League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

14 Jun


I really enjoyed that draft and the surprises and think there is so much to unpack around the decision making just from draft alone before you even get into the gameplay. Impressed with how Mad Lions looked that game!


Originally posted by cutewhaleee

Are you gonna fix it yourself on monday?

lol are you memeing august. No, but if we can get a repro, I'll try and fix it for good.


Originally posted by hebashalaby88

Lool, no Riot gift me coven Morgana skin plz 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Send me your in game name and region. :D

Also...I'd like to throw my vote in for Rammus. The true beauty of League.

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by RayFrost

Hey u/Reav3, are you able to tell if we're gonna get a Champion Insight for the next champion? I really liked what you guys did to Aphelios and Sett, it's really cool to see the devlopment

There will be yes


Originally posted by Cavshomie8

Yep, we’ve only really seen it from Tian and Tarzan like you said

and ender


Originally posted by PinkDogCourage

Oh yeah just saw a clip with yi who spawned it at near max range. I honestly have no idea what might cause this bug to happen, but yeah it’s one of the more worse bugs hope they’ll fix asap.

Do you have a link? I thought I fixed this issue, but I suppose not...

13 Jun

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by maulcore

I was just wondering, I know development was probably delayed a fair bit from covid, has it impacted the release of the champs coming after the summer event at all?

So far it hasn’t


Had such a fantastic time casting today with Frosk and got the pleasure of a super fun game from OG. I love that Deficio told me his team was gonna play more aggressive and take the fight to G2, they did and they won. MORE OF THAT PLZ


Originally posted by The_Real_Philinex

Anyone else notice Quickshot refer to Perkz as Upset when he got caught by the Sett ult mid lane?

I caught that in the rollout of the day, so bummed in myself lol. It happens though.


Works on the male faces.

It doesn't really work on female faces and ends up in the valley. (Because the jaw line.)

But very impressive.

(I would be curious to see what works with a female "driving video.")

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by biokrekka

When you guys say he will be released after the jungler, do you mean after summer event is over, or next patch, or what?

They are both a part of the summer event. I’ll leave it at that


Originally posted by RogueGG

Why do you pick Misfits to win :(

me dum dum


Originally posted by RogueGG

Hi ender



Shopkeeper must be a hell of a salesman to convince Lurox not to build blood razor and bork vs that many hp stackers


Originally posted by lgnitionRemix

Wave management is something that's very overlooked by the majority of players & something that will improve your gameplay loads by understanding! I would love more analysis on minion wave, minion count etc.

It's something LS does very good imo along with draft analysis which the LEC somewhat lacks.

You got it!

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by sonebrm

Mr. Reav3, Sir, pardon the offtopic question but is the Edgy champion that is getting released soon only for middle lane? Or can it be also played top?

While we are primarily testing and balancing it around mid I think it will also be pretty viable top


Originally posted by lgnitionRemix

Now I've always enjoyed your casting. The Ender x Phreak cast was the most hilarious cast I've ever heard! However in terms of LEC color casting I think a more micro oriented caster is a gap I'd love to see filled.

You're the highest ranked caster in the scene! Probably the one who has the best understanding of micro.

I try to go very detailed on jungle pathing in the early game, but a goal of mine this split is to bring that level of insight to other lanes.

Also, the phreak cast was one of my favorites ever. Hope we get to work together soon


Originally posted by HeroicBastard

I mean I can only guess what he means but for me at least you sometimes do not feel natural. A little over the top.

But I got to agree. Today was great. Your knowledge is allways welcome. Use it more. Be less of an "entertainer" and more of an "expert" imo.

But thats just my feelings and I surely am not an expert in how to make enjoyable casts.

I appreciate the feedback :)