot was uniquely positioned to provide a reliable solution. A web based match history product, in my opinion, doesn't fall into this category. Other Rioters have talked about this before, but when resources are limited you have to focus your attention and our focus is typically on problems Riot is uniquely positioned to solve.
  2. This is mostly my opinion, so I wouldn't say this is Riot's opinion or the opinion of my colleagues: Riot is a video game company as opposed to a w...
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Originally posted by Darkshiek

What are the best places to follow for updates on the League APIs? I run a website for an amateur league that uses the game IDs from custom games to keep track of all of our players' stats and such. While I'm going to spend the next week or two trying to pivot towards the tournament API, but being able to use custom games as a solution was nice for us as it was so lightweight. If a captain wasn't able to make it to a game, someone else could still make the lobby, if someone entered the game wrong (wrong player/role/champion), we could go back to the official match history and see what actually happened. There's quite a few useful things going away with this update.

Tagging u/GitGene here. He's in charge of the comms for the Riot Games API. I believe the best place to follow for updates is the Riot Games Dev Rel Twitter account. There's also a community managed ...

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incoming Kcorp vs Ibaicorp for the 2022 EM final ?



Originally posted by Jinxzy

Hey /u/RiotTuxedo, just to be sure: This is just the matchhistory site being shut down, but the ACS API will still be functional?

After Monday, Sept 13th ACS will no longer ingest new match history and will effectively become read only. It may stick around a bit longer than the match history website, but it won't include new data from live shards. If you're a developer, you should move to match-v5 in the Riot Games API. If you're using ACS for pro matches that data should be obtained from Bayes.


Originally posted by FNC_Luzh

Thresh is extremely resilient to nerfs

Or maybe, maybe, the nerfs are way too soft.

Its possible. Looking at similar changes to other champs, those nerfs have had more of an effect on winrate, but Thresh could just be more unique in how certain changes to his abilities effect him.


Originally posted by firstbishop125

He had a high presence in LPL i think.

Yup, pro play in general


Originally posted by hanton44

5th thresh nerf in a row. Nice

Thresh is extremely resilient to nerfs, it is rather impressive. No matter what we change about him he doesn't seem to be affected.


Originally posted by Miudmon

Bloody hell, i am a goddamn PROPHET with those exact gangplank changes.


Wow thats crazy, well done! We toyed with a few changes, mainly more hp/lvl, but we landed exactly as you predicted, crazy


Originally posted by pm_your_karma_lass

Is the duration of mf r increased? Or do the waves fire faster now? Would be huge if they fire faster

Waves fire faster


Originally posted by SirSharkPlantagenet

Okay, I have to kinda jump in on the opportunity. Any chances of looking into Brand and Zyra jungle rather than the Zed Talon etc we are seeing?

Rather than? Unlikely. In the future? Possibly. Opening up new champions to the jungle is something we have explored a lot this season, and its possible more champions get looked at in the future to be added as junglers.


Originally posted by AcceptableQuality0

The new patches are confusing, rumble is on the buff list and yet u guys remove his attackspeed on overheat wich made him good in duelling... Also talon is on buff list but hes gets gutted for lane 4th time in a row ( another midlane nerf) why that?

New post should show those changes that are not just straight buffs as adjustments now.


Originally posted by Sp00ky_Senpai

This is small, but: with no way to copy/paste from client, the online match history was the best way I knew to scout people with funky characters in their name in clash, since I don't know of a way to highlight and copy text in the client. You'd find one of the games in their clash history, view that game in the web match history, and then you'd have actual text you could copy over into opgg or whatever.

Does anyone have other ways they handled this? If it's the first game of the night and the person with funky characters isn't in someone else's match history, I'm not sure how we're supposed to scout them.

/u/RiotTuxedo I know this probably isn't your department, but if there isn't an easy solution I'm not thinking of, could you pass this concern to the clash people? just being able to copy names from the scouting screen would be a huge help.

I'll pass that feedback along. I'd also suggest googling and searching for a Clash tool if you're looking for scouting info. There's several sites that do this and you'll want to find the one that you enjoy, but if you don't already know of any I'd check out https://www.lolvvv.com. I remember talking with them when they were iterating on their Clash tool they seemed to be pretty passionate about Clash scouting.

31 Aug


Originally posted by TreeKeeper15

Why is the match history website being taken down when it provides more information than the client? Some things, such as build order, are only online, and that sucks.

Over the years there's match history website has suffered from a lack of strong ownership resulting in a lot of bugs that never really get fixed. In my mind, there's two possible solutions: 1) we decide this product is super important to the player experience and prioritize maintaining it over other opportunities OR 2) we decide community developers do this better than we do and we get out of the business of maintaining products that community developers have done and will do better than we could.

I'm a huge advocate of APIs and sharing data and in my mind giving this problem space to the community is what's best for players. Basically I believe in competition and I think a community of developers competing to build the best match history website will result in some kick ass tools for players. Not just now, but in the future as new developers enter the space and try to outdo their predecessors.


Originally posted by Abarn279

Any idea why y'all scrub custom games of usernames and such when regularly quieried by game ID? Is it for the purpose of hiding things like scrim results for high level play, and it just happened to trickle down into everything else?

I run an amateur league that doesn't use tournament codes so I put together this janky-but-solid solution that takes in match ID's with metadata (mostly player names associated with each position), grabs the private game data using match ID, and massages the two together:


Obviously the real answer to this is implement the tournament code API, but it still doesn't fix the issue of not being able to pull up old scrim results and such through customs without a 3rd party implementing oauth

In general, custom games are considered private. The old system which allowed custom games to be viewed if you knew the game id is a poor security practice which is typically referred to as security through obscurity. In essence, we allowed people to view custom games if they knew their id but if we truly consider custom games private we should properly secure them. If players believe customs games shouldn't be private, then the...

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    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Are you happy with where champs have landed so far this year? Since engagement at least seems pretty solid so far.

Overall yeah. Viego landed exactly where we shotcalled. So did Mundo (we weren't looking to increase Mundos B/D, just modernize him while keeping the same B/D) Gwen was also right on shot call until we nerfed her due to proplay. I think she will get back within where we expected, but we likely have to do some Pro/SoloQ tweaks to her at some point to get her back