League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

25 Apr


Originally posted by Scrambled1432

If Hecarim/Udyr remain the norm and there's no tanks top she might see play. It's hard to imagine she has a higher priority than Jinx, Kai'sa, Trist at the moment. I could absolutely eat my words as dive comps become god tier again, though.

With Kai'sa the premier "Dive-buddy" marksman, Samira would have to be pretty good to take that role I think.


Originally posted by DJShevchenko

Spoiler, she won't, not while Varus is slowly becoming a contested pick in the meta

Yeah I also have a hard time seeing her take priority over other historically strong pro-play marksmen, but only time will tell.


Originally posted by Youre_all_worthless

im here wondering why you havent nerfed leona yet when shes been top 4 supports consistently for so long, often the best support

I don't make the decisions on what we buff/nerf, but I will agree that I personally find her to be getting a bit stale with her being at the top of the support pool for a while.


Originally posted by Soulsek

You know who is also slipping past everyone? Samira..She will be the number 1 pick/ban in MSI.

Funny you mention that, I actually wonder what she will look like as far as pro priority goes. She's sitting at a comfortable 51% win-rate, I wonder if that's enough for pros to pick her up. The game has seemed to move away from her style of marksmen though so it's a real toss-up.


Originally posted by Arraysion


Let's nerf support.

I used support just as the most adjacent comparison, but because I already have Lolalytics up:


  • Wukong Trinity 54%
  • Garen Stridebreaker 55%
  • Urgot Stride/Frostfire 55%
  • Kled sunfire 55%


  • Shaco Liandries/Kraken 54%
  • Amumu sunfire 54%
  • Xin Zhao Shieldbow 54%


  • Galio Night Harvester 55.7%
  • Rumble Protobelt 55%
  • Zilean Ludens/Liandries 54%
  • Anivia Ludens 56%

ADC (It's a little tough to find these since marksmen spike after 2+ items traditionally)

  • Sivir Duskblade 55%

TL;DR: Overall this stat is not a great measurement of the strength of a class/role.


Originally posted by [deleted]


While I appreciate your feedback, I do play the game fairly often and any more would cut deeply into my personal time so I keep it (relatively) light.

My coworkers work extremely hard every day to continue to provide the best gameplay experience they can to our millions of players. I hope you (and other people with similar thoughts as you) can find the decency to respect us and recognize that these are human beings you're insulting on the internet over a video game.


Originally posted by Any-Championship-804

For reference to anyone keen on downvoting this guy, first-item Frostfire Senna has a sample size of 82k games and a 54% WR. Generally speaking, the highest first-item WR of champions is often around 51%-52% and only nears 54% if the champion building it is strong or has insane synergy with the item. E.g. Stridebreaker Darius and Garen are 53% WR.

Frostfire Senna is crazy to put it simply. I doubt its going to get nerfed though. There's a number of champions like this and Riot basically never touches them until everyone begins abusing their best item. E.g. Urgot and Hydra, Katarina and Protobelt, and Talon and Goredrinker. Actually, yea, she probably will get nerfed within the next 3 patches because Frostfire's PR is spiking on her.

To be fair, if I look at the current support pool I can very quickly identify multiple examples of champions with a higher/same win-rate than Senna+frostfire on current patch:

  • Leona chemtank 56
  • Sona Shurelya 55.8
  • Bard Locket 54
  • Thresh Shurelya 54

So it's not quite as severe as you're representing it to be, but it's definitely picking up steam and if it represents itself as a larger problem than it is so far then I'm sure it'll be addressed one way or another.

24 Apr


Originally posted by TimMeijer

Tahm Kench has a couple of wonderful zingers. Telling Dr. Mundo "Your diction is as exemplary as your intellect" is a work of art. Love me some strong tomato Neeko, but Riot put in the work with Tahm Kench and it shows.

Taunting an enemy Ezreal:

“Your youthful rebellion is as tedious as your hairstyle."

23 Apr


Originally posted by kenpus

I will dodge if you put me on jungle, even if you ban me for 30 days for it.

Look, I only have time for a couple of games. I am not going to play a game I don't want to play, and jungle is a game I don't want to play.



Originally posted by Voi69

Will we still see you in twitch chat?



Originally posted by mayahloo

The good ole days huh xD

LOL yes the good ole days one whole year ago 👀


Originally posted by VayneJr

My buddy loves playing league, but the game will crash for him once in every 5 games, taking him 5 minutes to reload the game. He usually ends up getting afk penalty, will he not be able to play league anymore?

This answer is going to kind of suck, but it is the truth: He will be able to play League, but if he continues to get AFK penalties he will eventually have long wait periods as he rises in the tiers. (We aren't banning him from the game, but he will be unable to play for 2 weeks at a time at the highest tiers)

There isn't a great way to detect the difference between a crash and someone doing it on purpose (and if there were, people would just cause their game to crash to defeat such detection). The priority call has to be to preserve the experience of the most players possible.

You probably aren't winning a large % of the games where he goes AFK, and that can't feel great to your teammates either. It also turns out it doesn't feel great to the people on the other team who go from having a fun back and forth to a hollow victory.

If he hasn't already, I would recommend reaching out to player support to see if there's a common resolution to his crashing...

Read more

Originally posted by Rechulas

me, super excited for Mundo news and Roadmaps

"Oh I can't wait to look at this!"

Me, in my excitement forgetting that I can't read Chinese

"Oh. Right."

Images are super cool, though. The "Deity Invoker" Udyr looks f**king rad.

Hijacking top comment, this.... uh.... wasn't supposed to go up just yet. When the global release happens next week, Reav3 and co. will pop in to respond to your comments as usual! Make sure to ask your questions and share your thoughts in the new thread once someone wins the karma race once it pops up~


Ender WeirdChamp


I'm so sad to see you go especially as we've spent so much time casting together in the last few years. I'm excited to see where you go next and as we've already talked about, we're going to try work together where it makes sense in the coming months!

For any LEC fans trust that we will do our best to look for a colour caster to join our team based in Berlin. In the interim I think we've built up a strong network of guests, dial in appearances and have plenty of talent to look towards from a variety of places to complete our core team in Berlin while still leaning on the guests and remote appearances to keep the broadcast varied and entertaining.


Wow that's amazing! Congratulations on getting to Diamond!