League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

28 Jan


Originally posted by DaPhoToss

He deserves a fair shot in LCS.

I'd agree, but I think he's still scaling up his overall experience as a pro.

As far as ceiling goes, when Spica is playing the way he wants to he's kind of an unreal player, so I'm excited to keep tabs on him throughout this Academy season!


Originally posted by Dopp3lg4ng3r

ok it's time for you to start having actual reflexion abilities rather than repeating the storyboard KC told you to write down every single time.

He wins 53% of his games with only mains playing him. ONLY MAINS.

Other champions do not have that exact same problem because most of the strong picks in midlane get to have good overall winrate and excessively good winrates on MAINS.

This tasteless and short-minded logic is literally plaguing this game for several seasons and you guys are actually insanely oblivious if you in your right mind, think he's sensibly equal to assassins/syndra/diana and all actual powerpicks in midlane

Hey, so I was interested in your claim about only mains playing him and while this data isn't perfect, let's get into it:

First off, no one's telling me what to write. I'm interested in performance data in general and I had some free time, so I'm talking about what I've got available.

Second, you're wrong about the mastery/power kind of stuff. We'll take Yasuo for example. He has the single highest score for "average games of experience when you see this champion." The mean games of experience on Yasuo is over 100. Now, sure, that technically means you may face nine first-time players for every 1000-game main, as is the nature of using mean as the measurement, but this tends to work pretty well overall. Yasuo has on average 100 games under his belt when he gets played. He has a 49% win rate in solo queue. Katarina is 2nd place. She has 53%, the same as Swain. Zyra is #3. She's at 52%.

What this means is that overall, the mastery rate more or less has to be t...

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27 Jan


Originally posted by Lavoisier21

Absolute joke (in poor taste).

Do you reckon that the fact that he as a sub 1% play rate in solo lanes in every server after the latest mini rework is MAYBE a sign that, despite whatever win rate stats you conjure up, he feels like ass to play?

Getting out shoved by every other champion in the game and having to farm under tower with mage auto attacks is not exactly a fun experience. All that in return for being a mediocre champion mid and late game.

Listen to your playerbase for once. Nobody who played Swain top or mid is satisfied with it, that's why people abandoned him.

By the way, you people always complaing that you can't speak to us without the conversation turning uncivil, yet here you are comparing us to anti-vaxxers because we see fault in your horribly flawed argument.

Then that's a different conversation and one I'm totally down for having. I agree Swain is quite unpopular. That's something worth tackling and should happen.

That is a different discussion from "Swain is [not] strong." And again, the point still stands that he wins. If all he did was last hit pitifully under turret and then become mediocre in mid game he wouldn't win 53% of his games in mid lane.


Originally posted by Dopp3lg4ng3r

can you not spread lies?

You rely on datas which has less than 1% and even more often than not less than 0.5% (!) playrate and then claim he's strong in there when he's literally having close to no games in these 3 whatsoever:

https://u.gg/lol/champions/swain/build?role=top (0.4% pr with 48% wr)

https://u.gg/lol/champions/swain/build?role=middle (0.8% pr with 52% wr)

https://u.gg/lol/champions/swain/build?role=adc (0.1% pr with 55% wr)

now to diamond :

https://u.gg/lol/champions/swain/build?role=top&rank=diamond_plus (0.3% pr with 53% wr) https://u.gg/lol/champions/swain/build?role=mi...

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https://lolalytics.com/lol/swain/?lane=support also supports u.gg's high winrate claim.

Couple thousand games for each role. Internal data also has his him as a top performer in Mid/Bot. Pickrate is irrelevant. Sample size is what matters. The sample is large enough to be confident in his performance.

Again, see the first comment I made. Just because people think it's true doesn't mean it is true. There's lots of people who think vaccines are a larger risk than measles. Evidence shows us the opposite is true. Don't be one of those people. Swain is a winning champion.


Originally posted by Crumplesnitches

Why would you consider Swain to be in a balanced state when his Q is so ineffective he's been benched down to tier 3 support?

Because he's actually strong is all three farming lanes.

Just because people think he's a support doesn't mean he is one. Top, Mid, and Bot all have higher win rates.


Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Maybe /u/RiotKingCobra can share some context on the Swain change as the balance team's resident Swain main

Already tweeted this, but I'll also post here: His ult on live is currently converting only 37.5%. Given his relatively balanced state, we decided to modify his tooltip to be accurate rather than change it to actually be 75%.

TLDR: His ult has been bugged this whole time and the tooltip was lying. Since he's relatively balanced we just updated the tooltip to reflect what the ult was actually doing.


Originally posted by Caenen_

It was definitely fixed in 9.24 and I can't reproduce it right now the way it happened previously. Perhaps there's a different way it can happen still, but I'd need OP to upload a clip of it happening or similar.

I'm sure I fixed this. I'd also like to see a current clip if possible to verify.


Doesn't have a single dodge everything and teleport 4 times

This was unironically a Senna iteration!


Originally posted by [deleted]


This is correct. Jhin proved out ammo and weird attack speeds could be cool, then we tried it on Graves who was in dev at the same time. Really helped sell the shotgun.


Originally posted by Randomd0g

4th shot reveals all enemies on the map and has infinite range

This is a great idea


I’ve been looking for a way to buff Jhin and that last thing you mentioned seems promising :3

26 Jan


Originally posted by please-stand-up

imagine the rioters, who designed elder to make it a game ending objective, preventing 45+ min games, watching this game



Originally posted by habitat91

Yea, I get it. But it's really just an excuse for something that's bullshit

There's a fine line between giving a reason and an excuse! I mean, I didn't make the map this way, so I feel it lands a little closer to reasoning, but I leave that up to the reader to decide.


Originally posted by DeusWombat

The reason you're not being well received is because this was just pointless reiteration. We all know it's bullshit, no reason will change the fact that it's bullshit even when most of us DID know that reasoning, and all you did was come in and say "ya it's bullshit and this is why". Nothing has changed, you just reminded us that this part of your game is bullshit.

You offered no solution or compensation, you've contributed nothing positive and in fact have only shown that you'll sooner do nothing before even addressing the problem or assuring the problem is being addressed. You almost even sound proud that you can regurgitate this information. You are not winsome or endearing by vocalizing like this. You are annoying.

We don't want an explanation on why this thing that shouldn't exist exists, we just don't want this thing. Assure us of what we want instead of saying something we've all heard before.

Or if you're not someone who can do any of that, try comfo...

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I don't believe everyone knows about height variations on SR, so I was attempting to provide information and a little value to the discussion.

Nothing snide about my post, actually. I feel you're being a little unreasonable there. Perhaps some levity about the potential downvotes, but I will steer clear of that going forwards.


You're not going to like this, but there's a height difference between where you were and where Shyv was. What you're seeing here is due to perspective. It certainly DOES look bullsh*t, but if you JUST missed her by firing in-front of her, the height difference would make the missile look like it's passing through her.

Now, I await the downvotes so this comment never reaches the masses. Please, be gentle!


Originally posted by endercasts

Yeah Ender is really great, big fan

Fk wrong account


Yeah Ender is really great, big fan

25 Jan


I almost kissed Vedius to make this happen.

No seriously he was speaking into my mic


Originally posted by qsRain

That was such a nice Sett-up for the Ori ult

You win.