This is amazing, well done!
I'm glad League can be there to help relieve some stress. Stay safe, I wish you and your family the best!
Wish you and your family the best.
Same. Stay safe, everyone. If League helps you de-stress, then by all means we're here for you. If you find that it escalates your stress, please take time away from the game. Taking care of yourself is more important now than ever before.
/u/greaterbelugawhale could you clarify if the shield is based on Galio’s health or your own health
his w %, his hp
they have to be really careful with that ult because if its insane strength in pro play.
but if it is too strong they can always nerf it again.
Edit: would be interesting to know if the get the shield on cast or arrival?
on cast
Always love reading your technical stuff, both for Riot and in the past for EVE Online!
o7 m8
should i talk about my master thesis so i dont feel as dumb for not understanding a single word of this. :(
We may be at different angles off the center, but that doesn't make our specialties any more or less "smart" than the other
Is it something homegrown or one of the popular open source orchestration frameworks? (k8s, etc)
It's a popular open source framework. Reckon rolling your own clustering is quickly becoming like rolling your own crypto - just don't.
I've always thought this. But I think "Set of two" could work if you changed the rankings from wins based to point based like football for example lets take a match-up G2 vs FNC:
G2 2-0 FNC - Because G2 won they recieve 3 points and FNC receive 0 points
G2 1-1 FNC - G2 and FNC tie the games and both teams receive 1 point
G2 0-2 FNC - The reverse of the first example so the reverse happens. G2 lost and receive 0 points where FNC receive 3 points.
The system could easily work and make "ties" feel less bad. Its the same in football when a team gets goals enough to ties you fought back to bring the game to that point and are rewarded. And when you win you receive a bigger bonus of 3 points. 2 points wouldn't work as its not a big enough 'bonus' for the win.
EDIT: turns out its been too long since the b02 and i cant remember shit
That's how it worked when we had B02
Question: Will all the games be casted by the Opalcast? What happen to the original english casters for LPL?
The official english cast is coming back next week
Start ADD cowards!
Almost 90% sure it's happening (on a smaller scale) in NA as well. I was playing with some Texas friends last night (all DFW) and all of us had massive packet loss despite our MS/FPS not changing.
That'd have to be something else entirely - the game servers don't run in the container cluster presently. I didn't see any major network issues with NA last night - possible that y'all are on the same ISP and they were having issues?
You mentioned that a large amount of containers go into making league work, I was wondering just how spread out it actually is? Is a single champ select lobby running on multiple containers at once, each responsible for different things like Champs, runes, Chat, etc? I remember reading about those being highly separate client side, so it would be interesting to know if the server side mirrors the client in that sense.
It's very spread out - the examples you call out in a single champ select are spot on correct. There's a few more but I'm fuzzy on the exact splits so I hope you'll accept a bit of handwave there. In the core game loop we also have other services like the one that manages parties, one for matchmaking, and on the flip side there's separate services for processing mission results and storing your match history, for example. Very much in the microservices style of architecture.
As someone working in the field it is nice to see what happened, what did you do to fix the problem and what is being done to make the chances of it happening again close to zero. I have had my fair share of moments where I've thought the work was done by workers with way too little experience and knowledge to deal with the European servers but I was wrong. Thanks for the article!
We're nearly done moving to a different container scheduler entirely, and that one has much more expressive constraints that will allow us to problematically ensure exclusivity on host across shards with a bit of configuration. Until the edge services can be transitioned over however, we've set up alerting that prompts us to do a manual remap if problematic crowding occurs. That's been working well for the past couple weeks since this incident.
I always like these explanation articles. I may not fully understand everything talked about, but I find it fascinating anyway.
Glad you liked it! If you have any questions, I'm happy to help clarify anything
The power difference isn't that large, but toplane champions are generally useful regardless of the situation. Whereas ADC's are forced to rely upon your team to actually be useful.
Marksmen is the biggest coinflip role & there is nothing to compliment that as not only do you have no agency on the map or hardly any in the lane - you also have a random person in your lane who is 30% of the time autofilled.
'marksmen scale best off gold over gametime' Games don't last long enough for marksmen to get 3+ items
Not to mention the limited amount of marksmen viable right now.
D2 EUW btw
In Elite play (Diamond+) there are currently 9 Marksmen above the 50% winrate line, with all of the rest (except Kai'Sa) being above 48%. I'm not sure if you're conflating viability with playrate? Or maybe just their feel? But if your goal is to win games, you aren't losing them by picking marksmen.
Read moreIgnoring for a second that win rate is well known to be entirely useless as an indicator for power (being about as accurate as a coinflip most of the time), which inexplicably you decided to ignore to make a balance framework that looks at the wrong things, Lee Sin has exceeded 75% pro play presence on several patches, and evaded a nerf. Hell, you have nerfed several significantly weaker jungles, like Shaco, even while Lee Sin dodges the needed nerfs. Lee Sin is dominating in the jungle, and far too powerful.
If all of this is because you're blindly following your balance framework (other than for Akali who qualifies for buffs but isn't getting them), then I think it's time you scrap the current framework and go back to the drawing board. Create a new framework, one that doesn't miss 2/4 of leagues most broken champs of all time, and 3/4 of leagues weakest champs of all time.
Edit: In fact, looking at it, Shaco fails to qualify for any of the frame...
no, winning in league of legends is not a coinflip
Using "in fact" when stating a non-fact detracts severely from your argument and makes people stop bothering with responding to you. especially since in this situation it involves you assuming that i'm lying to you about something you have no way to actually know - so you are already taking your conversation partner in bad faith. hey look, it's shaco crossing the win rate x ban rate threshold
Yeah, but when does that ever come up? I have a million points on anivia and can’t think of a single time where I was like “aw man, if the window for empowered e after being affected by my r was one second longer I would’ve gotten more damage!”
This feels like a placebo that doesn’t address Anivias real problems in that she’s too weak early and never gets to her strong points in most games. Perhaps giving her more roam capabilities or easing her mana issues early so she’s not gated into seraphs+rod of ages?
I don’t know a perfect solution, and maybe this was too much, but I’d like to see some more power given to her so she could have a presence in pro play besides just froggen once a split.
Appreciate the passionate response. I agree Anivia needs some wider work done (maybe QoL, power curve, or power budget shift), but that would require some more due diligence from us that we aren't ready to commit just yet (we swung too far with the CC immunity and were rightly called out for it). We will see what this change does for Anivia (if anything), and reassess after.
How is that pronounced?