League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

26 Apr


Originally posted by F0RGERY

During each stage of MSI, we’ll be triggering Drops when special moments happen. We heard your feedback about the frequency of Drops, so we’re super excited to let you know that you have a chance to get way more Drops than before. Will we drop when there’s a tower dive that goes wrong in the top lane? What about when Baron Nashor is stolen? Every moment during the MSI broadcast can be worthy of a Drop, so keep watching and good luck!

I'll believe this when I see it.

Hi! We have to make and localize every drop so that everyone can see them in a number of countries and streams, so we usually make them up ahead of time and then trigger when they happen. Do we know? Nope, not at all! We use stats to decide which moments are likely to happen, then we pick a whole bunch more based on the performance of the teams as the games go on, and there you have it. We're not dropping any digital items this time (playlists, wallpapers, fankits) and instead worked up a little menu of other in-game stuff we're giving away to a percentage of fans watching every day.

Also, you mentioned the leagues! Each league who was running a drops program had a different plan. LEC, LCS, TCL, LCL, LLA, & EU Masters all ran drops in split 1, designed in-market by those teams for their fans based on their fans feedback. They then shot us that feedback and results to help make this MSI program feel inclusive of all the leagues battling it out. So, every time we do a drops t...

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Hey there! Long time no chat! I wanted to answer a couple notes I saw so far! I'm on the drops team, so here it goes!

  • Drop Tech - Yeah, we had some issues last time, and I would be insane if I didn't say we all take every error pretty seriously and work around the clock to fix it up. No excuses, just know the MSI drops team cares about this a ton and we tweak and fix everything we can as fast as our little fingers can carry us.

  • The Rewards - We've heard you all and are dropping some more valuable stuff on a more randomized basis. Log in and you'll likely have a chance at scoring Hextech chests, skins, champion shards, or mystery skin tokens. We're also dropping several MSI-exclusive icons and emotes, along with a couple of exclusive ones for watch missions (we do that thing too!) so you should walk away with a few ways to flash an emote during a game of LOL or TFT.

  • The Moments - We leveled up the team and brought on someone to h...

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    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Are you also able to share who Squad5 and EndlessPillows are working on for their projects since I love their designs

Squad5 and Kindlejack are working on the champ planned for after the bot lane marksmen (The support for the year) EndlessPillows, CarninvalKnights and BravoRay are working on the new champ after that (for 2022)

    /u/Am1t8 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by OnlyAnEssenceThief

This is my issue. If updating the client's CEF is so important, then one of the client team's main priorities should be to make updating it easier so that it becomes a regular occurence. With that said, I'm no code wizard so if I had to guess it's a lot harder than it sounds.

Our goal is to have a plan defined to do more frequent updates, we should not be this many versions behind, we just had to spend this past quarter upgrade our components so we can unblock the upgrade and get to the latest version of CEF.

    /u/Am1t8 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Mikauren

yep happens to me, this is basically the only issue i currently have with the client and it's a consistent freeze. everything else runs fine for me. i use open mic but my friends hear me if i speak while it's frozen, I've often said "my client froze" after a game cause my Discord and postgame freeze together.

I have heard this from many players, we know discord also uses a CEF (or chromium), we are seeing if our upgrade to CEF 90 will help fix this issue.

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Zarathielis

"Things are looking pretty bleak for Senna and Lucian right now, but maybe some new Sentinels can revive their hope."

Is the fact you wrote "Sentinels" in the plural significant or an error?

Its not a typo

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by FoleyAS

u/Reav3 how will the delay of the Mage effect the Mid lane Marksman's release, will it come out at the same time as planned or be pushed up to when the mage would have been released. Thanks

No other champs release dates have shifted as a result

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Jepeseta

Hi u/Reav3 , do you have any comment on possibly making another Ixtal champ? I was kinda hoping you'd announce one in this roadmap, it's been almost two years since Qiyana and Ixtal were introduced :(

It 100% something we want to do soon, internally we are really excited to develop that region more as well. We also want to make a more herioc/good champion from that region since so far we only have Qiyana who is more villainous

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by pyromanniacc

What about the mage?

Riot Lutzburg, Lonewingy, JohnODyin

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Are you able to share if delaying the mage has affected the Ruined King story or the events associated with them?

It has not no. In fact we might be introduced to the new mage in the story a little bit before we release her ;)

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Spideraxe30

/u/Reav3 are you able to share who is working on the bot lane marksman

August, Lonewingy, skiptomyluo

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by zekeismydaddy

Finally, the decoders can theory craft now that we know Reav3 %100 made some wordplays between the lines lol.

Oh you know it. Reddit detectives activate!

25 Apr


Originally posted by ratherscootthansmoke

Not the first time something like this has happened either.

IIRC, Zombie Brand had a different run animation chasing champions and that would cycle even if enemies were in an unwarded bush

If it's the clip I'm thinking of, that's not true.

It's a spectator thing: The animation is played client-side if you can see Brand walking at an enemy champion. So if you watch Zombie Brand as a spectator you'll see the custom animation of him walking toward an enemy. The Brand player doesn't see anything different.


Originally posted by pda898

Isnt it more correct to compare fasting Senna to ADCs? She is picking up ADC items, she is fulfilling the role of "sustained damage dealer". The only difference that she give some farm to enable her support more early (and due to soul giving gold - not that much in gold equivalent).

My impression (I may be out-of-touch) is that the frostfire build this post is about is played largely as a support in conjunction with a marksman/mage bottom laner. I have personally yet to see a Frostfire Senna "fasting" with a Tahm or something similar.

As for the fasting "adc items" Senna, that is actually 4% lower win-rate in SoloQ. In pro it's definitely much more effective, but it's no secret that SoloQ win-rates don't translate 1-1 to pro.


Originally posted by OrionGaming

Thanks for the honest replies and insight! Curious on your personal opinion of the newest lulu buffs on pbe? If you're able to answer that, that is.

Sure, obviously completely personal (not reflective of my company's stances blah blah blah), but I've found Lulu to be very average right now in the meta and historically she can sit at a slightly higher win-rate without it being a problem (a-la Jinx). With that said, polymorph is my personal least favourite part of Lulu so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the buff doesn't mean more casts on enemies and instead means more casts on allies.


Originally posted by FruitfulRogue

Since you're talking champs with crazy spikes, does Taliyah have an item like that?

Like how MF has Kraken slayer, yet no one wants to buy it on her for some reason.

No one plays Taliyah much so unexpected builds pop up a lot less.

Good question. It's a little tough since her play-rates are pretty low across the board, but it appears, glancing at the data, that Ludens remains her best mythic (hello move speed), with Horizon Focus/Rylai's being some interesting/unexpected legendaries she can pick up midlane with good win-rates. The caveat here is that there's only like 5k game sample size for each of these (poor Taliyah) and I'm not quite data savvy enough to know where the sample size is large enough to reliably draw conclusions from.