My favourite champ! So happy I got the name Draven!
loltyler1 wants to know your location
My favourite champ! So happy I got the name Draven!
loltyler1 wants to know your location
My actual nickname is donkey. Because of my penis. So When I was in high school I would hit people with my Penis when they were not expecting it. That’s the fearda part.
My actual nickname is donkey. Because of my penis.
...I'm not sure if I follow.
My summoner name literally means Crow Crow. (Corvus Cuervo) I just combined the Latin and Spanish words for crow (the bird), then BAYUM! It sounded bad@ss to me at first, but then I realized it was just the same word twice. :/
(Also I tried to main Anivia as my first champion. :P. Didn't go ideally. but I gave it a shot.)
i made my nickname years ago when i was playing pump it up ( a korean dance simulator game similar to dance dance revolution) in that times the bulletin board forums system were really popular so when i tried to register i need to think on a username.
Meanwhile i was thinking on my username i was playing Legend of Zelda Majora Mask N64 on the Gilded Sword Sub-Quest .
Since i was a little boy by that time (14-15 years old) i ending up with Gildedboy, by my 18 years old i remove the "boy" and just leave on Gilded
(later i found that Gilded is not an nickname for a sword but just an object being covered with Gold)
by my 18 years old i remove the "boy" and just leave on Gilded
No "GildedMan"?
Summoner: Starƒox
Starfox64 was one of my favorite games growing up, so I chose to rep it. Works great that Ahri is my favorite AP champ too haha.
mashed my keyboard until i got something i could sort of pronounce (aezruij) --> (aezru)
Hopefully you don't need to re-mash it every time you log in.
1JellyDonut. because I love jelly donuts, but really can only have 1 at a time.
The power of two jelly donuts is just too much to handle, I understand.
Neekolas, my name is Nicolas and I don't even lilke playing Neeko
Don't worry it'll be fixed Monday morning.
I never said which Monday :3
End me. Please.
Me ferg
Me BoatStuff
I coined it.
Are you sure you don’t mean “coin edit”?
IchStudierBtches which is roughly the german version of "I study btches" and a line from a really crappy german rap song
Ich liebe dich
Gotta hide from Big Brother
PogChampion and Jayce Vaynetura, they should both be pretty obvious where they came from
Jayce Vaynetura: Pet Detective
Had a friend who had the same exact name as my current one. He suddenly disappeared and I never saw him again (didn't have any of his contact information or whatever). After a couple of years, I decided to take his name so that I wouldn't forget him. Whenever someone asks me about my name, I mention him. I do wish I could talk to him again.
I always enjoy the sentimental stories. One of my main online handles (not BoatStuff) was given to me by my best friend who passed away 13 years ago. I cherish it and think of him every time I log in.
I hope you get to talk to your friend again some day.
I originally only played jungles where I could build righteous glory on and thus the fast boii was born
It was actually Kien's response on his own survey.
My friends and I were playing really late one night and talking about Guy Fieri. Then he thought of Guy Confetti and I became Guy Spaghetti
Diners, Drive-Ins, and Tower Dives