League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

23 Jun


Originally posted by Nightwing_Starfire

u/Bellissimoh does this leak from Instagram hold any truth?

If yes I just can't express how happy it makes me to have a good and evil theme for Ahri as double legendary. Omg I can wait for her ultimate skin next year

Please just outright say no if it's fake.

Can’t confirm any leaked info sorry folks.




Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Are you also able to share pricing

All are Epic tier in quality.


Originally posted by King_D3D3D3

Good, hopefully they find a solution that won't f**k over a ton of people who played 1 or 2 games of TFT. I don't see why they can't just make them a toggle-able feature for ARAM.

Yeah, in retrospect our proposed refund criteria were pretty off. Apologies for that, we should have identified clear issues internally.

In terms of next steps, we're still figuring out what's feasible, what meets player needs without screwing over other groups. Unclear right now what exactly that will entail. Could be modified functionality on ARAM but still visibile to everyone. Could be a better refund approach that's fair to people who've played some TFT and some ARAM. Could be some form of hiding LLs from many players on ARAM. Could be something else again. Details to come for discussion once we've got a revised plan together.


Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Maybe /u/Bellissimoh can clarify which theme this is

These are the latest in our Arcanist theme. :)

22 Jun

Originally posted by Ripamon

/u/greaterbelugawhale /u/Riotscruffy please could you weigh in on your opinions or plans for Riven's state?


no plans atm. she seems fine. DD might be a bit too strong in general, which is affecting her build.

20 Jun


Originally posted by MoriartyParadise

Oi u/endercasts you can mock us but at least we're not twitch chat



Originally posted by IonDust

Beautiful catch by Kaiser that was in fact catch by Humanoid and that Bard ult destroyed it. Ender, do you have eyes?

My bad, didn't notice the Syndra particles in the noise of the fight. I can confirm that I do have eyes, but sometimes they are boosted


Originally posted by Megalodontus

Romain! Indeed, it is an ecosystem that I believe will only get better as long as the smaller regions get the same treatment eventually.

Would love to highlight more ERLs but we'll see!

It will come!


Originally posted by Meoseko

Hi, it me.

Why are you not editing right now?!!!


Originally posted by Braiwnz

Make sure to buy that editor some nice ice cream

Ill buy him some Hagin Dazs.


Originally posted by AzerFraze

Who is that editor? They deserve some mad respect for this

Hi, it me.


Originally posted by inde99

This is unbelievably well done.

9/10 Quickshot not naked enough

Hahaha there were more than a few people nervous about my implied nudity let alone actual nudity


Originally posted by TheBlurgh

You know what's the best about it?

It's not that they planned it in advance. This song appeared as a song of the week like any other. But they aknowledged how catchy this song is and how it became a meme-like (in a positive way) amoung the LEC audience and they reacted immidiately.

It just goes to show how much they focus on their audience and how creative they are about it. They are not there just to appear on the broadcast, do what's required of them and peace out. They really want to immerse themselves with the fans and I love it.

♥️♥️ this a thousand times. After the fan response we already decided late on Sundays show we wanted to explore it. Spent Monday and Tuesday planning (built the regular show Wednesday) recorded this footage Thursday and nearly killed an editor working overnight (1 day turn around) to get this video out. I'm thankful for every single department at the LEC, they all want these moments for you the viewer and for us cause it's fun.