League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

29 Jan

Originally posted by [deleted]


S-senpai the numbers say hes 53% winrate from gold and above but i agree he's clearly awful. :)


Originally posted by G-Swayze11

I like this structure because it encourages interesting takes and specific discussions rather than just general discussions about teams. Report and honor is a fun segment as well. And the fact that everything is specifically segmented made the timestamps a lot neater so it's easier to view specific sections of the show.

Also more Jatt

Jatt is only welcome on the show after he can get past the rigorous screening process of telling us he wants to be on the show that week!


Originally posted by owlreed1

Sett just really unbalanced right now and i don't know how riot cant see that

We're nerfing him next patch


Hey all!

Curious to hear what people think about how we structured this episode? Do you prefer going team by team for the LCS section or did you enjoy the overreactions, ones to watch etc as a kick off for conversations?

Thoughts on report / honor?

Hope you're enjoying the new season so far as I'm really excited about the direction of the show & having Mark on full time! Let us know what you think!


Originally posted by Blazing117

With less than 2% playrate though.

"But the mains" is not a valid argument for why low playrate champions have high winrates.

The average Yasuo player you see in your games has more games on Yas than the average Ivern player.

Originally posted by Speculatory

What about Evelynn? She's been hit really hard by the jungle changes and I honestly don't think these will be enough to let her hit 6 at a reasonable time again. Then again, I don't know the math off the top of my head for the new changes, but an efficient Eve clear on live hits at 8:10~ (used to be 6:00), and the meta favors early game junglers extra super hard. Any plans to at least revert her Q change from a few patches back?

shes sitting around 50% winrate almost exactly for most players, but bad for low elo. its possible she has room for a buff if we are looking to up low elo jungle diversity slightly.

we know its an ivern nerf. he sits around 53% winrate at high elo, so close to getting nerfed anyways, so we aren't going to do any compensation until after the dust settles


Originally posted by Naminoo

Riot August said below that relic shield supports last hitting cannons counts as Senna killing them if the gold is shared with her.

This is correct.


Originally posted by ridlehprime

So why does riot want senna to be a support so badly when clearly the pros and solo q players play her bot?

We want her to be both. Right now ADC Senna is OP, so we're nerfing it.

We're not nerfing her because she's being played ADC. We're nerfing her because she's OP.


Originally posted by SlurpTurnsMeGreen

Soul drop on cannons senna kills 100% >>> 2%

Looks like a mid/late game nerf since early on the melee support will be taking the cannon. Prediction, more nerfs to her won't come as a surprise.

edit: more info below

If Senna's support takes a minion with relic shield (giving her the gold) it is treated as though she had killed it (lower soul drop rate).

Originally posted by OnlyAnEssenceThief

Azir - R soldier count (width) 5-7 >>> 6-8

It's only a matter of time until Azir has enough soldiers to divide the entire map; you heard it here first.


28 Jan

    /u/AzuBK on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Caenen_

For a bit of information on this - Jhin's 'infinite ammo bug' was a thing for a long time already, likely since Jhin's launch. Riot tried to fix it in this patch or last one (and maybe some other stuff too while at it), undocumented, by forcing him to reload when he attacks while under effect of this.

But turns out, as long as he sucessfully rolls a crit, he still gets to shoot and keep the bug active.

And now since the 'fix', all of those shots are 4th shots (which they weren't before)!

And you can also manage to get other spells into the spell slot of his crit attack while under effect of this, such as E!


Big oops. Last patch I fixed a bug with Hail of Blades which caused Jhin to sometimes become unable to 4th shot at all. I fixed this by removing a seemingly superfluous check somewhere that reset that spell slot to his crit auto attack. That change exposed a separate issue that already existed—Jhin can be prevented from reloading sometimes, which places him into a state where he has zero ammo and whatever is placed in his spell slot becomes his crit basic attack until he reloads (defaults to his 4th shot, but can also be his Q or E). Before last patch, this would lead to perma 4th shot. Now, it leads to perma 4th shot or perma Q/E (whichever he cast last). This is now fixed for next patch by allowing Jhin's reload to be castable under all conditions.

And no, you can't get his ultimate to replace his basic attack, sadly.


Originally posted by Ehac

Misplay yes, but there's no clearly correct decision here IMO

I disagree. they had vision of rakan well in advance. Bjerg was the player furthest up. You either ult and he doesn't rakan ult you. (In that case you still get to play the rest of the fight, just without R) or you buy your team time. Either way, using ult in a situation where you KNOW they can burst you is the better play.

I'd agree if Dardoch didn't also seem to be in imminent danger. But this is all hindsight, who knows what he was considering ¯_(ツ)_/¯


Originally posted by Walvrus

He took 40% dmg in 2.3 seconds and then he took 60% while charmed/knocked up.

This was NOT a huge missplay from bjergsen , it was a well played from Rakan , Bjergsen got cced from 60% where he was charmed and then knocked up>dead

Yeah mostly agree with this. He definitely had time to ult, but he would've been putting the ult on himself at 60%, which would be a bit early. If I were him I'd also be watching Dardoch (my almost dead jungler while we're trying to contest Infernal), making it understandable that he gets caught off guard. Misplay yes, but there's no clearly correct decision here IMO

Edit: Yeah if everything goes the same without the Rakan ult he'd have ample time to save himself, good play by CoreJJ


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Originally posted by RuneKatashima

Question that's somewhat related. How does your second and third paragraph relate to Riven? It's been colloquially understood that she is played largely by mains and that has also made her high winrate "okay".

Does data support this? Is it okay?

She's top 10 in the metric.

Interestingly, so are Nami and Sona.


Originally posted by Kein_Narr

I'm looking for every source of data I can and honestly cannot find anything to suggest Swain is weak here. You'd have to cherry-pick to find anything sub-50.

And then you say in another post:

Third, let's circle back to Swain. This is where there's a deserved large asterisk: I don't have reliable data from the last six months. My Swain data is from before the most recent remaster.


Just lol.

That's specifically the games-on-champion data. Win rates, as you could have read from literally the sentence above, are from 10.1 and 10.2


Originally posted by Hobmot

Agreed. His great play at elder really made everyone forget about his lackluster play up until then.

This is a very reasonable criticism, he was playing very much "just ok" up until that play and the whole game was pretty flat honestly.

I think I didn't appreciate that some of these newer rosters, even with a lot of already established players, would take time to build up as a team.


Nerfing funneling would be ideal. The specific Taric/Yi change I'd recommend if we were going to adjust them would be changing the interaction that makes Taric's E undodgeable if it fires while Yi is Qing a target.


Originally posted by GLGMisclick

How a champion with a pickrate in solo lanes below 1% can be considered even a viable solo laner. Of course he can have high winrate in top and mid when the sample size in diamond+ is around below 200 and. Sorry, can't agree with that argument, unless internal riot data shows way higher sample size at higher mmr to prove that swain is actually not just support, and only being semi viable in solo lanes only in hands of die-hard fanbase.

Checked Riot internal data. Looked at both 10.1 and 10.2 separately. Also looked across every MMR band that's worth measuring.

Across all cross-sections he is 50%+ at every MMR bracket in Mid/Bot. (caveat: measuring GM+ is fraudulent because sample size is too low, so that bracket is unusable)

Swain winrate generally decreases slightly with MMR and still ends up above 50% in his two best roles (neither are Support) at every MMR for the last month, including D1+

I'm looking for every source of data I can and honestly cannot find anything to suggest Swain is weak here. You'd have to cherry-pick to find anything sub-50.

To be clear, if the sample size was too small, you'd see wild swings in winrate going patch-to-patch. That only happens in GM+. Everywhere else the deviation is pretty moderate. Even with patch-to-patch variance, they ALL clock in above 50%.