League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

23 Nov

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Tyger2212

We really loved the idea of creating a tanky support. It’d been a long time since we’d made one—Braum was actually the last,” says senior concept artist Justin “Riot Earp” Albers. “But unlike Braum, we wanted her to have a darker past and personality

Is tahm Kench not a darker tank sup?

The goal was a female dark tank sup, which we don't feel we have yet. We have some darker themed female enchanters but not tanks


Originally posted by LeFiery

Wanna say thanks for a cool mounted champ! I love sejuani and lillia but sejuani isnt really too viable in top/support roles.

Will we see rell being able to go top at all?

Maybe! Don't let your dreams be dreams.

Just don't do it in my ranked games on day 1 ;)

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Spideraxe30

/u/Reav3 are you able to share if Rell can be played in other lanes besides support

I think she will primarily be played support, if she could be flexed into any position it would probably be top, but her E is pretty weak outside of bot lane


Originally posted by Tyger2212

We really loved the idea of creating a tanky support. It’d been a long time since we’d made one—Braum was actually the last,” says senior concept artist Justin “Riot Earp” Albers. “But unlike Braum, we wanted her to have a darker past and personality

Is tahm Kench not a darker tank sup?

...you got me T_T


Originally posted by Hyoudou

Why are you guys pumping out new champs lately?

Why cant you people release VGU/VU's at the same pace?

Oh right... $$$ ?

But here is this: Look how much Akali got popular after her VGU.

This is a question I think /u/reav3 has answered before, and I'll leave it to him as it's not my area of expertise.

Hmm, you seem to have edited your post after I responded...


Originally posted by Kappa_God

You're probably right, it's one of the mainstream animes so I doubt no one at Riot wouldn't notice it.



Originally posted by ToTheNintieth

Interesting direction. I do like that they're finally putting a bit more focus on the dark side of Noxus -- that sounds like an oxymoron but for the past several years the lore has been very focused on the upsides of Noxus vis a vis egalitarianism, tolerance, meritocracy, multiculturalism and such (in contrast to Demacia, which has been demonized to a nearly comical degree). So bringing back the focus on the fact that these are not very nice people after all is a breath of fresh air (you wouldn't think that more than the fact that Noxus is an expansionist empire was necessary but eh).

I wonder if the contrast with Sylas was intentional, they mirror each others' stories in several ways. Would be nice if they had some interactions. Also I wanna know if any of the writers have read Mistborn, there's more than a couple common points in here.

We actually talked about Sylas in the meeting for the article. I think it's important to acknowledge that even though this world isn't real, the characters are incredibly real to a lot of us. From the devs who spend months, or even years, working on them, to those of us who devote years playing our mains, these champions are people. And like all people, they're complex. And so are these places.

Everywhere has good and bad history, and I really love that the team has the chance to explore that. It makes everything feel more real. At least to me.


Originally posted by bz6


No alternative in game models this time? :(

Understandable after the Seraphine fiasco...

No alts! The alternative early concepts that Riot Earp gave me were mainly around the silhouette for her armor. They knew pretty quickly with Rell who she'd be.