League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

30 Jan


Hey, just wanted to hop in here because some of the comments are pretty upsetting. The best thing you can do here, as someone else said, is to file a ticket through the Support website. There should be a place where you can upload screenshots and reporting at the end of game shouldn’t prevent you from doing so. If you are having trouble doing that, please PM me and I’ll help walk you through it.

My Reddit name is the same as my in game name so I encounter this kind of behavior pretty often (was... not worse, but different, before I also had Riot in my name). You are absolutely within your rights to report this person and also to be upset by this. No one should have to go through this and just resign themselves to it because “that’s how games are,” in League or any other game. This kind of stuff feels awful and “ignore it” and “move on” are not helpful advice here. I hear you.

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Originally posted by Caenen_

Alright, that explains everything left I was still wondering about (although, pretty sure at least on 9.24 when I shot the video for my bug report he just kept shooting crits, not 4th shots)! Thanks for tackling the initial thing and this follow-up, in any case. Next patch, another classic bug will officially be history.

...please do make sure to put it in the patch notes this time, though! :^)

Edit: typo

Kinda late, but we put bugs in the patch notes in a pretty ad-hoc fashion. Like, if we think it's either a big bug that's important to let players know about or if we think it'll make players happy to know it was fixed, we'll let Shio Shoujo know so she can include it. We fix a lot more bugs every patch than make it into the patch notes, which is why things like "When Jhin runs his very suboptimal keystone, he will no longer very occasionally become unable to 4th shot" didn't make the grade for me.

Thanks for everything you do, btw. I always appreciate finding your repro steps when I'm trying to stomp a bug.


Originally posted by brend70

Hey, thanks for all the work, I love the euphoria podcast! I would ask, as a audio only listener could we get a bit more introduction when some people talk, for instance in this episode when the rookies were talking, I have no idea what the rookies sound like, I know all their names though, maybe start with "hi I'm (player)..." Then go into the segment.

This is super awesome to hear, no pun intended!

One of my big goals for this season is identifying where we can do a better job for our audio-only listeners, as... after all, we are a podcast!

This is a great callout, and as we look to having more micro-interviews in this style, we'll be sure to take this into account. Let me know if you have other thoughts on what would make the experience better for you as an audio-only listener!

If you don't mind me asking, how are the new things like breaks coming across from your perspective?

    /u/AzuBK on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by srukta

now its "i guess we are glued together with a demon. welp im angry man now."

A classic trope, really.

    /u/AzuBK on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Thanks for sharing your story. It's always great to get reminders like this of why positive representation is so important, and I'm super happy that you found your acceptance right away. Hold those friends close!

I'm also gay, and, when I first started at Riot, this was shown during our orientation as a sneak peek of cool upcoming stuff. That was definitely a reaffirming moment for my decision to work here and made me more comfortable with my identity in the workplace.


I'm so so so hyped for this game 😛😛😛


Originally posted by Yoyo524

New player here, so how do you deal with Vayne top? And why don’t more ppl use her top

You cannot beat a good Vayne 1v1 as most melees, only if you get help from jungler or if shes bad

Dont waste your dash if you champ has one engaging on her unless its to help a gank, use it always defensively.

Get a sweeper post 6 to see the silhouette when shes invisible

Also people dont play her top for 2 reasons: picking her is asking good enemy junglers to camp the living sh*t of her because shes squishy.

The code of the top lane is melee good ranged bad.. though this is a very small percentage of us


Originally posted by SoulvG

It's a shame they didn't just have Peter Dunn on for the whole episode. Feel like he has a lot more stories to tell, seems like a super knowledgable guy. Good episode

Hopefully we can have Peter join us for more episodes of the show in the future! /u/pcdv8r, you down? :)


Originally posted by Vike275

A gif from my editor to you: https://i.imgur.com/qLiO74v.gif


Originally posted by Prottek

2020 LEC production, all the intros and hype videos are just on another level - love it!

Thanks man, we put a lot of effort and work into the videos and comments like this make it all worthwhile!


Originally posted by Kiroqi

Mikyx with anime glasses push up pose, lol. I don't know if it was his idea, the production team or both, but he could really build himself a good brand around silly thing like that (he's into the stuff anyway). Especially since esports and animanga fandoms seems to me like they could overlap. Untapped potential there.

Anyway, great hype video. Much production value.

TY. Honestly Miky has so much character and is lovely to work with, he is always incredibly adaptable and expressive whenever we do shoots. Glad you enjoyed the video!


Originally posted by [deleted]


Unfortunately I have opted to have a predominantly Poro-based construction crew, and we get distracted every so often when they ask for snacks...


Originally posted by TheRealJustOne

Seriously, where the hell is the damn counterplay? Who do you even play into that, fiora? Morde? HOW? You do anything to that guy and he destroys half your hp bar with one ability at lv 1-2, gtfoh!!

While also shielding for half his hp making all your efforts to fight back useless


Originally posted by HindryckxRobin

i know, i prefer an illaoi or mordekaiser above a kayle all day

Yea kayle just pussy q e q e w if you manage to get too close q e, now shes ranged you die


Originally posted by rakaig

What about Lucian top players?

Lucian has only 1 dash, Vayne has a shorter cd one, true damage, knockback and invis which is cancer in a 1v1 as melee


Hey friends! Since we're in the second week of EUphoria I wanted to take the chance to say that a lot of changes are in store for this season. A new time (Thursdays, 12pm), a new set (soon TM), and new topics to provide a deeper look into the world of Europe's competitive scene.

As we keep at it, please feel free to comment or hop into my messages here to let us know what you think.

Also, as Drakos teased at the end of the show, I may be in charge of planning the outcome of this bet come the end of the split. I'm open to any and all suggestions. :)


Originally posted by Hronos47

Why wasn't froskurinn in this episode? Can't watch right now. Edit: what I meant with ,can't watch right now, is that I was busy. But I enjoy the quality of this show. Keep up the good work guys !!!!

I made a comment in the last thread with updates to EUphoria in Season 5— you can check it out here!

TL;DR - Among other changes in the show for this season, changes in our talent lineup in the LEC have had some impact on EUphoria as well. For now, Drakos is the series' only regular host, and our "co-host seat" will regularly feature the guests that we have on the LEC.


Originally posted by ScrufyTheJanitor

Be honest, how much are you dreading top lane karma if she starts seeing pro play? As a viewer it's kind of whatever, but I imagine she makes your job as a caster pretty difficult. Hard to get viewers excited at her passive lane phase.

Thankfully there are three lanes to cover, so I tend to not care about how interesting any individual lane is when casting.

It's the teamfights that become very xd


Originally posted by Neurotossina

That's really nice but I'm on EU West :D I've stopped playing wow last summer, had to give the GM to one of my officer but the group is still going strong :D

RIP. Well, glhf Summoner/Champion of Azeroth!

Originally posted by ThatRaggedyMan

Why were the lowermost soldiers slower than the rest?

who can know these things