League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

03 Apr


Originally posted by OHminus6

? ? ?

SS was f**king atrocious on it too

Did you even watch the games, nice results based analysis there.

Ah yes, the buzzword argument. Dude got smashed in lane (should never happen with Syndra botlane) and was a non-factor in teamfights. Couldn't even set up any picks, nothing.


Originally posted by OHminus6

??? Syndra was a perfectly fine pick both of those games. Game 1 was just Fly ... being Fly and game 2 Syndra/Naut should shit on Aphelios in lane, they just didn't and got outscaled.

First phasing Syndra for Fly makes 0 f*cking sense, he's not nearly good enough on the pick to justify it. SS was f*cking atrocious on it too so the flex potential is awful as well. It's just terrible drafting.


Lethality Varus

02 Apr


Originally posted by Pingukii

The only role I haven't seen people complain recently about is mid.

Because mid players are the smartest, most adaptable, and most skilled of course ;)


Originally posted by T1didnothingwrong

Any play shows how bad the state of adc is, they were considered an unnegotiable part of any comp for years and look at the current situation

The current situation is the exact same as always except once in a while you see a mage bot. I play Syndra bot because I'm not that good at right click marksmen, I'm sure there's a lot of people like me.


EG, Immortals and Dignitas are 'new' this season, might be worth checking out!

DIG has some awesome talent - Huni, Grig, Aphromoo

Immortals has rockstars Soaz and Xmithie

EG has memelord Zayzal and overall a great lineup too.


Originally posted by Garamayama

They're supposed to be the mid/late game team fight carries

Games are only averaging 25 minutes. That late game is only coming about 14% of the time.

Meanwhile, no other role has to make such silly gambles and can be relevant at any point in the game.

You can be relevant at any point in the game from botlane too. You might have to stop playing marksmen but it's certainly possible.


Originally posted by T1didnothingwrong

Lol mages and bruisers have been getting some play bot lane

Yes, some play. The most common mage botlane pick on 10.6 was less common than Malphite mid




What's so bad about 7 games in 3 weeks?


Originally posted by SeriousSimon

Fair assessment of my current performance. Do you have any tips what to do to increase my damage dealt? I think I got into the habit of avoiding fights I consider "dumb" to begin with and thus I miss out on too much..

Stop caring about your kda


Originally posted by BenjenRyan

Should have kept Ucal and find a way to work it out.

Because Ucal is playing so much better...


Originally posted by willky7

I guess you didn't know it
But I'm a fiddle player too
And if you'd care to take a dare, I'll make a bet with you

Now you play a pretty good fiddle, boy
But give the devil his due
I'll bet a fiddle of steel
Against your team
'Cause I think I'm better than you"

comment of the day 10/10


Originally posted by Els236

Personalization (aka Skins and Events)

  • Every time someone posts a “it’s been x days since y champion got a skin” thread on Reddit, we delay production of a skin for said champion by one additional year

well played OP, well played.

Well played indeed. :)


Originally posted by PrincessAhrin

Gotta fund all the other skins

The real answer


Originally posted by TheOnlyArs

Jungle main. Always choose jung + mid. Never autofilled. average q time - 2 seconds ( no joke). If i try to duo with someone who's main - mid, average q time - 5 minutes+ . Time to nerf jungle more rito?

It's because nobody puts jungle secondary

