Why is it hard to blame them? I dont understand the level of apologetic for what is lazy, ignorant, and unprofessional behavior.
Building is simple. Yeah, figuring out particular build sets and the most optimal numbers isn't something you can do in a split second. But given a particular build path, there are like a dozen items you are choosing from, if even. Adjusting build order or swapping out 1 or two items situationally is not a challenge. They deserve all the flame. Its frankly embarrassing.
"Feel" and intuition" is bull shit. It's not a baseball swing where there's complex physics and biodynamics, as well as actual physical habituation and development. Its buying an item in a shop, its clicking 3 buttons. Its buying stats that have clear, simple, algebraic results. its not beyond anyone with a middle school education to evaluate item efficiency.
I can tell you from personal experience as someone who's had the same exact job for seven years and am reasonably good at it: It's impossible to be perfect at everything. Any time I reflect on something I hadn't realized, it's just so easy to imagine a generic Reddit/Twitter comment of, "Well yeah you idiot, of course it should be that way."
Virtually any decision can be called easy in retrospect. But that invariably misses the crucial context in the moment.