League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

18 Jan


Originally posted by blodsteel

My boy Floodz has an amazing atmosphere in his stream. Never whines about the games how bad they may go (he loses alot ;)). He streams every day but sunday, 5pm to 11pm est. Go check him out if you want a stream to chill in and chat with an amazing community.

Hard agree - Floodz is my boy and has a hefty dose of PMA. Generally good guy and plays a mean twitch. Not in challenger, but plays in high diamond every year and puts on a good show.

    /u/Jatt on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Ezreal024

I was hoping Jatt would make a Guild Wars 1 podcast instead, shame tbh

I actually did two episodes of the J.A.T.T show in like 2008 for Guild Wars as a live "radio show" and got like 200 viewers.. it was on the rebel rising website which I think is also gone. lol

17 Jan


My first thought is that you'd send your botlane top at the start of the game.


Always love seeing VFX Fan Arts! If you're looking for some feedback, I can send you some, but I really love the idea and your colors! :D

Can't wait to see your next one!

    /u/Jatt on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Elm_road

Are those podcasts going to be available through Apple podcasts? I just want the audio version to listen to

Yeah. Apple podcasts usually takes a little bit to get the first podcast on a new channel up, but should be available upon release of all subsequent episodes. (Same for spotify as far as I'm told). I'll tweet out links for all the platforms it'll be on as soon as I have them

    /u/Jatt on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Oh cool, a reddit thread!

Happy to finally get this out into the wild -- the first 5 episodes are going to be previews like this of all 10 LCS teams, so be on the lookout for episodes 2-5 next week.

Looking more broadly, i'm excited to continue to do content like this throughout the year; rapid reactions to stories, more tangential conversations like meta or solo Q, or even just quick thoughts heading into an LCS weekend. Think a bit like the Bill Simmons podcast, but with LoL as the focus, for those that are familiar.

Hope you enjoy episode 1! More to come next week


Originally posted by ChuzCuenca

So there is no chance of getting AP Brusier items this year?

I'm assuming formally introducing AP Brusiers requires a lot of work in the hole AP ecosystem so I'm not surprised if this is delayed until the next preseason.

Any large AP bruiser item work would likely be a preseason project yeah. Smaller stuff's possible, though don't want to guarantee anything in that regard either given we're still in the planning stages for longer term work for the year.


Originally posted by DoubleGio

Quick check here - is it lack of SR discussion/balance changes that gives you that reaction or are there other topics you also wish were being covered here?


Originally posted by StunningPlatypus7

The thing is, they never really address any big issues in the game in these posts. It's not really the function of these posts to announce big changes though - It's "quick gameplay thoughts" not "here's the AP bruiser rework guys"/"jungle is OP again guys" type of stuff, we would at best see a small footnote about them in posts like this.

Pretty much. Big announcements we'll do through more formal and polished approaches like Dev Videos, Nexus articles, Riot Pls etc. My hope with these posts is to cover things that we don't get to in those places, or to provide additional context/rationale on things we do cover there that some people want to dig deeper into.


I see the Jhin build diversify is working out nicely for you there. 🙃


Originally posted by imjunsul

I think you missed the logic with kindred and taric's ult combined, and how long they stayed inside lol.. yeah we've all seen ryze ult there before lol

they do nothing cause fountain ignores both, the thing is ryze ult tps minions into fountain, and fountain focuses minions over champions

16 Jan


We'd probably need an extremely compelling reason to do anything that makes a player quitting the game have a positive impact on their team's chances to win.


Is Chris Smith the person to drag LCS out of TL oppression?


Originally posted by [deleted]


Thanks for understanding, but keep up the good fight. Priorities are based on what player's want so the more people want all content localized for every region the more likely it'll happen. Don't let me discourage you, but now you know why I work on helping third-party developers. The dev community does some great things for players.


Originally posted by RiotTuxedo

To my knowledge, the solution to this problem isn't as easy as enabling the option to select any language in any region. An implementation of this done poorly, could make the whole client experience worse. So from my perspective, it's either we leave it how it is or we commit to doing it the right way which will take more time than we can spare.

I understand that this is something that players want, which is why I came into this topic originally to say if you modify the client to enable another language it's unlikely you'll get banned. However if you download a program to do this for you and the program does something shady, you're also risking getting banned so exercise caution.

/u/HOUNDfre as for your edit,

edit: can you actually explain why is it such a resource-draining job when third-party apps can already do this? I understand that no way im getting an honest answer here but whatever, asking doesn't hurt

There's two sides to this. Why can third-party apps do this and why does it take a lot of time for Riot to do this correctly. When a player modifies their own client, either by themselves or via a third-party app, then the changes are localized to them. If the client breaks it only affects them and they can easily just re-install the client or remove the app. If we do this and it's done poorly, it'll affect millions of players.

Now we're wandering into territory that I'm not the subject matter expert (sme) on so some of what I say ...

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    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by La_vert

You guys have some internal communication problems on LB: https://twitter.com/LaurieGoulding/status/1217204179296407552 . I don't know the riot handle of hers, but she wrote LBs lore and repeatedly disputed LB is guile on twitter and when asked why are you saying LB is guile she said: https://twitter.com/LaurieGoulding/status/1217200274495787008

Hmm guess I misunderstood, that LB, she can be so deceptive


Originally posted by [deleted]


To my knowledge, the solution to this problem isn't as easy as enabling the option to select any language in any region. An implementation of this done poorly, could make the whole client experience worse. So from my perspective, it's either we leave it how it is or we commit to doing it the right way which will take more time than we can spare.

I understand that this is something that players want, which is why I came into this topic originally to say if you modify the client to enable another language it's unlikely you'll get banned. However if you download a program to do this for you and the program does something shady, you're also risking getting banned so exercise caution.


Originally posted by [deleted]


Because I felt like your impression was inaccurate. We're not ignoring it, I know the work to do this has been considered. So now I have the option of completely ignoring your comment or replying as best as I can while attempting to not sound dismissive or combative because I disagree with your assessment. Of the two options, I'd like to reply to you because the topic appears to mean enough to you that you left a reply, but I think maybe I shouldn't have. You didn't get an answer you wanted, I didn't really change your mind, and I probably do look dismissive or combative.


Originally posted by [deleted]


While I understand you believe this is something that should already exist in the client, there are reasons why it's not. The simplest of those reasons is that there is other work in the client that's higher priority.