League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

09 Jul


I guess I'm looking at Kayn and Thresh scripts again here soon.

Thanks for the report, sorry this happened! I can look at this the next time I take a stab at some bugs.


Originally posted by mysticturtle12

It's about maintaining that apperance.

These big companies know damn well that leaks generate hype and it's a pretty commonly known pracrtice that many of them "leak" things out or at least purposefully don't keep things monitored because they know the leak will just generate even more hype.

This ain’t it.


Originally posted by hiiplaymwmonk

I feel like Riot controls "leaks". Gauging and generating excitement. It's something Ubisoft definitely does for Rainbow and I always assumed it was common practice for companies that consistently have "leaks"

we don't and leaks are wack

08 Jul


Originally posted by Caenen_

It is specifically applied by each ability now (just like her MS boost stacks are gained), or are there spell damage item actives that still also apply it?

Very similar to the Q passive movement speed stacks, yes. Each individual ability hit applies/refreshes the passive DoT, no active item effects.


Originally posted by Shadowgate97

I already posted this before but now again more fitting.
TL:DR : Maybe bug ? W not dealing the right amount of damage to minions

Hey thanks for the report! Her W does half damage to minions at the moment, looking to add details to the tooltip. Good find!


Originally posted by Shadowgate97

Has anyone else noticed that Lillia does reduced damage to minions with her W?? When I tried her in practice tool she should have done about 400 damage but only did around 270. There is no tooltip or similar of the sort mentioned. Her Q did the right amount of damage though.

I used Sorcery with arcane comet, manaflow, transcendence and gathering storm. Second is Domination with taste of blood and ravenous hunter. otherwise attackspeed, adaptive force and armor. Items used were ap jungle item and boots.

Hey thanks for the report! Her W does half damage to minions at the moment, looking to add details to the tooltip. Good find!


Originally posted by kingxzasa

when Lillia build luden't echo or the jungle item Enchantment: Runic Echoes, the spell echo splash damage does not really work on there E ability sometimes,can we add the feature that as her cast her [E] Swirleseed and Spell echo is fully charged, the Spell echo splash damage can also apply her passive dream dust effect, which makes her ultimate more fun to play with.

Luden's Echo intentionally does not apply dream dust as we've found it's frustrating for opponents who don't get hit by the E but still get slept. Carried a lot of power.


Originally posted by HeirToGallifrey

I think if you were to remove/reword the "mommy dearest" just after it says she can harvest their dreams it'd come off more innocent; as it is now I think it draws unintentional allusions to the film about Joan Crawford or Norman Bates' complex regarding his mother.

Ooooh that's good feedback! I didn't think about that!


Originally posted by Djinneral

Don't you think she looks a lot like Neeko?

I can see it in the splash, and I actually asked about it when I talked to the team. But I think in-game and when you incorporate all of her together as a whole package, not really, no.


Originally posted by Mimosse

Wait a sec... how come nobody tagged /u/Ovedius ?

Because.. I'm Welsh?


Greetings! I'm Riot Koyuncu, one of the QA engineers on Champions Team.

For any unaware, Lillia has finally been announced as League's next new champion and she is prancing around in PBE right now! She'll officially launch to Live in two weeks, and we're looking to collect feedback and fix any major bugs that are discovered by PBE players. If you stumble upon something strange related to Lillia or her Spirit Blossom skin in your games, you can let the team know by leaving a comment in this thread. This can be anything ranging from strange SFX/VFX to incorrect ability behavior. As always, detailed information (e.g. bug repro steps or video clips) are very helpful at helping us fix issues before release.

Thanks everyone! - Mikky

External link →

Originally posted by ItsReallyJustAHorse

Implying that phase rush isn't optimal so you can reach "I can't control my character anymore" speeds

Being ‘too fast’ came up a lot in testing.


Originally posted by Rin_Hoshizura

How do you guys feel about her being played top?

I don't like jungle but I've been waiting a faun character forever and I'm not gonna let anything stop me but I'm wondering if it was discussed or tested or anything.

We tested it for sure. I think it’ll be a fine off role for her. She can clear waves pretty safely, but she’ll need to find a way to translate that into a snowball


Originally posted by Wiko660

4s rank 1 cd, right?

All ranks.


Originally posted by Ildigrub

It says her E goes until it hits something. Does that mean I can throw it down the entire length of a lane theoretically?

Theoretically. It will stop on terrain, and turrets count, so the angle would need to be pretty precise.


Yeah I tested various versions of other scalings for the outer ring, but true damage had the right mix of ‘freedom to start on either buff’ and clearing potential she needed. That’s not to say I’m unwilling to change it, it’s just that my best read in our testing environment was that this created the better jungler.


Originally posted by Caenen_

Last question from me; What was the decision behind making W use clamped range (casts to max range in the direction if targeted outside) rather than having her walk into range? Using center W and not accidentally undershooting it on a static (asleep) target might take a few games getting used to.

It was a choice between two feels bads. If I made it targeted, it would feel weird to use as a move spell, and as a clamped range spell, it feels weird to sweet spot with it. I don’t love how it feels but after testing both, I think this one is overall better.


Originally posted by RustyJusty7

She's a monster girl.

That's all that matters. I can't wait for her to step on me with those meaty hooves.

Centorea skin for Lillia when?