League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

29 Mar


Originally posted by daryl_fish

Lol my favorite excuse is that he has a 48% winrate at most levels of play. As if the idea of a 48%wr champ getting nerfed in unfathomable. Nope never happened before.

The only reason his winrate is low is people trying to do dumb flashy sh*t that doesn't end up working.


Originally posted by MyUshanka






Originally posted by Episciencis

Man I love Flowers and Kobe, they're a great duo.



Originally posted by daverave1212

The attempted Leblanc and Rengar reworks. They felt more fair (Leblanc at least).

Does anyone really think Leblanc is healthy :(?

Way more healthy than reworked LeBlanc, that's for sure


Originally posted by KaisaorDodge

I'd agree except mages also have CC for some strange reason meaning if you get hit by one ability you get hit by them all which is usually enough to one rotation you.

Also what are you talking about not strong in lane, this has to be some kind of cruel joke. Why do you think some are played as supports?

List of mages strong in lane:


28 Mar


Originally posted by Somepotato

I'm not trying to disprove that point necessarily, but are you sure that the servers are definitely there knowing that that GeoIP can be incorrect? This can be determined with a traceroute/mtr -- I've no such IP to validate against myself as I'm NA

Yes, I'm sure.


Nice bounce-house pillow fight you got there.


Originally posted by LBL147

Why is Renekton still being picked?

Because he's good, LCK teams just suck at utilizing the pick


Originally posted by thewalkingfred

It was bad, dude. The new system is a million times better.

You used to just load into a match and have to hash out who goes in what lane using chat.

Everyone whould immediately type "mid" or "top" in the chat and the first to write it would.....often....get to play that role.

Except that people would sometime instalock the champ they wanted and just say they were going mid no matter what. It was not rare to have 3 or 4 people instalock mid champs and then flame eachother until someone hopefully dodged.

Support and jungle were for whoever typed the slowest and so they usually hated the role and didnt know how to play it.

The new system is 1000% better than the bad old days.

Most people respected pick order when I started playing in s5. But all it took was one asshole to ruin everything...


Originally posted by 02837471901

Yeah i edited my original comment, i know my grammar is quite bad sometimes. Sorry about that. 3/5 champ selects i meant. Literally took almost 10 min just to get into a game. Not playing those games out. I tried playing an autofilled game out, not doing it again.

You won't get autofilled as much if you actually play the games, that's how the system works...


Originally posted by badSilentt

If your autofilled support sits two screens behind you because they think that's how you play support in lane it's an autolose

Suck it up, every role has to deal with this sh*t. You're not special.


Originally posted by bazopboomgumbochops

I'm telling you that this subreddit won't ever let 95% of obsolete mages be decent because Syndra and Cassiopeia exist with mediocre stats. You're perpetuating the problem.

mAgEs ArE BrOkEn people always bring up the same 3 champions, it's hilarious. When 3 marksmen are strong the ADC player bitching never stops, great contrast.


Originally posted by Th3_Huf0n

Syndra is a refugee?

Cassiopeia is a refugee?

Neeko is a refugee?

Ziggs is a refugee?

Veigar is a refugee?

Heimerdinger is an abomination.

No. The reason why people play mages bot because its so easy to feast on ADCs, you can so easily bully the f**k out of them with most of those mages, or at worst with the weaker laners, scale alongside them.

No, mages are absolutely not weak. The issue is that assassins are stupidly strong.

Ziggs is 100% a refugee. Syndra is a buggy broken mess. Neeko and Veigar are just Glacial abusers.


Originally posted by PM_ME_YUUMI_RULE34

another boards user

Boards were exaxtly like reddit except you could look up people's rank


Her weaknesses are numerous: she's squishy as hell, terrible in teamfights, bad scaling all around. Just group lol


Originally posted by KasumiGotoTriss

Buy QSS to get rid of the voice obviously


27 Mar


Originally posted by them_app1es

wow, good job holding the flash there, I'd shit my pants

No one would flash there would they?


Originally posted by Allegories

That's not really evidence of anything. The playtest team would know about these changes and he is tweeting it out.

He may have been moved to a developer, I don't know, but he was a playtester for a long time, and probably still is.

While I'm not a playtester anymore, I'm also not a designer. The only changes I've ever shipped were Swain's changes. I didn't make the Aurelion Sol changes or the Anivia ones. Was just a messenger for the Anivia ones! >.<