League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

11 Feb


This was something partially explored, but the cost of growing Mythic Unique power over more significantly game time is that it was generally coming at the expense of champion kit power. Instead of more items becoming stats, and feeding into your champ's pattern, more items fed into your Mythic's pattern.

Players tend to dislike when they're playing the system more than the champion. It's tricky to strike that balance sometimes.


Originally posted by Arcfaelen

You're saying this has been a problem with mobalytics the overlay app? That means I was an asshole to you guys for no reason then. My bad. Thanks for the quick clarification!

No worries! I understand how frustrating it can be to have to deal with issues like this with what seems like radio silence on the other end. Thanks for being so understanding!


Hello! Posting here for more visibility - as someone else has linked in a comment below, this is actually an issue with Mobalytics and their interaction with the game client on DX11. We have been in contact with them and they released an update on Monday to address this issue. If you're still encountering the issue after you update please let me know!


Originally posted by Zoli_Ben

u/RiotPhlox Apologies for the ping, but this bug is quite global reaching, not sure if it is on the to-do list for fixes.



Originally posted by Arcfaelen

I'm having the same issue. Reinstalling fixes the game until i close adn reopen and the bug comes back.

Its honestly kinda disgusting how a company with so much money can release patches without testing to make sure nothing is this f**ky. Its honestly gamebreakingly bad.

Edit: I've recently learned that the issue is a result of the Mobalytics overlay app, So it appears my anger was misplaced. I understand this made me look like an idiot. I'll leave this up for future users to see how big of an idiot you can look like when you speak from your emotions vs explaining your situation in a clear concise way.

We do try to test as much as we can before each patch releases, but it's inevitable that sometimes things will slip through the cracks. With third party apps it becomes even more difficult since we do not have visibility and are not directly responsible for how they interact with the game client. If updating to the latest version of the Mobalytics app does not fix this issue for you please let me know!


Originally posted by HS_Cogito_Ergo_Sum

Thanks for commenting Jag! Love your work on Kai and Sera even though they're a bit overperforming right now lol.

The main motif involving Sona mains' dissatisfaction is simply build choice. In Season 10, Guardian, Aery, and sometimes Dark Harvest were possible keystone runes. Now it's just Aery. The possible builds included Seraph's Embrace Athene's Sona for hyperscaling, Athene's Ardent Sona for objective control and buffing, and Lich Bane and Zhonya's for selective burst. Now it's just Moonstaff.

As it currently stands, we can only utilize one Enchanter mythic: Moonstone. I stress the diction here because this isn't a matter of preference like Kai'sa opting for Kraken Slayer over Immortal Shieldbow even though she could use the latter. Sona can't straight up use Imperial Mandate effectively (Immoblization is some...

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Very well written, thank you.


Hi! Do you use Mobalytics? We've been in contact with them and they released a patch that should have addressed this issue on Monday. Similar thread here

    /u/Am1t8 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Clash9309

Hi u/Am1t8 Could you share with us anything please? As you see we all waited months, and all we know is ''team working on it'' and should be available soon, but how soon? I know you don't have any ETA but is it weeks, months, or years from now?

it will not be years, not months neither right now, the client team does not work on this, but I reached out the team and they expect it sooner rather than later, so weeks would be the best answer to your question, but again don't have much control over this.



Originally posted by ArcaneYoyo

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Originally posted by Infinite_Delusion

How is he possessing her if shes 15/0 and hasn't died? Hmmm

You say he killed a 15/0 Trist but her score clearly shows that she has never died



Originally posted by ElaborateRuseman

Kinda unrelated but what do you think about the state of Viego in lane? Are you planning on cutting some of his sustain from minions? Because he seems way stronger there.

Right now Viego mid has like a 1-1.5% higher winrate than jungle, but that (by itself) doesn't mean jungle is bad or lane is OP. Would be kinda like saying Ekko jungle is bad because Ekko mid wins more.

We're keeping an eye on lane Viego and will adjust if necessary. We primarily want him to be a viable jungler, but hopefully we can also let him lane as there are quite a few players who enjoy him there (assuming we can still make jungle good and he isn't a flex problem in pro-play). If we needed to nerf lane further we'd likely hit the minion sustain again.


Originally posted by GodlyPain

August I have a question about his design;

Back when Yone was released Blaustoise (RIP) and Endless Pillows made it sound as if Riot was intending to make more Yasuo-Like kits (following the success of Yasuo, Riven, and Yone) ... Is Viego meant to be in that category?

As he feels relatively Yasuo-Esque given his Q stab motion and just general playstyle.

Just curious what made his gameplay fantasy really.

Edit: Also weird balance question; how do you feel about changing the way his bounty works when possessing someone? It's kind of annoying if you have a high kill teammate who say has a 700g bounty... Viego possesses them and now you have to kill that exact same person except you only get whatever Viego is worth? Should his bounty be changed to reflect who he currently is?

Viego is intended to be more Yi/Jax like. There's a lot of mindshare that goes into taking over other champions, so wanted to make the base kit a bit more straight forward.


I read this post, and I understand that you're saying you feel Sona is powerful but not satisfying. Then I read a lot of the comments - there seems to be a lot of differing opinions here.

That being said it's useful to see how a lot of players here feel like her needs aren't being served well with this item system. I don't have any solutions in mind immediately, but this thread was useful. Thanks.


Originally posted by iHaveRyzenAbove

Sona is primarily an enchanter with a low cooldown on her heal/shield outside of lane, and a moderate one in lane.

Seraphine is primarily a mage with an extremely long cooldown on her heal/shield that requires her to sacrifice damage or utility to use.

As a Sona main, if Riot changed Sona into that I would likely not be playing League anymore.

^ this

Sona's identity is "persistent aura enchanter". To suggest a rework should turn her into a skill-shot focused mage is...amusing.


Originally posted by AmWhaleIRL

I think it's mostly just your use of the word "Significant". There's been plenty of Valid Criticism that's gone "seemingly" unnoticed. So when people see your use of "Significant" in this particular instance it makes them think "Did he even see all the other Valid Criticisms??" It can come across as Deflection to see a Rioter address a problem that's out of their reach as "Significant" while not addressing other Valid problems that were brought up. Perhaps my use of the word "problem" is problematic in itself. I can't think of a different way to word it right now though. I like your awareness of Societal Anti-Femininity that can run deep in Online World's though. I hope to hear more from you, even if I may not agree always. Communication from Devs is always awesome to see.

That's a reasonable perspective.

I'm wondering, what exactly are you advocating that I do otherwise? Agree with the original person's point about femininity, but also hijack it to go through a comprehensive list of all other negative feedback about Seraphine and...say something the validity of each of them?