League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

01 Feb


Originally posted by BubBidderskins

I really enjoyed it again, and the improvements were notable. One thing that I was missing a little bit was a recap of the games. Even something as simple as scrolling through the scoreboards during the break just to get a sense of how all the players did would be nice.

That's a really good idea... I'm going to talk to our graphics team to see what options we have there. Thank you!


Originally posted by sevinon

Yeah, C9 seems uniquely on top of this stuff (they had an announcement out on their discord and I'm guessing they also posted to twitter though I haven't checked). The hard part might be finding a good way to reach the fans who don't actively follow the social media of the team they want to watch the game of.

Perhaps it makes sense to occasionally have the box with the "voice of:" switch to "solo stream found at:"?

That's a good suggestion!


Originally posted by ChiefBlueSky

Hard agree. Was really good I thought. They fixed all of my issues with it

I’m really happy with the changes the producers and the team made here. Dash was more comfortable and the approach felt better. Kudos to the Academy Rush team. And thanks all who provided such great feedback.

31 Jan


Originally posted by Jeytumn

Caedrel outcasted Ender so hard he had to be dismissed.



Originally posted by avendurree23

Holy shit you're right. They didnt comment ANYTHING about the client besides the typical "we'll take a look at it"

Yeah, we owe you folks some real talk about the client, its problems, our thinking on them etc. A piece on that's being worked on right now.


Originally posted by baaabuuu

When do you expect Clash to begin again?

The Clash team will share the date of the next Clash event next week


Originally posted by NicholasaGerz

do you think those buffs are enough tho ? i am not a jungler but based off some posts on here they don't seem to be

also what do you think about tanks atm ?

I'm not certain personally. I do feel jungler impact was too high last season, with levels being too close to solo lanes for a role with such high agency over when fights happened. I share the team's caution about putting too much XP back in at once as a result, though I certainly understand jungler desire for it.


Originally posted by NicholasaGerz

honestly look like they should be helping jng more than top lol. also adc is way higher than what reddit makes it out to be

As Scruffy mentioned last week we are looking at jungle XP at the least, with preseason changes not landing as expected there either. I know the specific changes being tested aren't liked by some people, it's something that's already getting worked on though.

Wanted to bring up top since that wasn't something we'd discussed really since preseason by contrast.


Originally posted by Jozoz

Thank god we finally have data that disproves this ridiculous notion that support is still the least played role.

Yep, times have changed. Used to be support was the least queued role by a huge margin (around half the selection rate of the next lowest). Still is that low in certain region/MMR cases, generally it's fairly close to other positions now though.


Originally posted by DeadNames

more TFT 🥱

I'll keep putting TFT stuff at the end for those of you who aren't interested in it - once you see it, suggest no longer reading. Others are interested in it though hence its inclusion.


Originally posted by bz6

Has Meddler moved completely off SR?

About a year and a half ago I moved to a new role that involved covering design across LoL as a whole. Last year I then took on some additional non design responsibilities as well. That's gradually meant less and less time with the SR team. I still playtest with them sometimes, talk about high level plans etc. I'm much less involved in discussions about champ balance, item adjustments etc though. Since that stuff's a large part of what people want to hear about I figured it would be a good time to get RiotScruffy in to cover more of that half the time.


We had a lot of fun ideating this concept and I'm so happy that the producers and stats goddess Barshnip helped make all the props. I think it might just return to tell a few more stories in this format, assuming you guys had some fun with us on the first attempt :P


Originally posted by RiotDrakos

If you have any other creative ideas for how we can educate Quickshot, let us know.

Dude come on... ITS DRAGONS... How could you think I DIDNT KNOW?

I do however think you could teach me how to dominate my lane as an ADC using this tactic.

It was easy to follow. I have to admit :P


If you have any other creative ideas for how we can educate Quickshot, let us know.

30 Jan


Originally posted by Transky13

"Adc's just had too many base stats"

Can you give examples of this being the case for the ADC role as a whole in recent memory? I'm not talking Ardent Meta where they were broken or specific op champions. I just don't feel like adc's have had "too many base stats" in a long time.

Adc is legitimately the only role I've played (and I've hit diamond playing every role at some point except top) that has the potential to consistently lose a 1v1 to essentially every other character class in the game even with a lead without major missplays. You can be 5-0 and if your team doesn't help you manage the 0-5 Irelia who tp's behind you in a teamfight then you just die.

Obviously I'm speaking in generalities as there are situations that this doesn't necessarily apply, but it really does feel as if high base stats have not been an issue for the role in a long while to me and that a lot of adc's that aren't as competitively viable would be significantly helped by just givi...

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This was where their base hp5 went down to ~5 and base AD went down by about 4, compensated by larger scaling numbers. Basically just nerfed their laning but buffed their late game dps.

It was in specific response to them lane testing mages and found they consistently lost lane against marksmen.


Originally posted by RaiseYourDongersOP

I agree. It was harder to play non-adcs back then but it was still doable. Also Riot had said they wanted to make adcs non-mandatory but 8.11 wasn't meant to do that really. They nerfed adcs because of ardent meta (still dumb af) and they overnerfed so mages started being played. Then Riot was like "oh we didn't really expect this, this wasn't our immediate intention".

I maintain the opinion that Riot did too many things at once but the idea was good:

  1. The base stat changes / AP ratios to turrets and so on were fine. I think Riot saw from internal playtests that ADCs just had too many base stats and it made early laning impossible against them. I think it was fine to make this change, and TBH, none of this really got unwound, so clearly it ended up fine

  2. They reworked crit items to give IE sh*t base stats and made crit into a true damage conversion instead of a big number payoff. I think this was the wrong call and it's what got reverted.

That's basically all that changed. We're finally in a good spot for crit itemization after walking back the majority of those item changes and we're in a world where mages are indeed viable bot lane and actually considered with relative frequency.


Originally posted by DKiyoshiH

People had them 10th? I figured they'd finish like 6th or so (I'm probably gonna be wrong) but 10th seemed like a bit much

I remember a thread with a thousand comments of which 90% had DIG as 9-10th


Originally posted by Clanorr

I don't know why they are so scared of letting people find out their true mmr

Because it will show the flaws of their matchmaking system. With the current system, if the two teams average rank was so far apart, it's easy to cover it up with "Both teams has the same hidden value (MMR)". But if people can actually see that value and there is a big mismatch, it will not look good for them.

So Rito is holding me back after all


I remember everyone flaming Dignitas saying they will be 10th and downvoting me for saying they have a chance for the title...


Originally posted by Papaya_Dreaming

Move on insinuates there is a place to move on to. Where? From the OP:

it’s a pretty commonplace thing on EUNE but these two flamers were extraordinarily abusive.

When you tell someone who regularly faces abuse to move on from one instance and on to the next, and on to the one after that, it creates a dynamic where the abused party is told to keep trying new lunch tables rather than any number of tables making room for them.

Perhaps the misunderstanding is because Riot's on-the-tin philosophy is inclusivity, not "remediating chat restrictions for women." They likely want every player to enjoy every feature of the game they maintain.

On to personal snippets:

If you learn how to not take words so personal

If only it was personal, at least then the problem would be specific enough to not experience as often. This wasn't incited over a personal matter, it started because of...

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Yeah. I had something similar to this and deleted it because I was frustrated. But this, too.