League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

14 Feb


Originally posted by sgtpeppers29

This sounds broken for assassins

hijacking for this:

This is something that we will not allow and people using this product or type of product will likely get banned as it will be considered a cheating tool.

While we want to allow experimentation and have folks surprise us, this is simply too dangerous for changing player behavior and providing a large advantage.


Originally posted by SuperMrBlob

when the game plays back everything must be identical to how the original game played

What is the thing that happens to be not-identical? If the server version is the same and the inputs are the same (because they are saved), I thought the work was already put in to make the server deterministic. Where does it go wrong?

Please update us on the details when you find out!

There are a lot of ways things can still go wrong but an example of one the most common causes is if a variable is not initialized which means its value is whatever was in the memory location before.


Originally posted by danielloking

Considering the XL vs. FNC match, what could've gone wrong so you couldn't chronobreak the game? Or what factors decide whether Chronobreak is successful or not?

OP's description is accurate but one of the additional fragilities of chronobreak is that when the game plays back everything must be identical to how the original game played otherwise you get a butterfly effect. Without investigation we don't know if this was the case in the game today.

13 Feb


Originally posted by Huinker

Either ender has dirt on production or they just dont want to entertain viewers

i have plenty of dirt


Originally posted by MALSTROEM_

zero comments on the game but how good are Medivedi

Cheers, appreciate you


Originally posted by capn_sarge

I need to know why, when you asked if it'd be better if you had 2 gloves on, you didn't put another glove on the already gloved hand

that was my plan but it woulda made it too long


Originally posted by CoolJ_Casts

Sorry, I'm new(ish) to LoL, are you saying that Zoe's sleepy trouble bubble ignored morgana's E? Like you could put someone to sleep even if they had a spell shield?

It was intentionally designed in a specific way:

If you had Black Shield, it would block Drowsy and thus Sleep

If you became Drowsy you could not Black Shield after to prevent Sleep.

Specifically intended by the designer because he didn't want Morgana to hard counter Zoe. I can understand the position, but I think it ultimately proved better for the game to make that interaction Morgana-favored.


Originally posted by Soxviper

How do you feel about Sylas not being able to draintank because of how strong GW are now? If I remember correctly, you were the one who did his mini rework a year ago, and you used the words drain tank in describing how you wanted him to play out.

You got the wrong guy, sorry. I think Sylas is better than some champs at navigating grievous because he can actually get out of fights, that being said he's still getting hit by it at the end of the day


Originally posted by SkeletonJakk

anything on kled?

Sorry to sound pushy, but he does feel kinda bad atm.

Iirc a lot of people are building him wrong but if he's bad i believe we'll get to him


Originally posted by Soxviper

What do you think about Sylas not improving whatsoever?

Happens a ton, sometimes it's the rest of the system/champion moving. Sometimes its playrate going way up depressing winrate for a while. Sometimes its weird stuff like a new build/max becoming optimal and people messing up. Sometimes it's just lots of power in one elo and not in another


Originally posted by SkeletonJakk

Is there any hope for another look at bruiser itemisation outside of goredrinker and steraks?

and also how is kled performing rn? because after the nerfs to GD steraks and rav his W/r d+ dropped to 48% from 51%.

Doing some light exploration on other items


Originally posted by Necroside

What are the chances Veigar gets another pass to be looked at for follow-up changes if it doesn't do anything for his mid-lane play? Seeing how his current buffs are going to help support Veigar out more than mid.

I suspect the current changes are gonna help mid Veigar more but if he really doesn't get any help there I could see followup


Originally posted by yehiko

add me to your email chain and ill post it as non riot data :D



Originally posted by yehiko

since you already do it, just post it here every patch :D

Maybe I can post the meme I attach to it every week :)

Not sure we'd be willing to give low context data out biweekly (there's lots of weirdness with patch to patch data, especially early on in a patch)


I actually send out an internal email that's pretty darn similar to this every patch. Lookin good