My personal take is one of the subtle hurdles with switching from CDR to Haste will be that even though you want them for similar reasons, the way you think about them in your builds is pretty significantly different.
For a decade, we've thought about CDR in terms of a cap. If you care about cooldowns, 40% CDR is a clear target you really want to hit, but once you do, you don't want more. It also makes tradeoffs between items clearer, in terms of "I can't get all these items because then I'm overcapped, which ones will I take?" Crit is the other stat that works this way.
Now though, we'll think about Haste like Armor and MR. You can stack AR/MR infinitely, the literal exact number isn't monumentally important, and more is always better than less. I don't think most people think of Frozen Heart as "the 110-armor item versus 115 or 105", but rather as "the highest-armor item", "the AS-slow-aura item", "the armor item non-mana tanks feel sad about", or other qualitativ...
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