League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

20 Jan


Originally posted by CSDragon

Hi Bellissimoh, do you have a twitter or other way to ask you questions without hijacking the last reddit thread you posted in?

I was wondering where Quinn falls on the "champs that have been waiting too long for a skin" scale. She's nowhere near the same level of some of the worst offenders, but she was one of the most mentioned champs in the thread for people asking "why wasn't X on the list?" along with Kayle (but Kayle just got a VGU)

Can’t give exact details for every champ and skin coming up this year. Can say that there are more skins coming than what was listed in the video.

We only enumerated the ones that are either already in production, or have a spot in our roadmap where we have confidence it won’t change or shift. There are other skins for other champs, but we won’t be revealing each and every skin we’re making this year.

Sometimes our roadmap changes due to different production challenges, and we don’t want to go out and make a ton of promises we can’t keep.


Originally posted by Magehunter_Skassi

Hey, appreciate the response. I remember seeing that article posted here back when it was first published, although incorrectly remembered the four buckets as being three.

Just a few short questions about that if you had a bit more time: What would you (or more broadly speaking, the balance team) consider to be mid elo? It was a term used in the recent 10.1 patchnotes to explain Kassadin's nerf. Would that be synonymous with the skilled play bucket, or be somewhere in the average play bucket?

Unsure unfortunately. Usually we still reference those buckets internally so I'm not sure why we went with mid elo here (but I'm neither on the balance team nor a comms person so I might be missing context). If I had to guess "mid tier" would be approximately gold, which rides the line between average/skilled, which may be why we went with mid tier in this situation.


Originally posted by Magehunter_Skassi

that mention completely shook my understanding of how riot operates. i didn't realize they were actually balancing for mid elo games at all which would explain a lot of confusing buffs/nerfs i've seen

Would encourage you to check out this link. The criteria within the 4 buckets are being iterated on and I don't think we've released any further updates, but the 4 buckets are still correct in that those are the bands of play considered.


Originally posted by Sunfur69

That punch on vayne... what the f**k

That was Sett W + GP Q, they probably did about the same amount of damage


I'm the biggest Sett support fan in the world but GP did all the work there :P

19 Jan


Originally posted by [deleted]


Also, 20s cooldown on hexflash or something. Think he'll be ok.


So much value holy


Abuse of the system is definitely something that we take very seriously. Behavioral volatility in games takes away the agency at which you can perform and progress to the best of your ability. Any attempt to undermine the validity of your hard work by circumventing the system is just not ok.

We're actively taking a look at ways we can better protect all players from negative behaviors out of their control so you have a fair and even playing field as much as possible.

18 Jan


How utterly obnoxious. That's URF for you, I guess!


I just miss wriggles lantern on lee sin!!! :'(


Originally posted by Enjays1

There are rumours about a DACH team absolutely smurfing in scrims, even against most LEC teams. I wonder if it's them.

Where do those rumors come from?


/u/Happeeheart is one step closer to finding the first key. First to the key, first to the egg.


Honestly, I'm a big fan of Stapus. Super positive attitude and really engaged with her community.


Originally posted by EU_Kolymorph

Ryze should be just made of mana, e.g. he would use combination of health and mana as both his hp and resource for spells. Kind of like manabased-vladimir

Who the f*ck keeps leaking this stuff! I need to go have a talk with info-sec.


Originally posted by absolutely_motivated



Set 2 of TFT is balanced. No nerfs planned at this time.


Originally posted by -Gaka-

inb4 Ryze's next rework removes mana costs from his abilities, but his ap scalings are now mana scalings, and you still gotta build tear.

Wait, who leaked this?!


Originally posted by [deleted]


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