League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

24 Nov


Originally posted by TitanDweevil

With the R change is the AoE looking like Brand W size or is it more similar to old Pantheon R? Hitting someone with his R right now is already insanely difficult if not impossible. Hitting his old R was considerably hard to do as well, so if the hit box on the spear is pretty small, I can't imagine it ever hitting anyone.

Its like a Brand W but comes out much earlier than the rest of the ult. Sorts like a setup piece with the slow


Originally posted by zAIMBOTz

Did the change reverting the ability to modify the LoL CFG for bigger minimaps (that was originally removed when the preseason patch dropped) make it into this patch? I remember a Rioter stating that was coming back, as well as new scaling options in this patch, but I don’t see any mention of it.

Edit: The Rioter was u/BarackProbama . Hopefully he doesn’t mind me mentioning him and can clarify the matter

It should be in this patch, yes.


Originally posted by A_Very_Horny_Zed

Disregard if you don't have the insight or information: Why weren't there preemptive buffs for Yone considering how reliant he was on the Guinsoo build? From Preseason up to today, Yone's winrate went from 43% to 48%. Has he been forgotten or was he deemed in need of a nerf when he's already underperforming?

Iirc Yonex/Yasuo both actually had good/viable/strong builds but they weren't doing them. Instead of going Shieldbow most people were still rushing PD (and losing hard). I dont have great context into specific numbers though


Originally posted by Tealtigertmr

I’m thinking the q mana reduc is gonna help make him a better support. He can’t tower dive but now he can w stun tap q auto, e, etc more easily cause the cd and mana are lowered.

To be fair I only use him as an anti yuumi weapon

Kill da cat


Originally posted by Tronei

What are your guys' intentions with the empowered E movespeed addition? Is it to make his E pretty much a purely disengage tool? It seems a little strange on paper (ofc I'd have to play it to be sure of it), compared to something like say a damage reduction or something along those lines where it keeps you in the frontline afterwards.

Teamfight mobility can feel really good for repositioning after you're locked to a position by your E. Also it helps with escaping ganks etc. Definitely want to see how it feels in game to people


Originally posted by FallenLulu

Sounds really cool! Sorry if that's off-topic, but can you share something about the enchanter supp buffs thats coming 10.25? The suspense is killing me.

Sorry I dont have excellent insight into those


Originally posted by Texual_Deviant

With these changes, are you expecting him to use primarily lethality assassin items, or tap more into bruiser itemization?

Definitely expecting him to try more bruiser items. (Lethality is definitely still good)

We've seen a lot of success on Eclipse, and some matchup dependent stuff with even items like Divine Sunderer or Botrk. Cleaver feels way better now too


Hey all, these should drop Wednesday to PBE (I think). I'd love to hear how it sounds and how it plays out if you can manage a few games


Originally posted by RiotSirhaian

Riot Beardilocks is the one who gave Viktor his new VFXs! I only helped by tweaking a couple things, but 99% of the work was from Beardilocks!

You and Beardilocks are da real MVPs


Originally posted by coachstopsdrinking

Honestly, with all the imports there’s got to be close to as many Canadians in the league as Americans. Nor to mention a few casters and coaches are Canadian too

Now that OCE players count as residents in the LCS am I still considered an import?


Originally posted by Berserk72

I saw it and thought the main reddit should enjoy the hugs. Thanks for all you hard work, I know the internet can be hard but keep smiling =D.

Very much appreciated. :)

23 Nov


Originally posted by mogadichu

So let me get this straight. They buff Varus by:

- Reducing his ult speed

- Halfing his on-hit damage

- Making his W stacks lower his cooldowns slightly

Did a Varus main sleep with a Riot employee's girlfriend or something?

I can't wait for the "Reddit Knows Balance" video on this one.

Or I'm wrong. But this is a gigantic buff.


Originally posted by Berserk72

This was fantastic. Hang in there friends. :)


Originally posted by Krabohod

Hi there! Will Elderwood Ornn be available in hextech chests after it becomes just RP skin (not charity skin anymore)?

He will continue to be available via direct purchase. We thought it wouldn’t be fair to Ornn mains to have his next skin locked after the charity event.


Originally posted by theboxturtle57

Everyone stay calm:

Elderwood Ornn, Azir and Ivern:

Everyone is not calm


Originally posted by Drakkros



After Dunkmaster folks said they wanted a dark Ivern skin. Here we are.


Originally posted by YellowGummy

Finally, no more daily posts about Ornn not getting skins for at least the next year bless you Riot.

We got there fam


Originally posted by zeroluffs

skins are supposed to create different fantasies for the champion

Nail on the head. Doesn’t mean Leona won’t eventually be in this thematic, but this is the reason why she’s not here for the first release of Battle Queens.

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Originally posted by GGABueno

Wait, who is the dark themed female enchanter?

Morgana, and in some ways Senna (though she is a Marksmen she does play like a enchanter a bit)