Rivington sounds completely dead inside
It is concerning that you define laughing and happiness as dead inside. Be well friend.
Rivington sounds completely dead inside
It is concerning that you define laughing and happiness as dead inside. Be well friend.
Cheating in mhw is basically „ive put more than 3k hours combined into previous MH games, got too old to grind the shit out of mhw and thus skip some parts“
Decoration sniping comes to mind.
My favorite thing about SI units is that you've got your prefixes (milli, centi, kilo, mega, giga, etc.) and your unit types (grams, liters, meters, etc.), and you can stick them together in any way you want while still making complete sense.
And if you stick them together fancy enough you get to name them. Just say Kilo-gram-meter per second-second and suddenly you have a Newton.
In a partnered study lasting approximately 8 years and backed by $20 million in federal funding, leading scientists managed to chronologically place the invention of cheating somewhere between 3.5 billion BCE and November 20th, 1985. While its precise origin remains indeterminate, one reality has become accepted as established fact: Cheaters gonna cheat.
Haha. This one is funny.
Anticheat team have the best banter.
No, the worst feeling in League is when and an ally place a ward at the same time in the same spot.
At least my team is using wards.
Just wondering - when you said that you are not bought in on any LEC team (outside of G2), were you comparing them to LCS teams? Or your benchmark was LCK/LPL?
Was basically just trying to do a quick comparison within their respective leagues. Like I'm bought in that G2 will be a top team in LEC. Bought in that TL C9 Dig will be top teams in LCS.
LCS vs. LEC comparisons are for another day ;)
Alright, this is gonna be used as a means of sh*tting on NA, which I'm not particularly happy with. I was just chilling with my stream and they asked me what I thought of NA. I talked about how I get frustrated when I see a lot of the basics getting skipped, even by top teams and I used the dragon as an example. I couldn't remember the game, I just remember a drake fight that I thought was weird in the C9 game and just picked that game out of my loose memory.
I love the NA broadcast and think they make a great show. I also much prefer watching NA as a fan rather than an analyst, which was the main point of me saying this. I also exaggerated for comedic effect because I was streaming. Let's please try to avoid turning this into a sh*t throwing competition. LEC teams also do dumb sh*t and I get equally as annoyed when they do it. You only have to watch the G2 v OG game where I said on broadcast G2 were trolling when they threw away that baron. This isn't some weird elitist th...
Read moreNice roundup and I appreciate how early after a game day it is because it also makes it easy to remember what plays he's talking about other than when you try to talk about specific plays that happened at a saturday game talked about on a Thursday.
Not sure about Jatts take on LEC. I think G2 is only miles ahead of the bottom 6 teams while the top 4 currently all play pretty decent league of legends.
Thanks for listening! Depending on reception, might go a little bit more detailed into LEC next time. To clarify, I don’t think it’s G2 and then 9 others, just that G2 is clearly better than the other top 4. Agree that there’s a fairly clear top 4 so far, just that G2 is clearly at the top of that top 4.
hey, have you played the games yet ?
Can you tldr mpen please, never know if it's worth buying or not. This does make sense to an extent but would like a conclusion too just to clarify, thanks
We'll start with AP
AP is quite simple. It adds a flat amount of damage.
Slightly more complex: The amount that damage matters requires you to consider the base damage of the ability, the AP ratio, and the amount of AP you already have. So for example, if you already have 100 AP, your 200 base damage ability with a 1.0 ratio essentially has 300 base damage and you need to consider what further AP does from there.
Magic penetration is simple multiplication.
Magic penetration has two factors: How much total damage your ability deals (200 + 100x1.0 = 300) and how much magic resist your opponent has. It's actually fairly easy to break down flat pen and percent pen in a similar fashion. Ultimately, all either do is multiply the amount of damage you already deal.
The short answer to your question is two statements:
Hey kinda off topic, but is it possible to get the daily schedule back in the stream description on YouTube? It used to be there and made it easy to see which games were happening when, but recently it disappeared for both LEC and LCS.
Makes sense, let me see what I can do.
Numbers I cited (56-57%) are likely too high, they were off the top of my head from data that was lower sample size. If her winrate top does end up going to 54%+ we would prolly nerf her due to power.
Allorim was definitely losing some trades but it feels like the casters focused on that matchup a little much considering how many resources IMT was spending to get towers on the opposite side of the map. He's just supposed to not die and hold weak side, which he did plenty fine.
Insanity looked really good this game, and Apollo has been a mid-level LCS player for years so no surprise he's good in academy. I think they are pretty easily top 3 academy teams
Defs was more trying to focus on wanting to see more ults, while also acknowledging Sett's presence making that difficult. He laned totally fine, was basically even the whole time.
Fair to say that we should've maybe focused more on what the other four were doing though (it was a lot)!
Seriously what is this
He's currently playing remote from Canada due to visa stuff IIRC
Wouldn't there be a problem with too many imports or has that rule changed?
Defs too many imports in that roster sadly, but that does sound like a nasty top-side.
I know I'm late and I haven't had a chance to watch the vod, but the "double box" is a great idea. Red Zone will even go into a quad box at times with Hanson doing a quick run down of the situations in each before going into a single game again. I know the Dash idea might be scrapped, however, having him keep an eye on all the games and narrating over a multi picture portion could still work I think.
Then again, I'm a big fan of Scott Hanson and Dash so I'm a bit bias towards the narrator idea in general. Love the idea though and it definitely makes me want to keep up with academy more. Thanks for all the hard work you guys are doing and acting on community feedback so quick!
We have a four box effect but shy away from using it too much because we think it's going to be hard to see any useful detail if the gameplay windows are too small. Even seeing the kill score (which is the largest number on the screen) is hard to make out. 2-box could be a better option, for sure. We're definitely open to exploring those different looks.
I keep asking mr. rito to nerf Rengar but they won't listen to me either :(
Vedius explained it very well... FNC has a shit team comp but they have better players than SK so they win.
I never called the comp sh*t, I just thought it was hard for them to play in the mid game. It felt like the rengar didn't offer a huge amount of value outside of lane which made it harder for Fnatic, but they played the reengages well and showed that they were the better team
No you don't. 😉
How do I see it after the live stream? The Academy Rush video on Twitch appears to be just a preshow :/ and I don't see any place to stream it even on Riot's own website.
Are you checking on twitch.tv/riotgames or twitch.tv/Academy? I'll double check what's going on with twitch videos.
You can definitely find it on the LoL Espots VODs and Highlights YouTube channel, though!