League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

15 Jun


Originally posted by The_Mechromancer

If you're not playing Aphelios Ezreal or Varus ADC feels pretty awful tbh. Either that or maybe I'm still salty from the removal of Draven's passive bleed

I'll be honest Ezreal and Varus feel real cheap (before the Varus nerfs at least) but I'm having fun with a whole host of different ADCs.


Just wanted to say congrats, dude! I'm not as far as long as you (Bronze 1 this season, pretty much peak in Silver 3 every season now) but I hope to get there someday.

Give the rest of us geezers some hope. :p


Hell yeah, congrats my guy.

As a hardstuck silver I/II Riot Games employee, I have to ask... wanna duo and carry my ass?


When Yasuo is picked by me, you dodge (or probably lose LP I'M SORRY)


Originally posted by homer12346

i am by no means working at riot so i don't know how advanced your systems are for detecting stuff like this, but i never got a notification that the botted accounts have been banned after i leave a detailed report for them

I can't confirm or deny anything particular about how we ban bots, but the IFS will only give you a notification if your report was the thing that resulted in a ban. That's usually not going to be the case for botting for... complicated reasons.

That doesn't mean accounts don't get banned.


Originally posted by homer12346

they set up a bot playing on a script that plays decently enough that the account won't get banned in the AI games it plays

the account won't get banned



A large portion of sold accounts are accounts that have been compromised from their original owners and then sold. When you're buying an account, not only are you breaking the ToS (and we can identify if an account has changed hands), you're also likely buying an account off someone whose account was stolen from them.


Originally posted by GNeiva

Cassiopeia already excelled at mid lane. She could stand being nerfed for Top/Bot and not get any compensation for her mid laning. That's my point.

To be fair +0.5% within a week on public data is within the margin of error for "just as powerful." Like we saw with Brand losing almost 1% in support despite being objectively more powerful.

14 Jun


Originally posted by ratazengo

Especially considering Quickshot is 54

he's actually 80


thanks! happy to be back :)


Originally posted by Raslik

The Brand "buff" changed close to nothing for Brand support and the winrate still went down by 0.89%. It shows that there is not enough data to draw conclusions when the expected change is in 0.X percentages. The only safe conclusion here is that Voli's buff was meaningful (or people just got better playing him).

Almost always, win rate changes are "Here was the average win rate on the patch before. Here's the average win rate on the new one." It almost always skips over the win rate growth gained from familiarity over the last two weeks. So yeah, without doing some decent crunch to solve that issue, tracking patch-over-patch winrate growth is pretty useless for tracking buffs/nerfs.


Originally posted by GNeiva

Ah yes, the Cassiopeia "nerfs" that essentially buffed her early laning against every AP match-up.

As for Volibear's pick rate sitting at 1.44%, that must be a mistake. He's a freakin' raid boss atm and I see him get picked every other game at D4 MMR both for top lane and jungle.

The change was meant as Top/Bot nerfs. They were definitely neutral-to-positive for mid lane in most matchups.


SMH ad carries are so useless you cant do anything you can be 15 and 0 and you just die to a level 2 thresh like why even play this role just pick cassiopeia every game i guess


That game was close and fun to cast. Also a great game to vod review to learn about decision making around objectives. (the early herald and the drake for baron trade),


Originally posted by Drikkink

I wonder how the devs feel about the casters making fun of the 200 years comment.

It's nice to see them not censor the casting I guess.

I have a really close relationship with the dev team (I worked with them 2 years ago) and brought it up with them last year. They said they like that we keep it real and don't mind when we point out when things get absurd, and that aphelios certainly was


Originally posted by SaltyTrick

The casting this split is better than last split. LEC has been absolutely awesome to watch this week

Thank you!!


I actually KEKW'd on air after watching that aphelios


Originally posted by qontrol12345

I don't hate it, but I don't love it either.

I did the same and this is the result I came out with https://imgur.com/a/aex7ftz

This is really good. What kind of royalties would we have to pay you to use it?