League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

11 Feb


Originally posted by BlueNinjaTiger

If the purpose is to give people a chance to react, why not make the channel take a little longer? I mean sure he's invulnerable, but finding the right window to give people a chance to process what's happening seems key.

Alternatively make him untargetable, not invulnerable.

he's untargetable, not invulnerable


Originally posted by sunburst9

But the herald DID deal damage, just to the wrong tower... right?

Or is that ekko just reeeeaaaally big?

yep that issue is fixed for next patch, but there's a different bug where the herald charges, but doesn't deal damage.

10 Feb


Originally posted by TheForrestFire

I assumed it was drawing tiles from a bag.

We all go to our match history and choose one champion we've lost to in the last two weeks, then roll dice to determine the nerf magnitude. For buffs I pick champions I play to inflate my elo


Originally posted by blissfullybleak

We see you over at r/seraphinemains. Hope the teams knows how loved the champion is in all her unapologetic expression. I’ll continue “screeching” along to her ult.

I know the champion is very loved by a lot of people. :) I'm proud of the SeraphineMains community and I support you all.

The fact that people are taking my statement and arguing against a bizarrely altered version of it (which I think they parsed as "that is the ENTIRE reason people have issues with Seraphine") is a testament to how absurd the Reddit discourse around Seraphine has become.


Originally posted by Redsfan42

I wish this was how it actually happened hahahah

this is exactly how it works, how else would it work?


Originally posted by blissfullybleak

Why is this sub obsessed her? Is the hyper femininity making everyone uncomfortable?

I think that's a significant part of it.


Originally posted by AColorblindChameleon

where have I seen this before

Yeah my apologies :( this bug is extremely difficult to fix (the herald not dealing damage), because there's no reliable reproduction steps. If you know what happens to causes it I'd love to hear it!


Originally posted by Caenen_

Which of the two?

Both. The second issue is caused by the first one. :(


Originally posted by thenoblitt

Wheres Foxdrop??

We're doing our best to find a way to work together but Brexit + Covid + Esports industry visas... It's really not easy.

I want to cast with Foxy so badly, but the world is not making that easy for me. Had a call earlier today trying to share updates and next steps. As soon as I have something more tangible I'll let y'all know!


Originally posted by Poincare_Confection

How do you get into this thread 2 minutes after it is created o.O? Thread was made like 17 minutes after the tweet. Did you just sit on the listing of new reddit threads and hit refresh for 17 minutes?

That's why they call me CSI Noise Quickshot


Originally posted by Affectionate_Salt_76

Framerate Drops during certain Actions: When entering or exiting the Ult from Jhin or Xerath the framerate drops from constant VSynced 60fps to about 30. The same happens when you show the scoreboard using Tab while spectating or replaying a game (especially if you spam it). Without the „MetalBetaTest= true“ these animations were running smoothly. I am using an i7 MacBook Air with 8GB of RAM from early 2020. Here are my Logs and Settings https://gofile.io/d/YRxqgi - hope this helps edit: fixed :)

Will look into this, thank you!


Well obviously we are very excited :D LS will dial into the AD all day long, sort of similar to how we handled international dial in casters during the world championship!


Originally posted by Conankun66

that duoqueue segment is cool and all, but it goes on for a bit long tbh. i agree with one of the youtube comments, it feels like it pushes out the rest of the discussion out of the podcast, which is what i listen to EUPhoria for...

As a result this kind of felt very thin on substance :/

Hey thanks for the feedback, I think its a good callout. We really want to experiment more with formats and concepts to keep EUphoria fresh but we aren't always going to hit the mark 100% and may sometimes go a bit too far in one direction or another.

I still like the segment overall but in the future we'll probably cut down the segment a lot.


Originally posted by bz6

Boss PLEASE. I remember last season that the Lethality stat in game showed us how much armour we were negating. It doesn't now, not even on the lethality stat tab. Can we have that back? It's useful information.



Yeah actually we were just talking about this

09 Feb


Originally posted by Zoli_Ben

Hey! May I ask for a follow up on what they said? Preloaded todays PBE and Urgot W is still just at 75% on-hit, with none of the listed things working.

P.S Jayce in ranged form is unable to deal true damage on Kraken Slayer, unless if he crits (also applies if he uses W in there).

I let him know what was up, not sure if any change was made. Thanks for the Jayce tip, weird bug!