League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

23 Jan


I'm so hyped to cast this game with Frosko!!!


These are stunning!


Originally posted by erac03

both, -5ms, AD 57 ->56 and Q scale from 0.5 -> 0.49

I know you're joking with this post, but, that Nerf would probably take 1% win rate off of him. Just saying!

Please be gentle with your downvotes...


Originally posted by 4_fortytwo_2

True, I just dont think it will be a big impact on total viewer numbers, especially past the first few days. But I guess we will see how it turns out.

They already did this once and the viewership drop was huge


Originally posted by GMcFlare

What are your thoughts on Jg Ekko for this first week, and general junglers that we might see?

Jungle ekko is too slow imo. Hard aggro junglers are best right now


Originally posted by DrHouse064

I dont know who will show up, but I hope its Sett because I wanna see your Sett cosplay.

Sett is disabled for week 1!


Originally posted by 4_fortytwo_2

The riot games channel is gonna host the lec channel. I really dont think there will be a big loss in viewership.

less people watch hosts than live streams


Hey! We're back for 2020 :) Let me know what you think of the episodes and which champs will show up! LEC is back tomorrow!!

    /u/Jatt on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Spiderdye

Not sure if you’ll read this Jatt but anyways I really enjoy the podcast.

However, I’m not sure if it was just me, but I found your 100T episode pretty much a summary of Dash’s interview. That’s probably my fault for watching both pieces of content. Maybe in the future it would be better to choose a guest that wasn’t recently taking about the team.

Just my opinion though

I do read these, thanks for the feedback :)

22 Jan


Originally posted by lllIIlIIIlllI

Ah, then the article is formulated a bit ambiguous for those who don't know that.

After the positive response to last year’s co-streaming program during Rift Rivals 2019, we’ve decided to test co-streaming for a longer period of professional League of Legends. Because of this, we will continue the co-streaming pilot program for the 2020 LCS Spring Split. The pilot program will again be limited to a select group of creators so we can continue to track the impact on the individual streamers and our broadcast. For the LCS Spring Split, co-streaming will only be available to members of the NA League Partner Program, Oceanic League Partner Program, and LCS/Academy teams. ... The co-streaming policy also varies per region so please keep in mind that this pilot program policy only applies to the LCS broadcasts

They make it sound as if it's their first co-stream programme after RR.

Are there co-streamers for LEC too?


Sorry for the confusion here! This is NA's first co-streaming program since Rift Rivals 2019. All regions have different policies for co-streaming so this announcement is coming to you from the NA esports team and applies to LCS broadcasts only.

    /u/Jatt on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by retrospace4

As an avid podcast listener, this week has been perfect for me, from JLXP to the Dive to Euphoria. Thanks for the great content Jatt! Love the history dives into each team and personality.

Thank you!


Originally posted by MrAmazingApple

Hey /u/RiotDrakos is Yamato a guest or a host?

I'll pop in and take this question! I'm Triaged— the Producer for Season 5 of EUphoria, and a Broadcast Producer for the LEC. I hope you don't mind that I'm using the answer to this question as a jumping-off point to discuss some of the other changes in EUphoria this season...

This year brings changes to our talent lineup on the LEC which extend to EUphoria. More information on this is coming out in our Spring 2020 talent announcement releasing soon(tm), so I'll try to answer to the best of my abilities without spoiling information that hasn't been released yet.

In Season 5 of the podcast, Drakos will serve as the series' only regular host. The former "co-host seat” will now feature a rotation of familiar and new faces to the show; it will mostly go to the special guests that we have on our analyst desk on the LEC.

For this weekend on the LEC broadcast, Yamatocannon will be joining us on the analyst desk— and as such we have him joining Drakos on EUphoria f...

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Originally posted by Averdian

Probably not your area, but put timestamps in a pinned comment on YouTube. They’re not clickable in the description on mobile, but in a comment they are (The Dive and other podcasts does this)

I'll check this out!


Originally posted by RiotDrakos

Hey all,

Lots of new changes coming for this EUphoria season, a new set, new guests and more focused content. Let me know what you think and also if you have any great ideas for EUphoria that you would love to share.

For those asking, here are each of the respective tier lists Imgur

And as always, if you ask questions that are answered by listening to the podcast, I'll call you a clown. Much love!

Hijacking Drakos' comment here for a second to introduce myself!

I'm John "Triaged" Depa, and starting this season, I'm on EUphoria as it's Producer! (Normally I work the weekly LEC broadcast, and I now do this in addition!)

You may see me appear in these threads from time to time to answer questions. If you have anything production-related that you'd like to share or ask, feel free to give me a shout!


Originally posted by MentionMyName4Karma

Rank Yamato Frosk Drakos
1 Perkz Jankos Jankos
2 Wunder Mikyx Perkz
3 Rekkles Perkz Rekkles
4 Mikyx Rekkles Hylissang
5 Xerxe Nemesis Wunder
6 Cabochard Caps Mikyx
7 Jankos Xerxe Upset
8 Caps Forgiven Nemesis
9 Nemesis Upset Caps
10 Alphari Vander Alphari
11 Hylissang Larssen Xerxe
12 Nukeduck Hylissang Cabochard
13 Selfmade Cae...
Read more


Thanks for making this here in the comments!


Originally posted by MrPraedor

Hey Drakos.

Out of the players who left LEC. Who would have made your list and what position they would be.

Most likely Broxah and Kobbe make the list, hard to know for sure who they replace but neither would be top 10. Jiizuke is a hard one because if he is back in form I think he a contender for top 3 mid but its one of those "I'll believe it when I see it," kind of things.


Originally posted by Craps-caps

How the duck you put jankos first when he can't play qiyana.

I won't listen to the podcast and just flame you for it


Trust me, we flamed his Qiyana too.


Originally posted by RogueGG

We are a simple org,
We see EUphoria,
We listen.

But don't you talk shit about Woolite and HeaQ!

Why would I need to talk sh*t? You relegated him, I think that says enough.


Originally posted by EllieTales

I think top 20 lists are a cool & fun thing to do but I found it quite difficult to follow and remember three lists of 20 people at the same time.

Just my opinion but I'd love top 5 lists in each role and maybe a shorter list of overall players.

I agree, if we do something like this again I'll make sure we get a graphic to follow along with. But also probably stick to top 10 because 20 is just too many to get through in an hour.


Originally posted by Lync51

It's cool that you link the tier lists. I'm in school for 4 more hours so I won't be able to listen to it that fast, so it's nice to see the lists you all did!

Don't call me clown please

All good! Just don't start hard flaming before you hear the arguments. ha ha